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2005 Georgia State Championship

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Look forward to seeing everyone 'down South'! Sorry, just gotta find some place cooler than the Midwest....  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Current forecast is calling for 90 on Friday and only 86 on Saturday. Partly cloudy with a 30% chance of thunderboomers each day (subject to change, without notice, of course ;) ).

All in all, not too bad for me :) . I decided not to work the match this time and go as a paying guest. I'll be shooting Saturday AM session.

Carlos and Roger are a class act and put on a Helluva good show. I'm really looking forward to it!

Brian, do you know what stage you'll be working?


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Went to the Saturday match as a spectator. Brought my son too. I haven't shot my first match yet but if my Dr. OK's it, I will shoot at the end of August. Can't wait.

Just wanted to say that all the shooters I spoke with were very friendly and willing to talk and answer questions. How many people in other sports can you feel comfortable walking up to and just starting a conversation? Most pro's are unapproachable. I talked with Masters and Grand Masters and they listened and responded to my newbie questions. This is an organization I can feel proud to be a part of. There was obvious evidence of respect for all levels of shooters. Kudo's to everyone.

Until I'm healed...Shoot a few rounds for me.

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Hi All!

Just got in from shooting this afternoon and wanted to say hats off to the range staff for working so hard! Roger and Carlos seemed to be everywhere all the time! The people who worked hard to make this match possible should be commended!

This match was just what I needed to get ready for the World Shoot next week. I am so proud to be a part of this section and so appreciative that the clubs made GA State such a good prep for everyone going.

And... one more thank you to my squadmates (squad 39). It was great shooting with you guys!

All the best,


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Incredible match. Jake needs to post a pic or two he took of the range....wow :o

was it beautiful.

Thanks to everyone down there for putting together this great match. See you next year.

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Just back to the house after final cleanup today. I want to thank everyone for the kind words. I also want to apologize to the competitors for the delays we encountered during the Saturday afternoon session. We didn't stop shooting until 7:30 (or later) and didn't give out awards until way after dark. With the chrono being thrown out (don't ask :wacko:) and a mega thunderstorm being thrown in we got behind. Thanks to everyone for soldiering on and hanging with us while our half day format evolved into much more.

A huge thanks to Brian (BDH) for being our RM. He was super efficient and went way beyond the call of duty. Hey Brian if you sell that Glock certificate you might be able to make a dent in your gas expenses!

Thanks so much to all the range staff. It was hot and humid and they worked their tails off! I am proud to be associated with such a dedicated crew. Big kudos to the stats crew (Bill, Cindy, Debi, Beth, Mike et al) We were ready to post minutes after the last shot went off and that is an awesome feeling.

Congrats to all the winners, and I wish everyone going to the WS great luck! I am sure I will think of more later but for now I am going to have a margarita.

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Great match! Thanks to everyone involved with putting it on, you all did a great job. It was good to see everyone and get back on the range after my absence. Congratulations to the winners. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the WS.


Ninjaturtle :D

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Roger, Carlos, et al., thanks for puting on a great match. The stages were great and very challenging. My hat is off to all of the ROs who worked the match. Y'all did a great job. Thanks again.

Just back to the house after final cleanup today.  I want to thank everyone for the kind words.  I also want to apologize to the competitors for the delays we encountered during the Saturday afternoon session.  We didn't stop shooting until 7:30 (or later) and didn't give out awards until way after dark.  With the chrono being thrown out (don't ask :wacko:) and a mega thunderstorm being thrown in we got behind.  Thanks to everyone for soldiering on and hanging with us while our half day format evolved into much more.

A huge thanks to Brian (BDH) for being our RM.  He was super efficient and went way beyond the call of duty.  Hey Brian if you sell that Glock certificate you might be able to make a dent in your gas expenses!

Thanks so much to all the range staff.  It was hot and humid and they worked their tails off!  I am proud to be associated with such a dedicated crew.  Big kudos to the stats crew (Bill, Cindy, Debi, Beth, Mike et al)  We were ready to post minutes after the last shot went off and that is an awesome feeling.

Congrats to all the winners, and I wish everyone going to the WS great luck!  I am sure I will think of more later but for now I am going to have a margarita.

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Definitely my favorite match! That range is so beautiful, the people are awesome and the stages are challenging. Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen!!! :D

Also, the shirts (Area 6 and Georgia State) are very nice! Good job!

Ninjaturtle, I promised I'd look too... leo.jpg

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Looks like Roger beat me to the computer as I had to drop him off after the margarita (actually, he only had two but the glass was big enough to hold a basketball :lol: ).

It bears repeating that we are very gratefull for all the kind words we received both at the match and via this forum. Reiterating Roger's comment, I also offer my sincere thanks to Brian Hanna for agreeing to drive down from Ohio and serve as our Range Master as well as the entire range staff. Although mostly Roger and I are mentioned in your kind words, we are both more than acutely aware that we would not have been able to accomplish any of this without the extreme hard work and dedication of the great folks in the Georgia section. I am also very proud to be associated with this group of folks.

Congratulations to all the winners and good luck to everyone going to the WS.



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