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Classifier HHF Determination

Chris iliff

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I just got this from my AD:

Sorry it has taken so long but Roger at headquarters was the only one with the info other than Dave who is now gone.

Some of the older classifiers were set by a judgement call especially for some of the divisions other than open or limited. Now the high factor is determined when it is shot at Nationals or another major match.

They occasionally get adjusted when we get to many 100% but that is rare and rarely done. Roger does that and also monitors them when they are run.

We (board) are working on changing the way they are determined to remove the human factor.

Wish it was a little more scientific but there you have it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I'd share this... Read page 8.


Andy Hollar:

"A number of people have approached me about publishing the maximum hit factors for the classification stages. These are the numbers that are used to figure your classification after we've entered your hit factors into the computer. There is ap- parently a keen interest in be- ing able to know how well you shoot without waiting for the big computer to digest every- one's information, or maybe the interest is in promoting an al- ternative to USPSA's well-es- tablished classification system.

I do feel the organization should be responsive to the de- sires of the membership, but I won't support an action that will undermine USPSA. That's cutting your nose off to spite your face. The classification data was developed over a long period of time with your dol- lars, and I believe my responsi- bility is to protect your investment in the classification system. Without direction from the Board of Directors, I won't
budge on the issue, nor do I think the data should be pub- lished, even for classification stages which are no longer cur- rent.
I do talk to private ranges from time to time who are spe- cifically interested in develop- ing their own businesses and who would very much like to use the "IPSC" or "Practical Shooting" phrase in their ad- vertising. We would be a draw for business, and if they could advertise that one could come in, put down a hundred bucks and "shoot against the world's best," what would be the incen- tive to join USPSA and help support the only national shoot- ing organization that tries to support its members and clubs? Do the private ranges help write the rules or the club pro- gram manual? Do they help pay to send NROI instructors to your clubs to hold range officer programs? Nope. In fact, many private ranges recognize the value of the program and sup- port USPSA clubs that use
their facilities. We also offer shooters of other IPSC Ftegions the oppor- tunity to shoot our classifiers and see how they measure up. They pay for the service, and that payment helps spread the overhead cost of operating the classification system. In effect, it keeps your costs down. Pub- lishing the information deval- ues it and increases your costs.
I can't see that the need of some members for immediate gratification justifies giving away the classification hit fac- tors. At the July Board meet- ing, the Area Directors confirmed they did not want the high hit factors published."
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The above quote doesn't even make any sense. Is mr hollar bad at math? HHF's are not secret. Any HHF can be easily determined by a 4th grader with a calculator from one single score. The only thing they're keeping secret is how the HHF was determined.

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The above quote doesn't even make any sense. Is mr hollar bad at math? HHF's are not secret. Any HHF can be easily determined by a 4th grader with a calculator from one single score. The only thing they're keeping secret is how the HHF was determined.

It's also from a nearly 14 year old magazine article. I'm kind of surprised there's been no updates after the recent BOD meeting in North Carolina.

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The above quote doesn't even make any sense. Is mr hollar bad at math? HHF's are not secret. Any HHF can be easily determined by a 4th grader with a calculator from one single score. The only thing they're keeping secret is how the HHF was determined.

It's also from a nearly 14 year old magazine article. I'm kind of surprised there's been no updates after the recent BOD meeting in North Carolina.

Oh, well, never mind. I guess they didn't have calculators then, lol. Thanks for the clarification.

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It's also from a nearly 14 year old magazine article. I'm kind of surprised there's been no updates after the recent BOD meeting in North Carolina.

How about 19 years and some change? :sight:

14 - 19 whatever it's still old :).

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It's also from a nearly 14 year old magazine article. I'm kind of surprised there's been no updates after the recent BOD meeting in North Carolina.

How about 19 years and some change? :sight:

14 - 19 whatever it's still old :).

Big difference between 14 and 19 from a legal standpoint (except in kentucky, if it's your cousin). :devil:

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... I'm kind of surprised there's been no updates after the recent BOD meeting in North Carolina.

I have been waiting on the meeting minutes to get approved and be posted, per protocol, then I share what I know and what is happening going forward.

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... I'm kind of surprised there's been no updates after the recent BOD meeting in North Carolina.

I have been waiting on the meeting minutes to get approved and be posted, per protocol, then I share what I know and what is happening going forward.

Understand, Flex. I suppose with the holiday's and all it's taking longer than normal to get the minutes prepared, reviewed, and approved. I'm really interested in hearing about the revolver classifier discussion. Hopefully you'll be able to fill us in soon.

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It's been less than a month. I don't think it is unusual for the minutes to take 4-6 weeks to get approved and published. I'm not sure why it takes that long. It's not like the NSA has to redact all the national security issues from the minutes.

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I'll try to go into detail...maybe with a dedicated thread(s)...when I have a minute. Here is a quick summary:

- We will have to retire a handful of classifiers, due to the round count and shootability of 6 vs 8 round Revolver division (now that minor-8 Revolver will be coming in).

- The Classification Committee members were shuffled around a bit. I'll be the chair (AD5). The Executive Director came off the committee and Roger M. (from the office) was added to the committee. Roger does the classifier work, so that makes sense. The DNROI (John) was also added. DNROI has been directly involved in the classifiers (there is a line-item in the by-laws stating such, I believe). Area 8 Director also remained on the committee (which will now be Steve).

- I'll need to check my notes, but the BOD discussed the timing of classifier updates with regards Nationals.

- Tech changes going forward will allow for updating classifiers more frequently. The BOD discussion resulted in going with a weekly update, to be done mid week...as we shoot on the weekends (mostly) and a mid week update will give Stats Officers a bit of time to update their matches.

- I have a strong desire to review and adjust the Classifier HHF Policy. I would like to see a policy that mainly relies on automation.

- Publishing HHFs...when I asked the BOD members that were around about a past BOD decision about sharing the HHFs. The consensus was that they weren't to be published, but might be shared with those operating a Hit Factor Calculator* or the like.

* - I invented the Hit Factor Calculator, btw...just saying. :) :)

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- Publishing HHFs...when I asked the BOD members that were around about a past BOD decision about sharing the HHFs. The consensus was that they weren't to be published, but might be shared with those operating a Hit Factor Calculator* or the like.

Perhaps I don't understand the issue, but can't the HHF for a division be exactly determined by one shooter with one single score? If my HF is 7.7512, and the uspsa website shows me at 71.2%, it seems like childs play to calculate the hhf. Are we only trying to keep the hhf's secret from english majors?

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- Publishing HHFs...when I asked the BOD members that were around about a past BOD decision about sharing the HHFs. The consensus was that they weren't to be published, but might be shared with those operating a Hit Factor Calculator* or the like.

Perhaps I don't understand the issue, but can't the HHF for a division be exactly determined by one shooter with one single score? If my HF is 7.7512, and the uspsa website shows me at 71.2%, it seems like childs play to calculate the hhf. Are we only trying to keep the hhf's secret from english majors?

I think that is also the point, its trivial to calculate so why not just publish them.

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I'm less concerned with the BOD publishing a number that anyone with a calculator can come up with, than I am knowing how they come up with the HHF. If it is shooter X at nationals, say so. If we don't have any data for a given division so we just guessed, say that too. If there is some elaborate formula, publish the formula.

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