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What Does Practical Shooting Mean To You?

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Practical Shooting... What I like about it.........

The smell of burning nitrocellulose

The ring of steel

BS'ing with companions

Fellowship of the 'Ring' (of steel... you know like the movie only....not the movie...just friends...hmmm kinda punny but didn't go over very well, huh??? Must actually fit with my third item :) )



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Thanks all.

Time to redirect the assignment at bit. Think about the *meaning* instead of the *actions*. Why do we do this? In the end there really is no logical reason to *need* to become a master or grand-master. So, it must *mean* something to go on this journey.

What is that? Really think about it before you post. I've been thinking about this on and off for months now, and I'm not *really* sure why I'm doing what I am other than being infected with some sort of madness that propels me on.

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I do it because nothing else I have ever done recreationally gives me the pleasure and satisfaction that shooting does. I can see improvement year after year. It is just plain fun, challenging, and rewarding. I shoot every weekend with my closest friends, and I get lots of support at home. Good clean fun, getting better at something, and friendship all in one.

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Why, you ask?  Because it's so very hard ---- and to steal a line from A League of Their Own, the hard is what makes it great.

Could not agree more, I do this because I have to work myself to death to move up from D to C and C to B etc.

And lets face it, shooting with GM speed and accuracy is pretty damn cool.

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I do it because its who I am. Like breathing, like eating.

IPSC is not something I do, it's something I am.

As all of you know - I go through spurts of not pulling a trigger. Not competiting. Over the years I've noticed that when times get so busy that I can't shoot - I lose direction. After a spell of this, a couple of months maybe, I notice it. I notice not having that "thing."

I go shoot, I compete, and somehow the rest of my life gets back together. Refocused. Things happen for me when I shoot because I'm a better person.

So to get really, really corny "shooting completes me"

Aaahhhh - so sweet. :D

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Meditation is a big part of my life. I discovered in college that I *NEED* meditation in order to keep my psyche glued together and my brain organized enough to keep moving forward. The more stress I am under, the more important meditation is to retaining my sanity.

Shooting is very much a meditation thing for me; only a lot noisier. :D Meditation requires focus and so does shooting. The big advantage shooting has over straight meditation is that it provides feedback very rapidly.

The potential for intense competition helps to drive the focus deeper. When it is all running right the feeling is awesome! I mostly compete against myself but some friendly competition with others really gets the juice going.

Then there is the continual battle between the mental and the physical...finding the balance point.

It is that continual drive to find "the feeling", "the zone", "the groove", whatever you want to call it. Find it, hold on to it, enjoy it...that is what shooting is for me.

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"Reading" (calling) and adapting.


I forgot planning. Actually - adapting, by reading what's actually happening, within a precise plan. Okay, I'm gonna start over. Now that I've re-read the question I realized I "added" to it.

Practical shooting means to use whatever means necessary to hit the target as quickly as possible.


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  • 3 months later...
Thanks all.

Time to redirect the assignment at bit.  Think about the *meaning* instead of the *actions*.  Why do we do this?  In the end there really is no logical reason to *need* to become a master or grand-master.  So, it must *mean* something to go on this journey.

What is that?  Really think about it before you post.  I've been thinking about this on and off for months now, and I'm not *really* sure why I'm doing what I am other than being infected with some sort of madness that propels me on.

I think IPSC presents a unique challenge. A good stage is like a little brain teaser challenging you to find the solution...the best method (for you) to shoot it.

After the the challenge of coming up with a plan, you get move quickly and assertively to put that plan into action; and in IPSC, there is some emphasis on "action!" The method of doing this is unlike anything most of us do within bounds of our regular lives outside of IPSC, so we enjoy the thrill of doing something different from our daily routine.

I think the combination of the initial problem-solving and the very engaging method of carrying out your proposed "solution" to the problem can result in a very unique sense of accomplishment, especially when you do well.

Furthermore, I think luck plays less of a factor in IPSC than in some other games. Except for a few classic stages like an "El Prez" or some standard exercises, the stages are never the same. To do well, you must develop certain skills to such a degree that you can competently apply them to new, previously unseen problems/stages...you can't get by solely based on any sort of rote memorization or constant repetition of shooting the same stage. I think the recognition of this skill development is particularly gratifying to many.

Unfortunately, I haven't shot as much as I would have liked to over the last few years due to school obligations. However, I'm happy to say that's all about to change! :D

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