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Started reading "The Book" today...


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I borrowed a copy of Brian's book and started reading it today and the first thought that comes to mind is HUH??!!!  Is it normal to have to read everything two or three times for it to Start making sense or am I really as dumb as my wife tells everyone?  I can see I am gonna have to buy my own copy since this is obviously one of those read it then re-read it then start over books!  

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I got mine in 91? and still learn from it. In fact that's one of the best things it teaches you is to open your mind and sensory inputs. It takes a while to master. I highly recommend your own copy. Your friend is falling behind, since you have his Course maybe that's your plan

Good luck,

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"Your friend is falling behind, since you have his"

Nah.  He has several copies.  He wouldn't loan me the autographed one!  ;)  The funny part is that I didn't ask to borrow it, he offered it after shooting a practice round with me!  :)  Think he was trying to imply something?

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I also just started " THE BOOK ". Awsome material, not a hard read , but I find myself thinking more than reading. I probably need another copy, I have a feeling mine might end up in my sons possession at any time.                       Thank you brian !!!

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Before I started "The Book" I was forewarned about the "huh factor", lol. I found just the opposite. Brian's book shed a lot of light on what I had been doing for over 20 years in competitve shooting from other disciplines and I really dug being able to relate my personal experiences to his writing. On the flip side, I did have a tough time relating to some of the things that I had no personal experience to draw from. Such is the nature of learning.

I still find that my understanding of his writings increase when I finally make a breakthrough and experience what he is saying for myself. It really is pretty cool.

(Edited by Ron Ankeny at 4:30 pm on Jan. 6, 2003)

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I started reading "The Book" about a month ago.  I find that I need to have the blaster close at hand (set up in Dry Fire Mode obviously!).  I will get to some section or another and the "huh?" or "hmmm" will set in and I will have to figure it out and often times having the blaster right there helps a lot.

Matt's DVDs are the same way.  Watched them the first time straight through without the blaster at hand (was home sick and could barely lift my arms let alone a blaster) but now I can't watch them without "playing along".  Sure glad I got the DVD instead of the tape...would have killed a tape quickly with all the backing up and replaying.

Wonder if I should have The Book laminated so I don't wear it out.  Naw...guess I will just order more copies and this time I will ask for them to be signed.  :)



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Thanks for the comments all!

Yep, it's definitely best to buy as many copies as you can afford! And then pass them out as gifts, and then buy some more.


Seriously, I have a handful of (Zen-type) books that I've been "reading" for many years, and I'm sure I'll be reading them for MANY more. I've realized, from friends and others comments, that I don't "read" books, in the way most think of reading a book. If it's good, meaning challenging, I'll never finish it the way I might finish a sci-fi novel. A better word (or words) may be "consider" or "contemplate" a book. It may be a never-ending process. I've been contemplating the same two paragraphs in a particular book for weeks now... and I'm sure I'll contemplate them some more down the road...


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I've bookmarked about four or five selected places/topics in The Book that I want to permanently absorb into my intuition system; then pick up The Book at random times and bury myself briefly in these bookmarked spots. I soak up slightly different aspects of these topics each time I read them... which makes them more and more valuable each time.
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Only four or five ? I started to contemplate using a highlighter, then decided the ink might add to much weight to the book...guess I will just have to memorize it...         .                                                            .       Travis F.

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Yes, only a handful at a time... one doesn't want to dilute the substance. Better to take hand-picked, concentrated doses! You can always custom-alter your dosage-selections later.

(Or you can do as I did when the book first arrived and pig out on nearly all of it at once. God, was that fun!)

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I just started reading it myself. And I must admit that I am not a big reader. Maybe a book or so a year, I am fully stuck in the huh mode at the moment. Not having any experience with any thing Zen. I will continue to try and sort it out. And yeah I also am in the read it 3 times bracket so don't feel all alone TommyC.

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One thing I have noticed. Now that I have started reading books on racing, I reference alot of points to BE's book. When I see something similar, I mark it as IMPORTANT.

One comment I will make, find and read as many books on shooting as you can. There will be many differences, but find the similarities, these are the keys. Read anything on competition in general, whether it is Golf, Tennis, Racing or whatever. When you hear something that sounds familiar, remember it, it is probably something you should pay attention to.

And listen to Top atheletes when they are interviewed, particularily individual sports. Tennis pros, top Golfers, winning racecar drivers, runners, or pole vaulters. They will give you an idea of what it takes to 'compete'

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Got a copy today passed along from SiG Lady, who had it passed along from Brian. Thanks so much to you both. I came home briefly from changing a motor, and grabbed it on my way to the bathroom. (hey, I'm a guy) In my haste to put it to use, I greased up a couple of pages. Oh well, add about 5 different colors of highlighters and flags on pages, and it will look just like my Bible. Way cool, that didnt just make my day, perhaps my month.

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  • 1 month later...

I just received my copy in the mail yesterday and I'm already 70 pages into it.  I've been shooting various sports over the years with "concentration" and this book is like someone turning a light on in a dark room.  I did my grad work in Exp Psych and was just a couple credits shy of being a double major with Philosophy.  Not that I'm puffing my chest, I'm just trying to share my enthusiasm.  I'm no Zen expert but I sure can relate this book to Existentialism.  I'm dissapointed in myself that for so many years I've seperated myself from the experience of the shooting.  I read and reread the sections on awareness,  focus, concentration, etc.  and couldn't stop smiling.  Word of warning, however: trying to make your wife sit down and listen to you read parts to her might not be such a hot idea.  Take it from my experience!

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Quote: from SiG Lady on 5:05 pm on Jan. 8, 2003

Yes, only a handful at a time... one doesn't want to dilute the substance. Better to take hand-picked, concentrated doses! You can always custom-alter your dosage-selections later.

(Or you can do as I did when the book first arrived and pig out on nearly all of it at once. God, was that fun!)

                                                   Siglady, you are correct. I was in the pigout phase, I now am biting off more easily digested portions, it is still very tasty...                             Travis F.

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