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Black Helicopter People!!!


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So I'm having some work done on my house, and I hire a contractor who comes highly recommended to install the carpet in the living and dining room of my house. A big rectangular room. No big deal.

Instead of a carpet installer, I get A CRAZED CONSPIRACY LUNATIC, a virtual encyclopedia of every nitwit theory in the last 20 years. He doesn't want to install a carpet; he wants to talk about the Illuminati, the Zionist Occupation Goverment, how to become a "sovereign citizen" and pay no taxes, the secret messages on the dollar bill, the conspiracies behind artifical sweeteners, the plot against O.J. (I swear!), how to avoid the draft, A FREAKIN' PLETHORA OF BRAIN-DEAD, INTERNET-FUELED, COMPLETE NONSENSE, BAT-S**T CRAZY DRIVEL!!! No matter where I hide, he keeps talking! It's like Rain Man on crack!

I wouldn't mind this if he would just INSTALL THE FREAKIN' CARPET! Seven hours, and so far he's cut a piece. But he's listened to 7 hours of WHACK JOB RADIO and blathered on and on and on and on. Jeez, maybe today he's show up wearing aluminum foil around his head.

Deep breath...deep breath...


Edited by Flexmoney
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MB, I deleted the side rant (in my never-ending battle to keep the peace here).

The carpet guy...maybe you shuold try to weird him out. When he shows up...YOU be the one with the foil on your head. If he thinks you are nutz, then he will hurry up and finish. (Let me know how that goes. lol)

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You need to find an ear bud with a conspicuous looking coil of wire running out of it and talk into your sleeve when you are around him. If you could find anything with a blinking red LED and leave it in his toolbox that will help as well.

You may not get your carpet installed but I bet he stops at "Aluminum Foil Hats-R-Us" on his way home! :lol:


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Tell the moron to get to work or you'll barcode him.

Oh....and you realize that carpet is the work of the Jewish Zionist Imperialist Conspiracy, don't you?

Only because the Illuminati allow the Freemasons to let it happen that way! :ph34r:

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YES! And furthermore, Commander Alf, my beagle, and Lt. Colonel Ripley, my grey parrot, have instructed me to tell you that when they want your opinion, they will (alternately) bite or peck it out of you!

Now, where is my colander with helmet strap?



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<_< Ahem!

Dr. Bane,

Could you please stop taking your contractor's medication?



(who is now worried that we'll have black helicoper/pseudo science topic restriction on the Hate forum before he can write rant about how Amway has stolen the designs for a free-energy machine and plans to hold the world hostage when the oil runs out next year)

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Simple: He either works or he doesn't get paid. Inform him you don't pay for conversation, controversial or otherwise. If he gets huffy, start talking about guns. People shift gears pretty damn' quickly when that topic is offered. :angry:

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So I'm having some work done on my house, and I hire a contractor who comes highly recommended to install the carpet in the living and dining room of my house. A big rectangular room. No big deal.

Instead of a carpet installer, I get A CRAZED CONSPIRACY LUNATIC, a virtual encyclopedia of every nitwit theory in the last 20 years. He doesn't want to install a carpet; he wants to talk about the Illuminati, the Zionist Occupation Goverment, how to become a "sovereign citizen" and pay no taxes, the secret messages on the dollar bill, the conspiracies behind artifical sweeteners, the plot against O.J. (I swear!), how to avoid the draft, A FREAKIN' PLETHORA OF BRAIN-DEAD, INTERNET-FUELED, COMPLETE NONSENSE, BAT-S**T CRAZY DRIVEL!!! No matter where I hide, he keeps talking! It's like Rain Man on crack!

I wouldn't mind this if he would just INSTALL THE FREAKIN' CARPET! Seven hours, and so far he's cut a piece. But he's listened to 7 hours of WHACK JOB RADIO and blathered on and on and on and on. Jeez, maybe today he's show up wearing aluminum foil around his head.

Deep breath...deep breath...


You're just jealous because you don't hear the voices..... :ph34r:

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Tell him your job at the UN (its classified) doesn't allow you to talk about those kind of subjects. Oh, and don't forget to ask his date of birth, last flu shot date, home address, and bar code (if he doesn't have one offer to make an appointment for him) :lol:

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More like, tell them you work for a 3-letter agency and that having him come to lay carpet was really just a way for your agency to get him close enough to microchip him in order to track his movements and exert mind controlling powers over him. :)

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and bar code (if he doesn't have one offer to make an appointment for him)  :lol:

Bar coding is so twentieth century. We use implanted, active RFID now. It might really get him moving if you mention that and how the GPS tracking works in conjunction with the implant.


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