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Idiots At Fast Food Restaraunts.


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I run thru a drive thru restaraunt every day, maybe twice. Just about every time in the last couple of weeks my order is wrong. Hell, they ask me to repeat it 4 or 5 times and still get it wrong. Most of the employees are just warm bodies with an IPSC style shirt on. I would bet you if the management offered $20 an hour to one competent person instead of 3 or 4, things would run much smoother. It's called paying attention and caring.

I feel better. :rolleyes:

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You can always top it off by rounding up the change to the next dollar after you initially pay them and they have entered it into the computer. It's like putting them in a round room and telling them to stand in the corner. :P

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Working people supposedly rise to the level of incompetence. People that can hold a better job usually do. I am just thankful that they are working - even if it is to my occasional irritation - rather than on the roll as a tax subsidized baby machine or standing on the corner asking for coffee change.... :(

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Alot of states offer tax rebates and other incenetives to companys to hire the bums on welfare rolls. So what you get is workers who are

P!ssed that they have to work instead of getting it all for free.

Don't get me started about welfare.

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Several of our local Carl's Jr hire mildly mentally handicapped people. I wish they would hire more!!!! They are the friendliest, most helpful employees in the place. Sometimes they are a little slow, but at least they try.

When I was doing a lot of international travel it was very aggravating to be able to order food in English in almost any country in the world (except for France :P ) then come home to America and I couldn't order a hamburger in English. Arrghhh!

Then I thought about it and realized, if I'm ordering food in Malaysia in English I'm not using the countries primary language. I'm ordering in a secondary language just as I have to do here in America?????? :blink:


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The local Taco Bell has started asking me to have my money ready when I pull up to the window, maybe this was a huge problem...people being surprised that they have to pay for the food they order. On one occasion there wasn't another car in front of me, so I roar up to the window with my 5 dollar bill clutched in my hand sticking out the window. About two minutes later when they come to the window, I asked them to please be ready to take my money when I get to the window. Blank stare is all I get.

I also hate Arby's. Our local store has a policy of one sauce pack per sandwich, extras a dime each. Previously if you ordered a single sandwich you could stock your frig with enough Horsey sauce to last 6 months. How about a happy medium like a 3 pack limit ya cheap ba$@%&s!

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i went to the local "Tim Horton's" yesterday, it's a coffee/donut type place, i asked for a small black coffee. the nobel prize winning rocket scientist behind the counter asks me "what would you like in it", i said, "nothing, just black". he says okay one small black and would you like cream or sugar in it. i again say "no i just want it black". he says "can you drink coffee black". i said "no it's illegal you better call the cops". i then received a blank stare for about 3 seconds, then i threw a $5 bill on the counter and told him to keep the change to help pay for his labotomy. as i walk away, he says "uh what". i had to just keep walking or i was going to pull out his spine and beat him with it. :wacko::wacko::wacko:

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..." "can you drink coffee black". i said "no it's illegal you better call the cops". i then received a blank stare for about 3 seconds,"...

Oridinarily, Eugene, Oregon is the Galactic Headquarters of the Blank Stare...

Interestingly, though, the closest Wendy's here seems to have hired better help... I walked in at 10am, ordered a double-cheeseburger (I was hungry and no other place in town that I know of will sell me a full burger before 11am) and was treated to some of the most courteous and cheery service I'd had in ages--at ANY fast food place. Actually this Wendy's opens with a full-blown lunch menu at 10am and I was a couple of minutes early. They just about fell over themselves apologizing for making me wait 'a couple of minutes' until they'd fully opened their food service counter. I was stunned.

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Hi SigLady

It might have something to do with the "finger" in the chili lawsuit that was fake(person who claimed was arrested for false report) but had Wendy's in trouble since it was National news. :blink:

My favorite is handing them $50.47 on a $6.47 bill. Most can't even enter it in the register to calculate change much less do it manually. I worked in a fast food place year ago and worked hard and proud. I have found similar fools in corporate america too. :o

PS You are welcome to all USPSA matches here. Quite a few are free the first time too.

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I don't frequent fast food places very often. But when I do, I am actually relieved when I come across an in-duh-vidual working the counter. That's because it means they aren't working at some other, potentially critical job...such as dispatcher or medical lab technician.

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I also hate Arby's.  Our local store has a policy of one sauce pack per sandwich, extras a dime each.  Previously if you ordered a single sandwich you could stock your frig with enough Horsey sauce to last 6 months.  How about a happy medium like a 3 pack limit ya cheap ba$@%&s!

Our Arbys here has started doing that as well, which sucks cause you need atleast 2 packets per sandwich. I love there sauce. Here is the recipe for it.

1 cup ketchup
2 teaspoons water
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon Tabasco pepper sauce

1. Combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan and cook over medium
heat, stirring constantly, until the sauce begins to boil,
5 to 10 minutes.

2. Remove the sauce from the heat. Cover and allow to cool.
3. Pour into a covered container for storage in your refrigerator.

Keeps for a month or two.
Makes 1 cup.

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Two of my favorite cashier stories...

1. I stop in at a little bait shop on the bay to buy some live blue crabs for dinner. They are priced at so much a pound but I made the mistake of telling the guy to just give me a dozen of them. He manages to load a dozen into a cooler for me no problem but then we get to the cash register and that's where the fun starts. It's hard to tell exactly what was going on over there but the guy was pushing buttons for about five minutes. I guess it had something to do with multiplying the price times the weight but from the work going into it he could have been computing the launch trajectory for a patriot missle. Anyway, he manages to completely lock up the register to the point where it will no longer respond and the cash drawer won't open so he has to call the manager over. By this time the poor old guy is just shaking and sweating over what is about to happen when the manager finds out what he's done. He tells him "Boss, I's don't know what happen but it won't open. I'm sure sorry but I don't know what to do". The manager just pats the guy on the shoulder reassuringly and says, "It's ok Bo, if you were perfect, you wouldn't work here". Every time I'm in a fast food place and the clerk can't do something for me, like selling me two cups of coffee but pour them straight into my travel mug so we don't waste two styrofoam cups because there's no "picture" of that sort of transaction on their register, I just think about Bo and it calms me right down.

2. I'm in a Walmart and I'm up to my old trick of checking out through the garden center because everyone know's what happens to you if you try to check out with two items in the regular lines up front when the register phone rings. The clerk answers and then starts thumbing through her product catalog while telling the customer on the phone that she "can't find no peat mop" in the catalog. I try to be helpful by suggesting that perhaps the customer said "peat moss" instead and pointed to the picture of a bag of peat moss. The clerk then tells the customer that "yeah, we've got that. Do you want 2.5 cuhfts, 4 cuhfts, or 6 cuhfts". I wish I could have seen the look on the other end of the phone as the customer tried to decrypt cuhfts into cu ft. If the bait shop doesn't work out, I think Bo would fit right in at Walmart.

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..."That's because it means they aren't working at some other, potentially critical job...such as dispatcher or medical lab technician."
Some of them, however, may be working as civil engineers......


Or strip mall planners in Southern California.

I swear that some of the recent ones built around here have been designed by a chimp going Pollock with his own feces on blueprint paper.

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I run thru a drive thru restaraunt every day, maybe twice.  Just about every time in the last couple of weeks my order is wrong.

I feel better.  :rolleyes:

Remember what Joe Pesci said in the lethal Weapon movie? You never go to a drive through, They "F" you and the drive through and you don't know it until your miles down the road. That scene is great and so true ;)


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