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04 NATS Scuttlebut & Pool

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No partials posted, who's doing how????

goign waaaaay out on a limb here with my picks in the pool. (not like anyone asked of course.) Should preface it with the facts that I have not shot many major matches this year, and these picks are based solely on the published "racing program" (Front Site & the squadding list). Fun to "bench race" if I can't be there.

Keep me posted.

My guesses in "the pool" were:

Open: (hoping for) Max in a close one over Grauffel. Tilley and JJ and Saul in a tight pack about 3% back. "Hacksaw" Jim Collier should make the top 25.

Limited: Tough to call. Gotta cheer for TGO to 5-peat, but Phil has been tough, there's Travis, Manny, Blake, Estuardo, Taran and jeez I see TJ is on the Limited squad. Frank G. is back in country but I don't think he'll make the match. Ooof. I'd hate to have to call this one for the cash.

Pressed for a Tri-fecta I guess I'd pick TGO, Strader, Travis. Gotta root for my buddies Mike Schaeffer and Eric Seipp to make the top 25, and SmittyFL to make the Sweet 16. Jody "Boom Boom" Ragno makes the top 5 ladies. (sorry I know more Limited guys and watch that stuff all year long).

L-10: not a clue, but I have Gambrell to make the top 10. Is Koenig shooting L-10??

Production: Sevigny out front as usual, but I see the field closer than they have been. He wins, but maybe by as little as 5% this time. Angus, "the Mink", Rich Dettlehouser and Petros in the top 10. Not enough knowledge here to even guess at an order. Gilber Perez is tough, but I have never seen him shoot Production. Who'd I miss?

Revo: No knowledge of the players except of course for the ragin' cajun. Jerry by a comfy 15%. Yeah, closer than ever before.

I don't mean to offend anyone if I left you or your favorite out. I don't know that many shooters, so I go with those I know or the published favorites (BIG risk taker, huh?) These are just wild ass guesses. But I figured it would start a conversation and keep the scuttlebutt flowing.

What are your picks? Top 3 in each

Be fair, I posted mine without seeing any scores.

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I'm being totally fair if I doubt that Saul will be in the top ten. I think that even with his powerfactor he can't reach the targets from that beach in Israel he's enjoying the sun on right now ;)


1) Eric

2) Max

3) Chris


1) Rob

2) Phil

3) That one guy....you kno who I mean.


1) Angus

2) Not a clue

3) Not a clue


1) Hmmm....Jerry?

2) At 79%, that other guy.....

3) ...

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Well after someone (Eric) woke me up today to talk about this?? :P I sleep before work remember. Notice the post time. <_<

Open; Max Michel jr.

Limited; Travis Tomasie

L-10; Jeff Gambrell

Production; Dave Sevigny

Revolver; Jerry Miculek

P/S; good luck Rachel, Johnathan, Jody, James, & Jeff.

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Limited: I think it is going to be Phil's year w/ TGO in hot pursuit.

You wrote: "Production: Sevigny out front as usual, but I see the field closer than they have been. He wins, but maybe by as little as 5% this time. Angus, "the Mink", Rich Dettlehouser and Petros in the top 10. Not enough knowledge here to even guess at an order. Gilber Perez is tough, but I have never seen him shoot Production. Who'd I miss?"

My Production prediction: Todd Sindelar and Eric Lund in the top 5 along w/ David Sevigny of course. I also think the CZs of Angus and Matt will pose a serious threat to the top Glock shooters (I love my Glocks but I am a die-hard CZ fan).

"Revo: No knowledge of the players except of course for the ragin' cajun. Jerry by a comfy 15%. Yeah, closer than ever before."

If Rudy Waldinger shows up, he is a shoe-in for 2nd place behind Jerry with the rest of the field a long way back (Rudy is unbelievable with a wheelgun).

Any updates from the field? D.

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Open - I will pick Chris T. Feel if he shoots to his ability he will take it.

Limited - I am picking Phil. He has the ability and speed over TGO. It certainly can be his year.

Production - Todd Sindelar over Sevigny. If Jake is on he could be up there as well.

Revo and Lim 10 I have no clue.

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For Limited 10 i say scott warren or Steve Broom ( i know scott, and i got smoked at A5 by broom... and a lot of other guys but still)

Damn it i want interim results!!!

Production is about to be a nightmare. Dave sevigny's gap is shrinking.

Olahasso, Sindelar, Jake DiVita, Angus Hobdell, Petros Millonios, and others who i do not know alll could win the match if dave screws something up. It's scarry how far this sport has come.

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Sorry for the lack of intermediates.. If I'd a known, I'd have taken some pics.. the ol cell-modem connection's not good.

Anyway. All I looked at was the Open top dogs and the top 3 right now look to be JJ, Max and Eric. Max and JJ are more than holding their own.

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good for the "gringos" but it's how well they shoot for all five days. Stay smooth guys, we are rooting for you.

As to my squad mate Blackbird, I think I get to pick the prize and YOU get to pay for it!!!

How about an "A" card for any "B" shooters with Halfman Limited guns?

...............keep it on thread MAtt.

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Partials are up. SmittyFL is on Lim SS #2 and is doing well. For now looks like Manny is out front on SS 1, with less than 20 points separating the field.

Got an email from Blake and it sounds like it has already been a bit of a roller coaster for the Lim SS.

"Everyone is still pretty close. Not many mistakes the first day. Today I saw a few mistakes. Todd had a no shoot on one stage and a missed steel on another stage which he had to run back for(2-2.5 second lose). Phil had a noshoot-mike on the last stage. Rob had a big time loss on the dark house, maybe 4-6 second loss(not sure). I don't know if it was a jam or a dropped mag. Besides that Rob is doing great. I think I heard Estuardo had one miss. I really haven't been paying attention to their shooting. I only caught a few of the big mistakes. I am shooting average, nothing special. The only penalty I have is a no shoot from the first day."

Gringos on Open SS are doing well, looks like JJ out front for now.

Production looks like Dave over Angus by about 7 points right now.

L10 is tough to call but Jeff Gambrell and Doug seem to be the lead pack, if I am guessing which is the L10 SS.

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