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Match Score Posting: How Long Is It?


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For our IPSC matches we often we get scores day of but the norm seems to fall around 1 day later (often early the next day, especially for Saturday matches).

I have seen it take over a week though. Stuff happens.

For our monthly steel matches the results are announced about 10 minutes after the shooting stops and the final scores (with stage breakdowns) are emailed a couple hours later.

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I do the scoring now at our club and I email out the scroes to the shooters within 4 to 6 hours of the match. One reason I do that is because that is how I want it done when I shoot at your club. I like to study the stages before I go to sleep that night while they are fresh in my head. My memory fades so quickly that if it is a couple of days later, I'll forget what the stage looked like.

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I know why this pole went up... if I had a PC, I'd  be doing the scores (at least for the next 3 months). <_<

Do you own a Mac?

I just got rid of mine. I've owned a Mac for 15 years. I loved it. But it took me that long to realize that it's a PC world.

If you have a Mac, you can get Virtual PC for your Mac. That's what I did for 6 months worth of scoring.

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We use palm scoring for all of our matchs. Results are posted b4 anyone leaves the match. The are also uploaded to USPSA at the same time. Its so much faster than using paper score sheets.

Is this Palm Scoring avaliable through USPSA? I've never heard of it. My friend is a Palm Freak! He would love it.

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We use palm scoring for all of our matchs. Results are posted b4 anyone leaves the match. The are also uploaded to USPSA at the same time. Its so much faster than using paper score sheets.

Is this Palm Scoring avaliable through USPSA? I've never heard of it. My friend is a Palm Freak! He would love it.

try http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...hl=palm+scoring



if you need more info than that, email or PM me and ill get you in touch w/ our section coridinator who has all the info on palm scoring.

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It all depends on how busy people are. Our local match scores were sometimes a month late. I noticed that the people doing the score where the same guys setting up matches, tearing down, hand holding new shooters, etc. So I volunteered to do them. Sometimes we all get busy. I wish I could say that I get them done in 1 day. Sometimes I do, sometimes it takes me a few days.

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I score the matches at our club and try to get the scores out by email the day of the match. If not, they are usually sent early Sunday morning. I send the classifier in and pay for it via check card so that we are sure to have them posted promptly.



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It depends on who is doing the scoring and how dedicated they are...usually it is athe next day unless it is a big match and then it happens the same day...longer than that is a sure sign that someone is lazy or doesn't really care... :lol:

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Same day, usually within an hour of the last shot fired. Some folks hang out for drinks after the match and to hear the results, but our website has the scores up usually within 48 hours for those who chose not to stay.

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How about a little twist to the thread. I see where many upload to USPSA the day of the match or the next day. How long does it take for USPSA to post the results? I think that 5 or 6 weeks is too damn long. Won't complain too much, but what's up with that?

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We have a stats office at the range so our results are posted within 30 minutes after the last shot is fired. Awards are given out and the scores are pinned to a corkboard for viewing until they're taken down and (usually) brought to whatever restaraunt we've decided to eat at and passed around.

Then, the match file is brought home and results are uploaded to our club website within 24 hours (but usually within six hours).

Classifiers are then uploaded electronically to USPSA by the 11th of each month. But usually the classifiers are uploaded the day after the match.


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How about a little twist to the thread.  I see where many upload to USPSA the day of the match or the next day.  How long does it take for USPSA to post the results?  I think that 5 or 6 weeks is too damn long.  Won't complain too much, but what's up with that?

It depends when the classifier was uploaded to USPSA. If it was after the 11th, the stage won't show up until the following month.

I have heard, however, that there was a USPSA employee who was responsible for adding any corrections to the classification database and that person was not touching them at all. Months of data was never even imput. <_<

I have also heard that the aforementioned employee is no longer at USPSA.


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USPSA just seems like it has somewhat of a backlog and could use some more help entering data. Maybe it was just a short streak, I hope so, but it seems like clubs were updating the USPSA site by the first weekend of the month and the results were not getting posted until the next month. I guess that is a good sign that everyone is shooting so much that they are behind some. :D

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We submit our classifer score electronically. Some clubs don't.

And, some clubs don't run the updates, or put in the right names for shooters, etc. Those entries get flagged, then they have to be input by hand.

Also, just because the scores are posted on USPSA, that doesn't mean the classifiers have been uploaded by the club. They are two seperate processes. And, they should likely stay so. I know that I like to wait a few days after the scores are posted before I will upload classifers. That give shooters time to point out any errors that might have occured during scoring. (Yeah, I make typos.)

And, classifers don't get done by USPSA until they are paid for.

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