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The Cowtown Classic USPSA Match 2014

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As for me and I think most of squad 4 I don’t believe the match could have ran smoother. Thanks Ken and the rest of the staff that worked all weekend as well as the countless hours by many before the first shot is fired.

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I had a long response to all of the criticisms. Then I deleted it.

Basically, If you want to shoot at a full treatment level two match, shoot in the primary match. Friday exists for the staff/ROs to be able to compete. Get in Sat-Sun on time or just don't shoot it. Overflow slots are a courtesy granted by the MD's. Don't bite the hand that feeds. Especially, as Ken points out, because they are VOLUNTEERS!

Maybe even try working a match or two. Hard work tends to change anyone's perception. I had a great time shooting Friday. After all, I was in great company, making noise and not at work. I even had a good time running shooters Sat-Sun. Hope we were professional and consistent enough to pass without getting into range nazi territory...

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Kevin...I thought y'all ran Stage 3 great. FWIW...nothing wrong with being Range Nazi. :) To be a good RO, know the rules and commands.

I had a long response to all of the criticisms. Then I deleted it.

Basically, If you want to shoot at a full treatment level two match, shoot in the primary match. Friday exists for the staff/ROs to be able to compete. Get in Sat-Sun on time or just don't shoot it. Overflow slots are a courtesy granted by the MD's. Don't bite the hand that feeds. Especially, as Ken points out, because they are VOLUNTEERS!

Maybe even try working a match or two. Hard work tends to change anyone's perception. I had a great time shooting Friday. After all, I was in great company, making noise and not at work. I even had a good time running shooters Sat-Sun. Hope we were professional and consistent enough to pass without getting into range nazi territory...

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Big thanks to the VOLUNTEER staff, the fantastic range and ranch staff! As the RM some of this falls on me. We were running fine till lunch time, then some squads shot through lunch and things fell apart. It was the staff match, sorry that was not made more clear to those thinking they were at a country club with bag boys and caddies. Since there was no Shooter McGavin registered for the match, I won't even consider anything that person has to say. One person talked to me on Friday, I did what I could. I am a VOLUNTEER, trying to help put on a match, when you pay me to work, then you can bitch at me about my work. my phone number is listed.It sucks when you are in your car on your way home after 3 days of VOLUNTEERING only to get an email from your Area Director telling you your match had issues. Makes you want to go play outlaw 3 gun. If folks would volunteer more and be helpful, maybe things could and would run smoother. But when it's a ALL VOLUNTEER event, and you are short staffed, stuff happens. The match staff worked their collective asses off to make this a good match, I am so proud of these VOLUNTEERS, they gave and gave some more. See you guys nexty year for Cowtown 2015! I'll be shooting it beacause it's a fantastic match put on by some fantastic VOLUNTEERS!

Because of my schedule I usually always shoot the RO match even though I'm not an RO. I think everything was great. Typically when shooting the RO match you do have a few glitches, the RO match is an opportunity to work those out for the main match when there are many more people shooting. I wouldn't put to much stock in some post made by someone with only one post and no profile. Sounds like a troll to me at best or someone with an axe to grind. I think all the volunteers did a terrific job and I'll vote with my money and be back next year. I really appreciate people like Ken, Steve and anyone who will work for free so I can have fun. One BIG THANK YOU ?

Edited by TerryO
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Great match. I don't shoot that much USPSA but this kind of match made me want to shoot more.

As for the criticism, I think that this has already been said but when you shoot with the RO's some kinks are to be expected, this is where they get worked out. I think most people know this going into it and that shooting that day is going to be long. If you don't like it or can't handle it, you should plan accordingly and shoot the regular Saturday/Sunday match.

Edited to add that I shot all day on Friday.

Edited by blu46and2
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Like any match, there is always a bit of good and bad. It is when one starts to really outweigh the other that a match should get a handslap, or kudos. I'd put this one in the average category. I said to one of my traveling mates from Colorado, it was a pretty good $75 match.

Thanks to all of the staff for setting up, shooting a long day on Friday and taking care of the rest of us on Saturday and Sunday. Without the staff, these don't happen.

Thanks to Dawson Precision for my random draw prize!

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There are certain logistical issues that are completely out of the control of match staff. For example, they can control how many people register for the match, but they can't control who shows up. If squads are meant to be fast and small on staff day - but competitors and / or staff don't show up, then those squads might end up being too small. The only way to really "fix" that is to allow the match staff to announce squad assignments the morning of the match, based on who actually shows up, but how many people would scream and cry about that in these days of self-service match squadding?

I was one of the staff who ended up not being able to shoot on Friday, and my squad was down a man as a result. That's on me, but I couldn't avoid it. From my perspective the match was extremely well-run on Saturday and Sunday, with interim scores posted on "the wailing wall" throughout the day, no bizarre interpretations of the rules from the RM, some of the most interesting, accuracy-intensive stages I have seen, a first-rate shooting facility, and (frankly) two of the sexiest ROs in the world on stage 1. Those guys used perfect range commands the whole match, only had one re-shoot (steel didn't fall and failed calibration), and they used overlays when appropriate without being prompted even once by a competitor. If it were possible I would nominate them for RO team of the year.

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I think they just did that over the weekend. haha

You two should get a room! :surprise:

BTW, thanks for working the match. I know that there's never any worries with you two guys on a stage together.

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I need to move the Cowtown Classic from average to above average. Every match I attend I send a note to the match with my impressions, thoughts, etc. In most cases, I get no response. In other cases, I get a nasty gram back. Very few actually appreciate the portions that have any constructive criticism. Personally, I take what I get back from my customers and make an effort to improve every subsequent match.

So, I was impressed to get a response back with thanks for my thoughts and the desire to improve the match. So big props! :)

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If you have shot USPSA matches on staff day you know what to expect. I know a lot of the guys that were working the match. There were f-ing tired after shooting all day Friday, then chasing around everyone with a little timer thingy Saturday and Sunday. Try it sometime and see how you feel. To all the staff, Brian and Ken great job. I shot last year and this year on staff day. It was great! Again! But I think I will do Sat. & Sun. next year. I was damn tired when I left,and then got stuck in stupid traffic on the way home. Thanks again to all you volunteers. With out you we have no match.

Edited by johnny1gun
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A couple of friends and I shot the match all day Friday and we were the last squad to leave the range around 7:15 or so. I really enjoyed shooting with our mixed squad and feel like everyone put in work to keep taping and resetting the stages. I think it was a great match. I liked the stage designs and the Ro's on our squad worked very hard that day and I would like to thank all the ro's that volunteered their time to help put on a great event. The pulled pork sandwich was excellent and refreshments both water and Gatorade were constantly being distributed all day. I honestly don't have any complaints and if my schedule permits I will make it a point to make it to next years match. Will really think hard about shooting it all in one day but we did get a lot of shooting in that weekend. Thanks again to all the staff for all the hard work.

Till next year,

Johnny G.

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Just got back to my computer this evening and I'm really surprised that not everyone enjoyed the match. I came in last place "B" Open and still had a great time.

Everything I saw was top notch and this is just the second year for the match. Everyone involved was great to deal with and this match is already on next year's calendar.

My only recommendation for future matches is be sure to pair Andy with Brandon again next year. Andy did good keeping Brandon on a short leash.

Thanks for a great match.

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I shot Friday. Shot poorly, but not much of that was due to the Friday Follies. The stages were good, fair, and tough. By the end we were beat.

Our squad was small (why it was that way I know not). 7 people on a squad ROing themselves makes for a long day with everybody on their feet all the time. You have the RO, scorekeeper, shooter, on-deck shooter, the previous shooter cleaning and reloading and... maybe 2 people to paste and set, if they aren't in the can or complaining that they are in the hole and don't have a plan yet. From my experience running a lot of local matches, 7 or 8 person squads often run slower than ones of 9 or 10 unless the small squads care more about getting done than shooting. We got a big assist from a non-shooting squad mom to run the nook most of the day.

Perhaps some of the problem is people expecting Friday to be a regular "Main" match day like Sat & Sun. Some matches do that, some don't. Maybe a "Friday squads will RO themselves" would help people from getting cranky later on.

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Hey Flatland, I think I actually came in last B open shooter! I ended up with a DQ, but everything about the match and even the DQ was handled professionally and respectfully. I actually feel bad for the RO that DQ'd me (sweeping). I've heard a few complaints about the prize table, but it was obvious the club has continued to put time and money into the range. I'd like to see the offsite registration back next year. I don't think anyone complained about the fact that there was a continuous supply of water, which was extremely nice. A great match and great people. Thank you all for your hard work

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