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3 Gun Nation Regional Series Updates

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Kurt M-

I agree with you to a point. The difference here is no other match makes you prepay simply for the opportunity to try to register to compete at their matches. Will those who can't get in be offered a refund?

The second point is the Holiday registration. This wasn't just a foolish error. This is "we are so important we will force you from your family during the holidays". This is arrogance pure and simple.

The third point is "in" isn't in until someone at 3GN chooses to "promote" you to the match. Anyone know the criteria for that?


I wouldn't read too much into the Promotion word. Practiscore has a similar setup where the MD approves shooters. It's just a way to control how many shooters are in the event, not to pick your buddies. I think they just expected more people to sign up than they had slots for and this was there way of having you register, then when they get all the slots sorted out add people in. I don't see it as them making qualitative decisions about people to see if they are good enough.

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Man what a bummer!

I really hope they decide to only allow to to register for one match. Obviously demand is far greater than supply.

I don't see how they can honor the entries for people that got past the white screen I saw all night. It wouldn't be far to folks that couldn't get through at all. Of course it wouldn't be fair to those that were persistent and got lucky to get through either.

Sounds like more folks are gonna be pissed off again.

Good luck 3GN!

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So I sat and cursed at my laptop for two hours last night for nothing? I went to sleep thinking I had registered for two matches, but we're calling a do-over out of fairness because some people couldn't get through? Are they gonna go to random draw prize tables also?

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Man what a bummer!

I really hope they decide to only allow to to register for one match. Obviously demand is far greater than supply.

I don't see how they can honor the entries for people that got past the white screen I saw all night. It wouldn't be far to folks that couldn't get through at all. Of course it wouldn't be fair to those that were persistent and got lucky to get through either.

Sounds like more folks are gonna be pissed off again.

Good luck 3GN!

Limiting regionals I think is actually a good idea. Those of us that may only be able to shoot 1 match would not get enough points to make a difference. I also have to believe that this has more to do with Rangelog than 3GN at this point. After all, Rangelog hosts and supports the site, and owns the technology.

I sat at the computer for more than 2 hours last night, and was logged in to my account well prior to 8pm CST. As soon as I hit the Events link at exactly 7:55 CST, everything was down. That is a major technology failure. The attempt to schedule all 4 matches at the same time was the issue it seems. I think that spreading out the regional registrations and limiting it to 1 with an alternate would allow better competition within the series. I hope 3GN gets it right this time, I am looking forward to shooting in this series.

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I don't think demand is far greater than supply, what these push the button at the stroke of 9 creates is a whole bunch of folks and their dogs and 87 best friends hitting the button along with the guy really applying to up the chance of " getting" a slot.. I once talked to a stat whiz who pointed out in 3 seconds they got 113 entries for Mr. ADDT for an electronic match entry . Now multiply it by 4 .

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Canceled my plans to sit at a computer on Thanksgiving and now they say all "3GN Regional Match registrations on Nov. 28 are null and void"

No one is registers for anything at this point in time and my confirmation #'s are no good...

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After all the time talking things over with my wife about the benefits of shooting a two day match at Rockcastle vs a three day match at Rockcastle the following weekend, spending a ton of time away from the family to get registered on a holiday,........now my registration is cancelled with a "sorry" and "try again when we figure out how to do this".

Now the arguing starts as to whether to mess with this again or to tell 3GN to pound sand and give my $25 membership fee back like my wife is saying.

What a mess! Regardless if who is at fault behind the website issues, this is a big black eye for 3GN in my mind.

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I was one of the lucky few that was able to get through to register for a match. I also sat at the computer for ~ 1.5 hours hitting refresh until I got through to the site, missed family time etc. Yes, I am a little angry and very disappointed that my registration is now null and void, but it really is the fairest way to handle this situation.

As someone else said above, s**t happens. I am certain that no one at 3GN had any idea that this would happen, maybe they should have known, but it happened. 3GN has stood up and apologized for last nights mess, lets all be adults and get on with it.

On another note -

I am in favor of giving those people that live closest to the match a little advantage to sign up. Maybe those that live in the surrounding states get 1 hour to sign up, before registration is opened to everyone else???



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On another note -

I am in favor of giving those people that live closest to the match a little advantage to sign up. Maybe those that live in the surrounding states get 1 hour to sign up, before registration is opened to everyone else???



Let me guess.....you live close to a match?!?

You talk about it being fair to unregistered those who got thru and tell everyone to get over it, then propose to give preferential treatment to those who DONT have to travel far to get to a regional match.

Let me guess....you believe in capitalism, enjoy the healthcare coverage you have, and love the second amendment.....but you can't understand why your friends are mad that you voted for Obama!

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Personally knowing some of the people involved in 3 3-Gun Nation I am confident they will do everything in their power to make this right. I also know they worked hard to make this happen. I appreciate their hard work and am thankful for them. We as shooters need to be patient and support them in the tough times and the good times.

I went through the same pain as everybody else. Just trying to keep some perspective.

Well you can all say what ever you wany about how I feel about 3-gun nation. But I for one feel empathy with them over this whole deal. I have run big matches, and it ain't easy....it never is!!!! You can always sharp shoot how it all goes down, but they are doing their best. Not every new process is going to be great, but give them a chance. It never ceases to amaze me how fast some of the staunchest supporters turn.

Well you can all say what ever you wany about how I feel about 3-gun nation. But I for one feel empathy with them over this whole deal. I have run big matches, and it ain't easy....it never is!!!! You can always sharp shoot how it all goes down, but they are doing their best. Not every new process is going to be great, but give them a chance. It never ceases to amaze me how fast some of the staunchest supporters turn.


MD'ing and hitting up sponsors for a big match is the most thankless job in the world.

All well said.

Kurt, I don't know you at all, but you've made your opinion well known and I think it was a huge testament to your character and support of the sport to post that. Very big of you.

Airedale- I can understand why you would feel that way, but knowing a few of the guys who are behind the scenes on this, I can assure you that "Arrogant" would not be in the long list of adjectives I'd use to describe any of them. Sometimes the best intentions can have the worst results.

They owned their mistakes and didn't pass of the blame on anyone or anything, that gets points in my book. Hopefully everyone can move past it.

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The third point is "in" isn't in until someone at 3GN chooses to "promote" you to the match. Anyone know the criteria for that?


I asked that very question earlier in the thread. Charles was prompt with a reply that indicated the wording was there so that slots could be reserved for the shooters sent to the match by sponsors and such.

As far as those competitors that were to register via the internet last night, it was on a first come, first served basis. No other criteria would be used.


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Thought I got through to one or two last night but no email. Now trying again this morning and page is blank again. What a waste

And I didn't think I got through but I did get the e-mail. E-mail indicates they will try again one match at a time at a later date.

At least they are trying.


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So the next time they have registration I cannot log on...and I don't get a slot to the match I wanted to go to...what is fair about that.

Not fair at all. Unless there is more than one e-mail floating around that indicates yesterday did not count, maybe it has not been decided. I've received nothing that indicates those that managed to get signed would get their slots revoked.


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So the next time they have registration I cannot log on...and I don't get a slot to the match I wanted to go to...what is fair about that.

Not fair at all. Unless there is more than one e-mail floating around that indicates yesterday did not count, maybe it has not been decided. I've received nothing that indicates those that managed to get signed would get their slots revoked.


Post your email address and I'll forward it to you
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So the next time they have registration I cannot log on...and I don't get a slot to the match I wanted to go to...what is fair about that.

Not fair at all. Unless there is more than one e-mail floating around that indicates yesterday did not count, maybe it has not been decided. I've received nothing that indicates those that managed to get signed would get their slots revoked.


I got the email as well that states all the slots are null and void last night because that is the only fair way to do it!!!

Edited by apetrulis01
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