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Trapped in Ignorance


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Ooooh! I'm so frustrated!!! I simply can't stand not knowing how to do something or even where to look or who to consult for the answers!!! ARGH!!!

I just wanted to do some reloading tonight... since I'm down to about 300 rounds... and I can't, because my 650 isn't working right. Without getting into too much detail... I frequently get jams with the primer system. I'm able to take off the shell plate and clear the primer system jam and that's about the extent of my knowledge. Tonight was a little more complicated so I had to consult the owner's manual... I can read the table of contents and locate the section of the manual that deals with the primer system... then... what the f(*&ck is a "shim"? Where the h(*&ll is "aft"??? Daggum, I think I know what an Allen wrench is... maybe. :blink:

ARGH!!! I'm not stupid, but I sure feel dumb right now!!!

I just want to shoot. Just like I just want to drive my car or wash my clothes. I don't care to know how to change the oil or replace the lint intake distributor injector circuit breaker pintle hook doohickey.


I'm gonna go cry now...

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In Scottsdale, Arizona. (480) 948-8009

Give 'em a call tomorrow and tell them it's a frequent problem. They'll probably have you send it in so that they can get it in working order.

Now cowgirl up!!! There's no crying in baseball... errr, shooting!!! ;)

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I can't even describe the problem! I don't know the mechanical-lingo. The kind folks at Dillon have tried to help me before, *bless their hearts, and I'm just too ignorant to relay the problem adequately. That's the point of my rant!!! :D

HOLY COW if you think I can disassembly this daggum monster, ship it off... then who's gonna reassemble it????? <<crying persists>>

And I don't want to deal with this! <<pouting and stomping feet>>

* I'm in Texas now... I can say that. :lol:

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I've had to tear my Square Deal down a ways and diagnose a problem or two, order a part or two, replace the part (or two) and put the thing back together. Machines are gloriously logical and relative simple, sometimes. B)

Unfortunately, machines--in particular--have NO patience, sympathy or understanding whatsoever for tears and frustration. :(

All the parts have a NUMBER. They love to hear those part numbers. You probably have an owner's manual with exploded diagrams of the parts (with numbrs). ;)

The alternative IS to lovingly ship the offending apparatus (or components) to Dillon and have THEM wrench around with it. :rolleyes:

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I was mechanically uninclined until I asked a friend how he learned. His answer was that his father told him that there was nothing he could take apart, that someone else couldn't be paid to put back together.

Now I'm tearing lots of things apart --- Guns, four dillon presses of three different models, even computers. While I don't change my own oil, I've learned how. As frustrating as a lot of that knowledge was to acquire, it's also been empowering.

Tools can be bought at Sears or Wal-Mart or the local hardware store. The Dillon manual actually does a pretty good job taking you through how a 650 comes apart --- when putting it back together, it leaves a few things to be desired, but the Dillon 650 FAQ thread in the reloading forum or Dillon's own customer assistance line can cover most of that.....

Good luck. If we can help, please don't hesitate to throw a question our way.....

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Geez Betty, your day has been going like mine.

I spent 4 freaking hours trying to figure out why the bullet jackets were getting shaved during seating (on .40). Turns out the freaking jackass that sold me brass last time TRIMMED it and did a s***** job of it at that. 2000 cases with mondo nasty burrs mixed into a 5 gal bucket of good brass. Did he not think I would figure out what he did?

I can't wait until the snow breaks. Every time the jerk mows the lawn, he's going to get a few little reminders of how damn mad I am.

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His answer was that his father told him that there was nothing he could take apart, that someone else couldn't be paid to put back together.

I believe in promoting others job security, too. :D

Good luck.  If we can help, please don't hesitate to throw a question our way.....

Can you come by my house and fix it for me? batlash.gif

I'm sorry to hear that, Eric. Fighting the flu as well as my Dillon, sucks!

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Here's an idea. Why don't you give the 650 to one of your shooting buddies as a "gift" with the condition that if you come by and dump primers/cases/bullets/powder he/she will have ammo on hand according to your spec within 1 week. They get a nifty press and you get your ammo..... :rolleyes: ...with the same benefits as loading yourself with no hassle.... <_<

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I can't believe there isn't some bullet head you shoot with in Houston who wouldn't just fall all over himself to come help you with your reloader.

The drive from Mobile is a bit long or I'd come show you how to fix it myself.

"it's easy to be gallant from afar!!!!!"

If you can't get someone to lend you assistance, I'll be glad, via email and digital pictures to assist you in anyway I can.



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"The way I learn about something is by taking it apart right away. That way you have to figure out how to put it back together, or all you have is a pile of parts."
That was the VERY first thing we did in computer class this spring... tear it down and realize it wasn't all that complex after all. The reverse the process and piece it back together again. No biggie. I've been dismantlin' and buildin' ever since. I learn something each and every time I do it. It's great. :D
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eek.. I'm already supporting one non-reloading IPSC shooter. She's a little lighter on the round count as yet though. Maybe if I get a Camdex.. :D

I wonder why the custom reloading places never took off? Seems like there would be some kind of market for it given the number of people that don't actually like reloading, just like the more-shooting part.

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I wonder why the custom reloading places never took off? Seems like there would be some kind of market for it given the number of people that don't actually like reloading, just like the more-shooting part.

Amen brother! I HATE to reload. I have an old shooting injury (muscle tear, no, I didn't get shot) that makes it uncomfortable to do more than two or three hundred rounds at a go on my 550. So when I need lots of ammo, I end up doing two loading sessions a day. WHAT A DRAG!

When I was dating, one of my criteria used to be, "Will he load ammo for me?" And what did I go and do? I married a budo dude not a shooter....

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It's called a Dillon 550. I had so many damn problems with my 650 I finally gave up because it was such a PITA to keep it running.

Sell it, buy a 550 and never look back. My 550 runs circles around a 650 anyday.

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I wonder why the custom reloading places never took off?  Seems like there would be some kind of market for it given the number of people that don't actually like reloading, just like the more-shooting part.

Amen brother! I HATE to reload. I have an old shooting injury (muscle tear, no, I didn't get shot) that makes it uncomfortable to do more than two or three hundred rounds at a go on my 550. So when I need lots of ammo, I end up doing two loading sessions a day. WHAT A DRAG!

When I was dating, one of my criteria used to be, "Will he load ammo for me?" And what did I go and do? I married a budo dude not a shooter....

Now you're on the right track. Reloading is a very Zen thing you know. Instead of counting breaths you count rounds. :D

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Did you get your problem fixed?

Almost... lemme try again...

shred, if Alison tumbles the brass, I'll load the primer tubes, keep the powder full and maintain bullet availability... :D

Seriously though, this really isn't about the problem with my Dillon. A friend is going to help fix it (thank you!!!) It's about feeling frustrated and stuck when you just don't know how to do something. Very frequently I feel the same way with my Open guns. I still consider myself "new" to the sport and the learning curve for me to shoot Open division is very steep. When something like a jammed up primer system or a broken extractor CEASES your ability to shoot, it gets very frustrating.

I may be wrong here, but I think Open division is the most difficult division to shoot (especially for someone new to guns). And I don't mean pulling the trigger and hitting the target. I mean learning the nuances of an Open gun and how to work all the 'do-dads', getting it set up to suit you, getting it to run, learning to reload for that particular gun, etc., etc. If your reloader breaks, ya can't just stop by Wal-mart on the way to the match and pick up some "hot" ammo...

Yeah, it's part of the learning process, but some things I simply am not interested in learning. I feel my time can be spent somewhere else more productive. There are a lot of people who enjoy troubleshooting machines, I'm not one of them.

I enjoy a challenge... it just gets frustrating sometimes. And, I'm trying... dammit!


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I think you've hit on one of the major "obstacles" to USPSA. Unless you're willing to drop back and shoot production with Wally world ammo, there's just a certain amount of non-shooting related expertise that's inherent to the sport. Being a "boy's club" most of the folks think the tinkering part is part of the fun. (for some, I think its the only reason they are involved at all)

You got me to thinking too. I really can't justify most of the reloading I'm doing - which really does reduce the amount of time I have to focus on the shooting. If I can find 40 in bulk at a decent price, the only thing my loader is going to get used for is 308 and 44 mag.

Damn you anyway Rebecca.... :lol:

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