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First Time Nationals


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With the formal squad schedule, you'll have a lot of time to watch other shooters in other squads. And with a big squad & memories of how other squads already shot the stage, you'll have plenty of time to think about "how do I shoot this stage really fast" or something similar.

The human mind gets its exercise by looking for problems to solve. Even when you can't actually do anything to effect an outcome, you "practice" problem-solving. Or call it worry. This is why guys will watch 3 NFL games in a row, with their blood pressure elevated the whole time. Or why my wife watches CSI about 5 times a week.

Don't think too much. See all the people shoot, see the pretty team shirts, make new friends, thank the RO's, get enough sleep at night. And don't wring your hands too much, thinking you're at the "more important" match. With the right attitude, it's the "more fun" match. Just see your sights, call your shots, and shoot your game.

PS - You'll be tempted to put in more practice this week. Make sure your technique is crisp, clear, and steady, regardless of time. Practice visual patience - insist on small aiming points and solid sight pictures. Don't rush. My 2c...

Edited by eric nielsen
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This will be my first time at nationals as well. I can' t tell you how excited I am to go! I'm glad you posted this question, as I was thinking about doing the same thing a while back.

I was lucky enough to get into squad #14 (the one just before the limited super squad). I am shooting limited and I figure the ability to watch the other shooters could be a benefit? Or maybe I'm wrong. Is there any special difficulties with following a supersquad (camera's etc...) that you wouldn't normally get with, say, squad 1 or 2?

Does anyone know if the golf carts come with little roofs over the top or are they open? I just did a forecast check and it looks like sunny and 93 on Sunday and low to mid 90's and a chance of rain both Monday and Tuesday...It is still early though.

Eric, thanks for your words. Now if I can just follow them. I am such a competetive person and I always want to be the best. I know what it'll take, I just have to keep telling myself that. I just started USPSA shooting last fall (2004) and I am a B class limited shooter. I always seem to botch the classifiers, and do well on the field courses (I am competative with the M class limited shooters in my area).

I'm really looking foreword to meeting new shooters from around the country, and of course to watching the super squad... but I also....must....concentrate.... :ph34r:

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Golf Carts have had roofs the previous 2 years.

Following Super Squad, you may be a little behind schedule.

Shoot your game. Watch your sights.

Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. Stay hydrated and don't forget 2 eat.

Be prepared for inclement weather. Rain, Thunderstorms, Hail.

Humidity & HEAT like South Louisiana.


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Welcome to squad #14! You'll have a great time. A large portion of the squad is from the Tampa, Florida area and we include shooters from GM (shooting production) down to C. We are all competitive in our own way and we will have a good time. :)

Most of the golf carts did have roofs and they sure are great for the hill climb for the upper stages. Living down here at about +10' above sea level does not prepare one for the big hike up the hill! I still think there should be an oxygen bottle up there next to the water cooler. :lol:

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Wow. Hadn't thought about ticks. :unsure:

My squad (15) is shooting just ahead of the L10 Soopah-Squad.

Humidity and heat like South Lousiana is no problem. Being from Area 4, we're used to that! :lol:

I am really looking forward to my first Nationals!


PS - Dave Dawson mentioned to me that the Jamaican team will be there. Should be sand flying everywhere, ya mon! :wacko:

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All of this talk about hills and golf carts has prompted a question. We know what squad we are in and we know what stage we start on, but which stage is assigned to which bays? I haven't seen any info on this. I made a one day trip to Pasa last year just to see what the nationals was all about so I know what the range looks like. Would it be safe to guess that the chrono and Dark House are in the same place and start counting bays / stages from there? I'm guessing the crazy "Taxi" thing is in the same place off by itself up the hill. Anybody have any intel?

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And these are available at the range?


The sandwiches, yes. At least, they used to be last time I was there, in '98. If they're not, now, it should be considered a felony.... ;)

The Patio Pork Chop is at The Patio restraunt, in downtown Quincy. It's the in-house restraunt at the Hotel Elkton. You *CANNOT* miss *that* meal!!! :) It will likely be busy during the match, so get there early one night - they've run out of the pork chops in the past, IIRC....

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Two things to remember:

Patio Pork Chop (which is really a pork steak!)

Pork Chop Sandwiches at PASA Park!!!

mmmmmmmmmmm <drool>

And these are available at the range?



Absolutely! ON range (air conditioned) facility, Smith & Wesson Hall has a kitchen. They serve burgers, pork chop sandwiches, grilled chicken (I think), salads, pie, cookies during lunch hours. Don't remember if they serve breakfast.

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Sorry Dave, looks like I will still be shooting B class for Nat's.  Appears that some of the matches I shot last month did not turn in classifiers.

We turned in the classifiers for the Ohio match (check your other thread for details). They did some hand-holding on those today at USPSA.

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i also like to shoot the nationals with brand new socks, nothing feels better than a good pair of socks.

welcome to A class cameron. uspsa did an update early this morning.

congrats jake for making top 10 in the country. you've come a long way in a short matter of time. ahhh to be 20 again, can't believe i'm saying that i used to be that kid but not anymore. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
Two things to remember:

Patio Pork Chop (which is really a pork steak!)

Pork Chop Sandwiches at PASA Park!!!

mmmmmmmmmmm <drool>

Mmmmmmmmmmm <drool> is right!

Went to The Patio tonight. You were right on target, Dave.

The best meal we've had here. :wub:

FYI, TJ's didn't wow us. :unsure:


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I have compared this event to being a college football player that has watched the Rose Bowl on TV since he was a kid and then being able to actually play in the game...it was how I described it before going. I firmly believe it now. Even if you didn't win, you were able to play in the biggest game of your life and it is something no one will ever be able to take away from you for the rest of your life.

The experience was overwhelming....more so on the way home than while it was happening. On the 8 hour drive home I revisited the match in my mind a hundred times. This may sound stupid to some but it was as if I had passed a rite of passage.

The actual match was such a test of endurance, problem solving, and concentration that I didn't have time to think "I'm shooting in the biggest match of my life" and not once during the match did I get the jitters about being at The Nationals. The heat, terrain, challenging stages, level of competitors, etc. made it the most exhilarating thing I've ever done in my shooting experiences.

Special thanks to my squad-mates on squad 20 for an excellent experience. I hope to shoot with all of them again real soon. It was awesome.

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And make sure you ask Steve Anderson what food to stay away from....and why. ;):P

That picture should be the cover on his second book! :lol: "S@#T stories by Steve Anderson: An Odyssey in Culinary Shooting"

Cheeseburger at the Nationals - good

Pork chop sandwich at the Nationals - a little dry but O.K.

Brat at the Nationals - decent but potentially dangerous

Chicken sandwich at the Nationals - assume the SA stance and pray for rain. :lol:

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If they are out of burgers, NEVER, EVER, EVER eat the chicken.

You will unload and show clear. That was last year. :)

Me to Flexmoney: Hey man, pull over by that porta-pot

Flex: We're almost to the stage

Me: Pull over NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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