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Friday Flamer 08 October 2004


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Vent your ire into the fire and cleanse thy souls oh my brothers and sisters for the fire shall make you clean. Or at least make you feel better.

What I really need to vent about is verbotten so let's just say I am a tired of all the lies, half-truths and continual bombardment thereof from every direction. I am tired of ripping signs out of MY yard that I didn't authorize to be placed there. At least they could use nice 1x2 material 5 feet long so I would have a use for their materials. I could even supply dimensions for them to use when creating these signs...take your pick...metric or turtle.

I am sick that yet another wave of downsizing has left another batch of friends on the street wondering how they will make ends meet. Meanwhile my employer has positions open that hardly anyone will apply for because my employer undervalues these skills so badly that they won't allow us to pay a competitive wage.

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I hate that David got his cast off but still can't walk well - no sideways movement at all.

I hate that I'm not going to the MS Classic (but also glad I can't go since it appears it's going to rain, alot!)

I hate that my arm was perfect after my surgery, for exactly two weeks and is now losing mobility again :(

I hate being lonely. The only drawback to not working is the lack of face to face social contact (thank God for you all!)

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I hate the fact that my company is run by accountants, with absolutely no knowledge of the industry.

I hate the fact that the industry is full of cowboys, who will lie and cheat, just to make a cheap buck.

I hate the fact that customers and people who rely on the services our industry has to offer continually suffer because of the cheap, penny pinching attitude displayed by many.

I hate the fact that CCTV is not effective because some overpaid consultant will always choose the cheapest option, without thought or regard to the quality of the system design and components.

I hate the fact that when people need to rely on our services, they are often left lacking.

Aaaaargggghhhhhhh :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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I hate that Vioxx® was removed from the market last week.

I hate that this week, lawyers are already running TV commercials soliciting people to claim damages for using Vioxx®.

I hate that fter being in a slump (perhaps illness-induced) at the gym through most of August and September, I finally had about a week of really good workouts, then I seemed to backslide again last night. I know it's normal to have highs and lows, but it still irritates me when I'm trying to recover from a nearly ten year veal-ification process.

I hate that given that life is hard enough as it is, so many knuckleheads deliberately go out of their way to be asswipes. It's just not necessary.

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I hate that I thought it was Thursday!!! :huh:

I hate that after 10 years running my own construction business, and carrying a 3 to 6 month backlog of work the whole time, I find myself on the other end of the country, unemployed.

I hate that I have no unemployment benefits, and have to sell my stuff to make ends meet.

I hate that the hiring in this area is done by the F.B.I. method.

F= Friends, B= Brothers, I= Inlaws.

I hate that I have worked for 7 companies in 11 months.

I hate that the "survivor" mindset has crept into the workplace, and anyone who produces enough good work to be a threat to the established employees must be dealt with promptly.

I hate that the bosses are so far removed from the field workers that they can't notice who is producing, and who is not.

I hate that a disregard for the truth has become so universally commonplace that spin has become a career to some.

I hate that drinking is the #1 social activity in my trade, and again, I am an outsider.

I hate that my resume is so truthful, and impressive (to lowly construction types like myself) that it is dismissed as BS by companies I apply to.

I hate that under the "past employers" section of employment applications, "Self Employed" is taken to mean "a loser who couldn't find a job".

I hate that after 24 years in the trades, I have to start filling out applications for the first time.

I hate that although this area is growing, there are over 50 carpenters at my local on the bench. (we're not unemployed, we're "manpower in reserve"! )

I hate that when I do get a call to go to work, it is always followed by "for a few days".

I hate that quality and craftsmanship have taken a backseat to doing it half assed the first time and covering mistakes as quickly as possible.

I hate that although I am productive and agile, I am refered to as "the old guy" by the kids who have to ask me what to do. (no, it isn't meant as a term of respect!)

I hate that cultures can change so much when you cross a state line.

I hate that uniqueness and individuality are no longer qualities.

I hate that I can find so much to hate, 'cause it ain't like me!

Well, I'm all out of hate now, so I better go tone down my resume and head to the Job Service! :rolleyes:

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I do not hate these things (because hate is a wasteful excercise, IMO), but I do find them to cause me great concern:

- People who will not take responsibility for their actions.

- People who blame others for their own action (or inaction).

- People who distort fact, misrepresent and are untruthful.

- People who use any of the above to distort the judgement of others.

- People who believe everything they're told and question nothing (see above).

- People who suddenly, and without warning, turn their backs on people who have put trust into them and simultaneously think such behavior is "okay".

- People who use the hard work of others to lift themselves up.

- People who maliciously evoke responses from someone and then label that same individual as confrontational and "hot headed".

Thank you, and have a nice day. ;)

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I hate the fact that people keep trashing out our public shooting range. I am in charge (unpaid) of the place and I am tired of people leaving trash all over. This week it was a dozen computer monitors.

I am tired of people shooting everything in sight. This summer sportsmen shot up most of the signs, the storage building, the out house, and our IPSC props. I am also tired of the maggot invested stinking carcasses left on the range. This summer sportsmen killed three apparantly unwanted dogs, two cats, a visiting doe pronghorn antelope and a fawn. I also hate it when people think blasting animals at the range for no reason other than to watch them die is somehow cute or funny.

I hate that my bad experiences with the local ass wipes bled (no pun intended)over into rhino's fun thread. I apologize rhino and John (yeah I got the hint).

I hate that I have had people die in front on me this year while I tried to do my very best to give them a fighting chance at life. I also hate that bad memories of people dying are creeping into my daily thoughts. Sudden death sucks.

I hate wasting energy on hating.

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"I hate that cultures can change so much when you cross a state line."
Heck, in some places all you have to do is go just outside City limits!
"--People who will not take responsibility for their actions."
I think I'm drowning in a sea of irresponsible people here.
"I hate it that I have found someone I care for and they live 300 miles away..."
TL, I think it's more than 300 miles to Eugene, OR from Texas. (Sorry, I just had to say that.)
"I hate that the hiring in this area is done by the F.B.I. method.

F= Friends, B= Brothers, I= Inlaws."

Welcome to Eugene, Oregon.

I hate it that there just aren't enough hours in the day for a single person to "do it all" (and then some), with no help!!! I'm getting nowhere fast!! Gah!!!!

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you mean Oregon isn't just the other side of Waco...my geography is lame...

Still love ya..... :wub:

Shoot, from where I am at in Texas everything is a hop, skip and jump.

(Hop to the airport, skip across to Dallas in a puddle jumper, and the jump on a big jet.) B)

Waco is a 3 hour drive, which is a short hop in West Texas terms.


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I hate that I ran out of weding wire right before I finished building this cool self contained swinger/activator. I also hate that for some reason my dryer isnt blowing hot air. Wahoo gotta call a repairman! :angry:

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Back to the topic it hand:

I f@#$ing hate f@#$ing professors that are so f@#$ing full of themselves that they can't f@#$ing teach the f@#$ing course material in a manner that is understandable to any of the f@#$ing people sitting in the f@#$ing room with the dumb f@#$. I f@#$ing hate it even more when the f@#$ing asshat hasn't set out any f@#$ing sort of f@#$ing goal or a f@#$ing syllabus that tells us what the f@#$ing class is f@#$ing supposed to f@#$ing be a-f@#$ing-bout.

I also f@#$ing hate f@#$ing p!@#$%&ians.

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