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Double Tap Championship WF, TX

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This was a great match that Robert and his staff put on. This was also my first big USPSA match that I have attended, so it was easy to get overwhelmed by the number of great shooters that came out. I stayed within my game and came out with 3rd place Limited C. I think everyone will agree that Doubletap should be the future site of more major matches. It was great meeting new people and shooting with friends.

Thanks again Robert,



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1. max michel jr.

2. adam popplewell

3. lee dimaculangan (me =] )

4. lesgar murdock (jamaica)

5. scott caylor

you forgot..

6. james darst (1st M)

7. shred (2nd M, by 10 points, darnit)


Good match, I had a couple missteps, but it was fun. I'll try and get some PoserCam shots up before long.

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1. max michel jr.

2. adam popplewell

3. lee dimaculangan (me =] )

4. lesgar murdock (jamaica)

5. scott caylor

you forgot..

6. james darst (1st M)

7. shred (2nd M, by 10 points, darnit)


Good match, I had a couple missteps, but it was fun. I'll try and get some PoserCam shots up before long.

and you forgot...






13. Little Bill :P (2nd B.....the 4th place guy from Jamaica was a B... :wacko:

It was a good match, and I had great time with my squadmates, which included Mr. "Rapid" Roy (shred) and his g/f Allison.

My hats off to Robert and the crew. I bet the match will be even better next year.

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Just to be fair about the Jamaican "B" class shooter that was 4th overall, most foreign competitors only get their ranking when they shoot enough "major" matches here in the US. They don't have a local club to submit classifiers to USPSA. I could fully believe a 65-75% placement shooting against Robbie, Max, and the other big dogs at area matches and the nationals.

I have to agree with everyone else. It was an exceptionally fun match and for the first year, it went pretty smoothly. The only hitch was the prizes distribution (kinda long and some of the categories didn't get called in the raffle because of a misunderstanding). I didn't hear complaints about the stages, only people's disapointment at their performance...or in my case, bad luck. The targets were wide open, only six no shoots for the whole match out of 304 rounds. This suckered people into going way too fast. Those that did well didn't try to constantly burn it down and had minimal misses. Max told me he liked it so much that he'd be back for sure.

It was a hoot to finally meet some of the other BE'ers. (Hi Chet and Roy! BTW, Sarge Glock is a tall guy!) His squad also had a lady shooter with them named Rhonda. It's always reassuring to have more estrogen at the range! We never did organize a dinner unfortunately... :( It'd be nice to organize something at other majors this year. I'll even volunteer to be BE squad mom if anyone is interested. Look in the match announcement threads.

Thank you again Robert for all of your dedication and effort to USPSA, the North Texas section, and IPSC. If you all don't know it, he has dropped some pretty serious coin and ALOT of time putting this range together. If you have ever run matches or a range, you know how much work it is (especially doing both). I'd like to suggest to all the OK and North Texas shooters that we organize a work party on one of his regular match days and build him a pile of props and target stands as repayment. PM me if interested.

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13. Little Bill  (2nd B.....the 4th place guy from Jamaica was a B...

Lesgar Murdock

2002 Natonals 1st D 63.69% - should have put him in B

2004 Nationals 1st C (should have been in B already) 77.68% should put him in A

2005 Florida Open 1st B 80.31 % should put him in A

One of you Area Director types want to do something about this?

Sorry about the thread drift but I shot with this guy at the Nationals and he is no B shooter.

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13. Little Bill  :P (2nd B.....the 4th place guy from Jamaica was a B... :wacko:

Little Bill's got some good speed. I was a little worried I'd have nobody to compare times to given the mostly B-C makeup of our squad (which was excellent people-wise, btw-- we were pestering the RO's to hurry up and score already so we could tape), but he can crank out the rounds. If he cranks a few more into the A's, he's gettin the M-card before long.

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<thread drifting away>

I have got nothing but respect for Mr. Murdock from Jamaica. I am sure he shot his ass off with little or no mistakes to get 4th place Overall. I think the foreign shooter classification system is kinda bogus, but that has been discussed "ad nauseum" HERE.

<thread drifting back>

I agree with Carina's observations on match administration, and for a 1st annual, I thought it was very good. My only criticism is that there were ALOT of 180 degree traps. Most stages had you firing at 170+ as part of stage design.

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13. Little Bill  (2nd B.....the 4th place guy from Jamaica was a B...

Lesgar Murdock

2002 Natonals 1st D 63.69% - should have put him in B

2004 Nationals 1st C (should have been in B already) 77.68% should put him in A

2005 Florida Open 1st B 80.31 % should put him in A

One of you Area Director types want to do something about this?

Sorry about the thread drift but I shot with this guy at the Nationals and he is no B shooter.

Yes, there was much discussion about this within our squad.


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13. Little Bill  (2nd B.....the 4th place guy from Jamaica was a B...

Lesgar Murdock

2002 Natonals 1st D 63.69% - should have put him in B

2004 Nationals 1st C (should have been in B already) 77.68% should put him in A

2005 Florida Open 1st B 80.31 % should put him in A

One of you Area Director types want to do something about this?

Sorry about the thread drift but I shot with this guy at the Nationals and he is no B shooter.

Yes, there was much discussion about this within our squad.


Especially since he was Top "C" at this match, not top B.

But I digress,

Thank you for hosting such an awesome match Robert, the range is truly beautiful. With some of the more difficult matches we shoot throughout the year (Space City, Various Area Matches) it is great to come to a match that is just fun. I don't think I have ever had so much fun shooting so badly (save that Right Pepper Popper on Stage 10 that didn't fall when I hit it dead center).

I look forward to next year.

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Great match to start the shooting season with. One concern I heard of was shot timers picking up shots from other stages.

Just a thought, but what if there were a few more no shoots and steel? I wonder what the outcome would have been.

I had a geat time.


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I thought it took forever to shoot the stages because the squads were so darn big! 16 people on a squad ment way too much down time. I didn't know what to expect on the stages, because this was also my first ever "big pistol only match ". I will say I enjoyed them, but found them a bit on the "carnival shoot" side of things, but they were very well thought out. 2 stages had very obvious 180 traps and on one stage the first target to engage was already past the 180 but that was how it started anyway. For a first year "big match" it was exceptional!!! Yea the awards and prise table dragged a bit, but this was the first time Robert had done it and if any of you think it is a simple task I would say, just grab that microphone and try it! After having put on several big 3-gun matches I can attest to the fact IT AIN'T EASY.

As to Jamaica " sand bagger " and "cheater" comments I heard about some of the Limited shooters, namely me (8th) and the "other B" who finished 7th over all. USPSA need to fix it's system. I heard more people call me a cheat and sandbagger, although they don't even know who I am, than I would ever have believed. I have only been a "member of USPSA" for exactly 1.5 years. I joined so I could shoot in Europe at some of the big shotgun matches. I don't shoot many pistol only matches and I only have 4 classifier/qualifier...what evers, on record. One was pretty darn dismal! like a 30% The other 3 are pretty good, but the average put me in B class. I LMAO when I got the card, not reallising what it would breed! I used to shoot as a U and this also bred a lot of problems. Just because your system put me there, doesn't mean that I "cheat" or "sandbag" what ever that may mean. I shot 10 good stages and two that were dismal. Was I happy where I placed? yes, considering one stage was a 39% of the stage winners score. I earned every miss I shot, how does that make me a cheater?

I was second at the USPSA National 3-gun last year in limited, and yet that isn't recognised because it is 3-gun, and yet when I sign up for a USPSA recognised 3-gun match they want to know my "class". What for if your not going to put that tward the classifier system. I would think that a U shooter that does that well in his first ever USPSA match would automatically be classified higher, but what do I know. It is your system that put me where I am. If that automatically makes me a "cheat" and "sandbagger", then your system is built on cheating and sandbagging. Will I be in a big hurry to shoot in another "large" USPSA match?? I don't think so!! I think I will still be full from this one!

Great job Robert Porter and Crew!!! For a first time big match I would rate it a complete success!! KURT A. MILLER

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Stage 5 had a target that was pretty close to the 180. Normally it wouldn't have been a problem, but you had 3 targets on the right that were nearly point-blank and if you took too much time shooting them (while moving forward) the possiblity to break the 180 while transitioning to the left was high.

That and the fact that you had to wear welders goggles really compounded the problem, especially with a lack of peripheral vision. Quite a few people actually backed up a step or two if they discovered that they had ran by it. Unfortunately, 2 people didn't. As the RO on that stage, we cut folks alot of slack when it came to that target. We even pointed that target out in the stage briefing as being something they need to be aware of.

When I shot the match, I didn't see any targets that were traps, but part of the walk-thru should be to identify where things can go wrong and think of a way to work though it.

I thought all the stages were really straight forward and really enjoyed shooting them. The ONLY thing that jerks my chain is that I got beat by a girl in Production. :D Actually, we had people with more gun trouble than with the actual course design.

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Yeah, I had to say that the 15 and 16 person squads (while some did end up having only 12 or so ) gave me some apprehension.... but it ran pretty fast; I know stage 7 finished almost 30 minutes early several times..... never took more than 40 or 45 minutes to run any squad I think.... I thought that the flow was exceptional now, in hindsight, for that many shooters per squad - big thanks to all the shooters for their hard work taping (and scoring when needed), great group of people.

I think most squads broke for lunch at least 30 minutes early on Sat, and were done for the day at least 30 minutes 30 - 45 minutes early Sat afternoon - Sunday's shooting was done by 11 am"ish" for 90% of the squads I'd say.

The weather gods smiled on us :P

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It was my first big USPSA match and I thought it was great. The stages were fun and the match was run well from my perspective. This match has certainly increased my desire to go to the big matches!

My only complaint is if the awards and prize table is going to take that long at least provide enough shade for everyone.

I will be back for sure next year.

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I thought it took forever to shoot the stages because the squads were so darn big! 16 people on a squad ment way too much down time.

Not Squad 1. We had 17 shooters at the start and were finished in less than an hour on each of the 12 stages! And that's in addition to handling the operations of five video cameras.

It all comes down to the cooperation of the squad members. They were great.

Yea the awards and prize table dragged a bit, but this was the first time Robert had done it and if any of you think it is a simple task I would say, just grab that microphone and try it!

That leads me to my first suggestion for improving the awards distribution next year: Get a microphone and a PA system. If you weren't under the roof, you couldn't hear a thing.


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We got a little bit of rain and some hail about five minutes after everyone left for the day on Sunday. Thanks to all of the shooters for helping tape and set steel as fast as ya'll did. It helped us RO's immensely. By the way, weren't the two guys running Stage 2 just awesome RO's?

Monte (Stage 2 RO)

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Dittos Chet, compared to other big matches there was very little down time between shooting. We only had one bottle neck late in the afternoon on Sat. and once that was cleared up, things ran very smothly.

kurtm, you are right also in that you have done nothing wrong, and I congradulate you on your placement in the match. However, when we see you so competitive at the nationl level against GM's in other events, it raises some eyebrows. On the other hand, with the Jamacian shooters, there are safeguards to ensure that what happend, should only happen once, and the system catches up with you. In this case the system broke down, and it needs to be rectified.

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