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How many majors do you guys shoot each year?


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Just wondering how many majors the average self sponsored shooter like me attends each year. In 2011 I shot Area 1, the Open and Limited Nationals, and Area 2. This year I only made it to Area 1 and the Limited Nationals. Its damn expensive for me just to make it to the nearest matches in Areas 1 and 2 cause I live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Crossing my fingers but I'd like to shoot Area 1 (if I can get in), Limited Nationals (same, if can get a slot) and Area 2 next year.

also curious how many majors the sponsored shooters attend. Its a given that the top GM's probably shoot every single Area match, but I realize there's different levels of sponsorship.

I'm so jealous of you guys who can load their shit, jump into their own personal car and drive to a match even if its several hours away. Hate flying but love shooting in different places (especially Las Vegas :D ), and the whole major match thing. wish I started shooting majors earlier.

Edited by blaster113
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Hawaii and Alaska have the same travel problems. I went to the SS Nats this year, my first and only major match. Next year, if I can get in, I plan to hit the SS Nats, revolver nats, and A1. I'm going to start working them (starting with area 1) to help with the bills a little, and to get into the sport more.

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I did 9 this year. Next year I'm going to find the 4-5 baddest majors and do those.

Wow, 9! I'd love to do that much. Told my wife I'm going to hit every single Area match the year after I retire, don't care how much its going to cost.

the thought of working the matches crossed my mind, but don't have my confidence up yet as I just got my RO certification. way too new as an RO to work a major.

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the thought of working the matches crossed my mind, but don't have my confidence up yet as I just got my RO certification. way too new as an RO to work a major.

Nonsense. You won't be on the stage alone. Usually at least one other experienced RO or CRO will be there with you. If you wait to get the experience, you will never get the experience. Working a major is a very good way to build on the class. Yes, you will make mistakes, but the experienced guys and RM you work with will help you learn from them.

At an area match I worked last year I had a CRO who worked several Nats try to convince me he was right and I was wrong. Well, he was wrong, not me. Just saying even experienced ROs/CROs make mistakes and need to listen to other's input.

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the thought of working the matches crossed my mind, but don't have my confidence up yet as I just got my RO certification. way too new as an RO to work a major.

You're not too new. The RM's at major matches are smart. They won't just throw you out there and see what happens. They'll pair you up with more experienced people. I got RO-certified the same month I started shooting uspsa (last march), and worked LPR nationals this year. While I tried to RO a bunch at local matches, I still felt pretty green at the start of the nats. But our stage had 4 RO's, one of whom is a certified rangemaster, another who has worked a zillion nationals, and I learned a lot pretty fast, and got to apply it right away. The 2nd day I got to run the timer for the production supersquad.

I would STRONGLY encourage you to sign up to RO at a major. Not only will you save some money, but you'll learn the right way, from the most experienced people in the business. It will help your shooting and your RO-ing tremendously. I would say it should be a priority for a new RO to work a major match as soon as possible, before you forget stuff, or learn bad habits. There's no better way to gain *correct* experience.

In response to the original question, as a recreational shooter hoping to make B and then A, I plan on shooting 2-3 majors a year the next couple years. Right now only planning on going to matches I can drive to, and planning to RO the matches where I can, both to keep expenses down, and to learn, and to give back to the sport. All my life I've enjoyed the benefits of other people's volunteer work (racing bicycles and motorcycles). The great thing about shooting is you can often help out *and* compete.

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Between the cost of the matches getting redickulous $ 150 for a state match is crazy! Then traval ( gas food ans room ) we must be outta our heads? :blink::surprise: I end up dropping $500 plus per match easy.

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I shot 9 this year. Past years I have shot anywhere from 8-10, so 9 is a good average for me.

This year I shot 5 State matches (Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Alabama, and W. PA), 2 Areas (A5 & A6) 1 Open Nationals, and 1 other (Sparta Open).

The ability to drive to a major match certainly helps defray the cost, since airline tickets are expensive and you can't split the cost with anyone else, but obviously that depends on where you live.

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Between the cost of the matches getting redickulous $ 150 for a state match is crazy! Then traval ( gas food ans room ) we must be outta our heads? :blink::surprise: I end up dropping $500 plus per match easy.

Up until earlier this year I had been racing dirtbikes for the previous 10-11 years. Shooting is so much cheaper it's not even funny.

Even cheaperer if I work the match.

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I raced for 17 years MX & SX, a few (five)wrist surgeries later I had to hang up my helmet. A gun cost as much as a CR 450. About the same, if you can get tru a season with one bike. :roflol: less hospital visits. :cheers::roflol:

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The travel expense is the biggest limiting factor in how many majors I make it to. Plus I hate flying so I look for Level III matches in the West half of the US. Airline tickets are a minimum of $400-500 round trip to the West Coast/Vegas, and that increases the further east you go. Then you have hotel and rental car costs, etc. add in the match fee and the cost of practice ammo and it gets real expensive.

my goal is to make it to at least 3 a year.

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Same boat as blaster113.

I'd like to do three at year but can get by with two.

This year all I'll be doing (have done) are Area 1 and Open Nationals.

Next year, looking to do Area 1; Area 2; Double Tap and Open Nationals.

Alternate would be an area match in the middle of the US so my wife can tag along to someplace we have never been to.

Costs add up.

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