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3 Gun Nation Regional Series Updates

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I'm going to ask for my $25 back and then I'm going to shoot other matches. Screw 3gn. I will not involve myself in any way with their shenanigans. 3 gun has gotten along fine without them for many years and will still be around long after 3gn has gone out of business. I was about to sign up my local club as part of the club series but there is no way in hell that is happening now. They have failed to realize they need us not the other way around. And as far as the whole promotion process of getting in these matches, if you think that Joe Schmoe is getting in before all the pros and friends of the organizers get in, then you're just plain dumb.

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Again, not allowing the people that stuck with it keep their slots is another wrong decision. I was taught early on in life that two wrongs don't make a right...but apparently in this situation it does.


I stuck with it until 5am but I never got thru. Can I get a slot?

The problem is that the system was broken and it wasn't allowing a fair shot to everyone trying to register. So just like a reshoot at match if it's not the same for every shooter it's a do over.

Yeah we all wasted a bunch of time on a holiday but guess waft we are all wasting a bunch more to now too. We waste eve. More time traveling to matches. $hit happens. I think it's quite obvious they learned a big lesson about the abilities of the Range Log match registration program or server or whatever died last night.

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I'm going to ask for my $25 back and then I'm going to shoot other matches. Screw 3gn. I will not involve myself in any way with their shenanigans. 3 gun has gotten along fine without them for many years and will still be around long after 3gn has gone out of business. I was about to sign up my local club as part of the club series but there is no way in hell that is happening now. They have failed to realize they need us not the other way around. And as far as the whole promotion process of getting in these matches, if you think that Joe Schmoe is getting in before all the pros and friends of the organizers get in, then you're just plain dumb.

Dude! Seriously? Why would they want to get their buddies and just the pros in? These guys are already in the 3GN mix. They want and need the average shooter and the entire reason they have created new matches is to accommodate the new shooter and grow the sport.

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The problem is that the system was broken and it wasn't allowing a fair shot to everyone trying to register. So just like a reshoot at match if it's not the same for every shooter it's a do over.

How is it not fair? Its not like those who got in were special people! I mean, in the world of 3 Gun I am nobody at all. Not even a minor player who struts on the stage. It was pure random chance as to who got in and who didn't. So it was probably the fairest it could be.

As a software developer, I understand problems. Yes, it likely cost 3GN some good will, but software problems happen. We can all understand that. But deciding to throw out all those who managed to persevere despite the issue is neither fair or sensible, and I think will cost them significantly more good will.

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They should do it by who is willing to shoot the most matches. If you commit to all 4 you get first chance. Then 3 then 2 then 1. This is fair to all and as a match director myself shows some loyalty to the guys willing to travel and spend the money to support all the matches

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I'm going to ask for my $25 back and then I'm going to shoot other matches. Screw 3gn. I will not involve myself in any way with their shenanigans. 3 gun has gotten along fine without them for many years and will still be around long after 3gn has gone out of business. I was about to sign up my local club as part of the club series but there is no way in hell that is happening now. They have failed to realize they need us not the other way around. And as far as the whole promotion process of getting in these matches, if you think that Joe Schmoe is getting in before all the pros and friends of the organizers get in, then you're just plain dumb.

Dude! Seriously? Why would they want to get their buddies and just the pros in? These guys are already in the 3GN mix. They want and need the average shooter and the entire reason they have created new matches is to accommodate the new shooter and grow the sport.
I didn't say just those guys, I inferred that they would be the first ones on and the rest of us could fight over the scraps. Are you so naive that you think they would promote someone who shoots one or two matches a year into theses matches over someone like you or Daniel? Get real.
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I'm going to ask for my $25 back and then I'm going to shoot other matches. Screw 3gn. I will not involve myself in any way with their shenanigans. 3 gun has gotten along fine without them for many years and will still be around long after 3gn has gone out of business. I was about to sign up my local club as part of the club series but there is no way in hell that is happening now. They have failed to realize they need us not the other way around. And as far as the whole promotion process of getting in these matches, if you think that Joe Schmoe is getting in before all the pros and friends of the organizers get in, then you're just plain dumb.

Dude! Seriously? Why would they want to get their buddies and just the pros in? These guys are already in the 3GN mix. They want and need the average shooter and the entire reason they have created new matches is to accommodate the new shooter and grow the sport.
I didn't say just those guys, I inferred that they would be the first ones on and the rest of us could fight over the scraps. Are you so naive that you think they would promote someone who shoots one or two matches a year into theses matches over someone like you or Daniel? Get real.

The only preference they give is to sponsors, not shooters. The sponsors are the ones that make it all happen with their marketing dollars. Daniel doesn't have any sponsors. So he isn't getting any free rude orcexceltions. I was texting all last night with several other guys like Keith Garcia as we all tried to register just like everyone else.

I was told Stag had put up enough cash to get Kalani and I a slot in every match. I'd love to shoot everyone of them but I'm willing to give up 3 of my potential slots to someone that didn't get into any match. I want to see everyone get in and see how well these guys are running the matches line we get to shoot in the Pro series. Believe me it's not a pro series just because of the shooter talent. It's a pro series from start to finish. The target presentations are fair, the RO's are professional, Rob Romero ensures everyone shoots a fair match. The setup crew is amazing. It's a thing of beauty which is exactly why I have been so vocal about it.

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TonyH....we will just plan " Hogging" on all 4 of those dates!!

KurtM, Hogging that week in Texas was one of the best times I've had. Good fun with good friends....

We'll see what happens first, with the redo...

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They should do it by who is willing to shoot the most matches. If you commit to all 4 you get first chance. Then 3 then 2 then 1. This is fair to all and as a match director myself shows some loyalty to the guys willing to travel and spend the money to support all the matches

So the rich guys get a preference? I can't afford to shoot all 4 but I would like to shoot 1 or 2...

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They should do it by who is willing to shoot the most matches. If you commit to all 4 you get first chance. Then 3 then 2 then 1. This is fair to all and as a match director myself shows some loyalty to the guys willing to travel and spend the money to support all the matches

So the rich guys get a preference? I can't afford to shoot all 4 but I would like to shoot 1 or 2...

And screw the guys who have family obligations and can't make but 1 of the matches...

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Three things:

First, why not allow each Pro and Semi-Pro to select one match with an alternate as Jesse has posted on Facebook. Since the Semi-Pros have ponied up the extra $25 and can only get points in these matches it only makes sense they get first crack.

Then allow club members to register for one 2014 match in order of their finish during the 2013 series. Set a drop dead date for Club Members to register, Then, after that date allow the Semi-Pros to register for the remaining matches. This would allow for everyone who wants to shoot a regional match to shoot one. The Semi-Pros would also have an opportunity to shoot more than one match for best score.

With 800 total slots available at the four regionals, 119 Semi-Pros and 864 Club Members (Including Duplicates), this would give everyone the most fair and best opportunity to shoot a regional match. I would think this would be preffered by the sponsors putting up all the product, as they would reach more shooters, not just the same 200 people. This method would actually support 3GN's comittment to grow the sport, something that took a hit last night.

Second, I would like to apologize to the 3GN crew for railing on them in this forum last night. Frustration gets the best of us sometimes. This morning when I saw my cancellation Email I thought about putting together a nice little Hitler Learns video about last nights debacle, but then decided to offer some constructive criticism instead. As a casual competitor I want to see 3GN thrive as it brought me into the shooting sports.

Third , how do we go about getting a refund for our fees. I renewed my registration 6 months early because it was unclear if you needed to be registered for the 2014 Club Series top register for 2014 Regionals. Now that my registration is torpedoed I don't need to register until a later date.


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Sorry.....but ANYONE who says "these people should get preference" or "the people who want to shoot all of them should get spots first" sound like their version of "fair" is to include themselves and let everyone else fight over the scraps.

You want it truly fair, do it how they intended to do it in the first place....just competently! No one person or group of people gets preferential treatment, no one willing to commit to giving more money gets a spot first, and no group of people who paid into the semipro series last year gets first dibs!

1: I am one of the 119 semi pros from last year. I had to pay $50 to be one, I didn't have to shoot a qualifier match to be considered a semipro. I do NOT think I should be given preferential treatment when signing up for a match.

2: I have the financial means to shoot every 3GunNation and non 3GunNation match that I want to shoot. Just because I can afford to financially does not mean I can afford to in time and missed time with my kids. Just because I can afford it and skip out on the match does NOT mean I should be given preferential treatment.

3: The holiday debacle was arrogance. Not so much that it was arrogant people, but an arrogant idea of showing families how dedicated shooters are to 3-Gun and, in part 3GunNation, by pulling them away from their families on a holiday. It was a dumb idea and SOMEONE in the chain of command had to of said so at some time in that thought process! Our families see us practice shotgun reloads, pistol reloads, dry fire, look at range footage, post to YouTube channels, and bring up every detail that our families could care less about....:taking time away from a holiday to show family members how committed shooters are...please!

4: Taking spots away from shooters who did manage to get in thru a failed system obviously sucks for us shooters! I do get it tho. By some stroke of luck we slipped thru the barbed wire gauntlet of "fail" to find success where others got "white screens of death"

5: Forcing people to pay $25 to be a member in order to have a CHANCE at getting a spot seems ill advised. If any individual match charged $25 to log into a website for a shot at their match, the shooters would be throwing a bigger fit than they are here. I'm not going to ask for my $25 back for two reasons, 1. I've spent more than that for a magazine subscription before, 2. It's not worth the headache! I do not fault anyone who would want their money back and to cut ties after a bad experience....it's customer service IMO.

I haven't made my mind up if I will try to enter again when the new dates are announced. I planned to shoot TO because the prize table is usually better than TI or HMO, but not caring much about if I made the top 25 semipro. My biggest motivation for shooting the Midwest Regional over the ProAm was that I only had to take a single day off work for a comparable match, but if it's going to be this big of a headache, an extra day off work isnt that big of a deal!

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Man what a bummer!

I really hope they decide to only allow to to register for one match. Obviously demand is far greater than supply.

I don't see how they can honor the entries for people that got past the white screen I saw all night. It wouldn't be far to folks that couldn't get through at all. Of course it wouldn't be fair to those that were persistent and got lucky to get through either.

Sounds like more folks are gonna be pissed off again.

Good luck 3GN!

I have to disagree. I don't see how they cannot honor the registrations of those that got through. No matter how you slice it with limited slots some will get left behind.

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What are the odds that the system crashes on Black Thursday with 15,000 crazy 3 gunners all trying to cram themselves into 200 slots?

Well, we cant say this wasnt predicted.... :blush:

On another note, my turkey coma knocked me out at 8ish & I woke up at 3:30 Am on the couch..... looks like I missed all the fun, but I get to sign up anyway :roflol:

If it makes ya happy Adam, I did spend about an hour reading the 15 pages on this topic that were added in the last 24 hrs... :cheers:

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Like my parents always said, "Life is not fair." Having said that, there are ways to be "more fair." I'll be up front that my opinion is biased because I was one of the few that was able to get through and registered for one match (the only one of the four that I could possibly attend). I believe that the people that percevered, stayed at the computer (or phone like me), kept trying to get in and did, should be rewarded and their registration should be honored. The slots that were not taken due to the error should be opened up at a later date to the rest and the majority of the people. By seeing the interest in these matches one can assume that these matches will be full within a minute of registration opening, just like SMM3G. Is it fair to the people that live remotely and/or have a slow internet connection, that even though the registered on time, couldn't get through because of the bombardment of others with a faster or lucky connection? Is it fair that the people that spent hours away from their family on the holiday, have to do this all over again and hope their mouse click and internet connection are quick enough again? Everybody will have their opinions on how it should be done/redone and this is my $0.02.

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Other way to boost regional is to say pro series is for pros and regional series is for everyone else. This would take 50 guys out of the mix, and spread the prize tables to others. Let the guys that want to shoot the pro series do that and make the regional for non pros only. If you sign up for the pro series you are not eligible for the regional.

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why dont they simply UP the amount of shooters ??

Shooters 1-200 shoot Tuesday & Wednesday

Shooters 201-400 shoot Thursday & Friday

Shooters 401-600 shoot Saturday & Sunday

Im sure people will say "I cant stay all week" ....ya dont have to ... go home ......

Just a thought ...

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Unless someone here knows how or what was broken and why some people got registered and some people couldn't even get to the members area, nobody knows what's fair. So it's a Reshoot. Simple as that guys. Quit trying to eff your buddies here. Everyone will get the same hopefully less problematic fair shot another day.

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