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5 or 6 days of not know what the heck is goin on, do I nned to get my family out of town, do I need to go to work on monday, should I schedule meetings for next week, is a tree going to fall into my house, is a lake going to fall into my house . . .

I am way to much of a control freak to live below sea level. . .

God bless whever this D*^%n storm hits.

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Emily went right through my September vacation spot, the Yucatan Peninsula, aka the Mayan Riviera. It doesn't sound like there's major structural damage but I gotta wonder what it's going to be like when I get there. BTW, September is hurricane season, not July. Oh joy.

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You would like to think that because the early part of the season has been so active that the latter part would sizzle out. Unfortunatly, the National Hurricane Center is predicting a very active season.

Here's hoping the west coast of Africa is through throwing storms at us for the year.


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Well, whenever you all get good and sick 'n tired of disastrous storms and rebuilding your homes/towns/lives several months out of each year, just mosey on out to Oregon where the weather is temperate, mellow and doesn't destroy your life... and you don't have to worry yourselves sick with stress every year.

Seriously. <_<

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From the FEMA Web Page:


Volcanic eruptions are most likely in the Pacific Rim states of Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California. The chance of eruptions that could damage populated areas is the greatest for the active volcanoes of Hawaii and Alaska. Active volcanoes of the Cascade Mountain Range in California, Oregon, and Washington have created problems recently. The danger area around a volcano covers approximately a 20-mile radius. Some danger may exist 100 miles or more from a volcano, leaving Montana and Wyoming at risk.


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  • 1 month later...
5 or 6 days of not know what the heck is goin on, do I nned to get my family out of town, do I need to go to work on monday, should I schedule meetings for next week, is a tree going to fall into my house, is a lake going to fall into my house . . .

I am way to much of a control freak to live below sea level. . .

God bless whever this D*^%n storm hits.

Well, here I am again, same story, this time I fled, I left new orleans, I am now a ways west, but still in the realm of getting hit. . . had to stop where I had a place to lay.

And my dang match for tomorrow is CANCELED!

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This is looking really ugly and the news idjots aren't helping much! I'm really really really hoping that they are overstating ALL of it. But in any case, I have a feeling Dave, Merlin and Nemo will be in Louisiana and/or Alabama by the end of tomorrow.

Y'all stay safe. We'll be praying for you and for those in the path of this b*tch!

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I'm really really really hoping that they are overstating ALL of it.

Take it from an engineer, a water engineer, who lives in New Orleans; while what they are predicting may not come true, it is one hundred percent possible with the right storm on the right track. I am currently a couple hundred miles west of home, and I am planning on finding me and the wife new jobs in a new city. It is possible enough that it is worth thnking about and making rough plans for.

I hope none of this happens

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In addition, I HATE:

seeing my neighborhood on television from a helicopter with only the roofs not under water. . . . oh well, not much we can do until they let us back in, ,, , ,not really much I can do then either I guess..

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This one outta blow McMeanus' kilt up!!!  RUN TROY RUN!!!!!    :ph34r:  :blink::D

Troy is in Seattle. He was our instructor for a Level 1 RO Seminar this past weekend at Albany Rifle & Pistol Club.

He was supposed to fly back to Baton Rouge today, I don't know if he was able to or not, I expect not.

And no, he didn't wear a kilt....

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I checked on Prairieville, LA (Troy) at weather.com yesterday while the eye of the hurricane was over Slidell, LA (just north and east of New Orleans) and while Prairieville had 25-40 mph winds and a lot of rain it didn’t look TOO serious. Jerry and Kay are just east of Shreveport (NW corner of the state) and should be fine.

I mentioned to Troy on Sunday that it must be hard stuck in Oregon teaching a class while the storm was bearing down on his family and his reply to me was “my wife handles everything and the only job she gives me is to get the heavy furniture off of the porch!” He has a generator to keep the fridge going, he wasn’t worried.


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This isn't good. And, its going to be a long fall and winter for a lot of people. I've seen some stuff i thought I'd never see, but I don't think any of that can prepare me for what we're about to walk into.

Nemo - is USACE doing the blue-roof project again? Stay in touch.

Merlin - stay in touch and let me know when you land somewhere. Stay dry and stay safe.

If you're in the residential construction business and are having trouble finding work where you are, I know of a few hundred thousand folks that will need some help.

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