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Rocky Mountain 3Gun Match

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The match was great. The additional fringe benefits like shooting in the rain with spectacular lightening and thunder surrounding you , running up and down slick mud paths at 7000 ft gasping for air, what more could you ask for? :-)

The RO at Stage 4 could use some mediation skills, though.

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Great match. Driving home tomorrow. Results that I think I remember correctly.

Open winner Matt Burkett

2nd, 3rd and fourth in open were Don Bednorz, Gene Ragulski and Jake Kempton.

Tactical Winner Taran Butler

2nd tactical was Tony Holmes

He-Man winner was Eddie Rhodes

For a complete match rundown read Zak Smiths RM3G Report

Yours truly had a great time, screwed the pooch in the dark house on stage 6 better than anyone else and still managed to hack out 15th in open and more than my entry fee in quality prizes.

It was an outstanding 3 gun match last year. It was a lot better this year. I will be going again next year.

BTW, I got to meet a lot of Forum folks, got to watch some very awesome displays of shooting accompanied by lightning and thunder. 5 Stars +



Edited by George
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GL, If this wasn't the best match of the year I missed it. It was well run, on time and best of all fun! No DQ'S what does that say about the quality of the shooters as well as the match staff. The RO'S worked their butts off and deserve a great big THANKYOU. ZAK has covered most of the match in his post so all I have to add is lets do it again next year or sooner.

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This match is run with the intent of everyone finishing and having a great time as gifted shooters. Don't be a pin-head, you won't be DQ'd.

We are going to run a safe match no matter what but you have to earn a DQ to get one.

We are not like alot of IPSC matches where we try and trap you to DQ you!

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Match was fun, challenging, and well run. Every stage we shot started on time (or early) and finished the same way. My squad was mostly a group from Fort Worth, and a terrific bunch. My wife and I plan to tag along with them again next year. We had an absolute blast!

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Zak!!.....an excellent Job on the Pictures and the report!!!

This was my first match that I have ever shot & RO'd that was at:

A. 7000 Feet

B. Not on Level Ground

Both of which were way out of my comfort zone......however, I would say to anyone on the fence like I was.....DON'T LET THAT STOP YOU!!

This match was, with out a doubt, one of the best run run matches I have ever been to......period.

I worked with some very good RO's (Garret was one of them) and it was great to put faces with names of people that I have talked with over the last year or so.

The experience of the NRA Whittington Center was great!!! I worked with some of the best RO's in the sport!!, the COF's were very challenging!!, some the most friendly people around, a huge prize table........I would have to say as someone else has mentioned......this is THE GO TO match to be at.

I will be there next year and will also get more of my Minnesnowta flat lander friends to come out as well.

I actually felt more of like a guest out there rather than an RO......so to everyone that worked the match I'd like to say that you all did an excellent job!!!

I would also suggest that as soon as the date is nailed down and applications are availible.......get yours in!!......this match may just fill up next year.


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I would like to thank J.P. enterprises for sponsoring and being the insperation behind the R.M.3G. John Gangle has given much to our sport. Not only did he sponsor the match but he bought all the food and brough Joe, Tommy, and Rick to cook for the R.O.s for the entire match! We can't even begin to thank him enough! John's whole family chipped in and helped when ever and where ever needed. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!

I would like to thank all the competitors for coming and for all the great help resetting and helping the match run smoothly! Without great people like yourselves this would have been much more work than it was. I would especially like to thank the Kansas and New Mexico ( Broncho and crew) shooters who helped tear down stage 2 after the shoot. In 15 minutes it was like it had never been there! THANKS GUYS!!! The squad befor was team G.E. , Mickster and friends, these guys stoped for a bit to help police up the fired hulls, and a better job couldn't have been asked for

I would also like to extend a very big thank you to the two guys from England who came over just to help with the match! Both guys are top notch competitors in England with shotgun and proved that the U.K. still has some pretty darn competitive " blokes". Mike.45 finished 16th, and Barry S. finished 32nd. Remember that this is the first time in about 8 years that they were even able to hold a pistol let alone shoot in competition with one and you can double that time for rifle!! TOP SHELF, GUYS!!!!!!

I would of course like to thank all the R.O.s without them this match wouldn't happen, and without the attitude they brought with them ( the most friendly in the world) this match wouoldn't be what it was and will continue to be!!


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Let me echo Kurt;

Thanks to John for feeding us AND sponsoring the match, thanks to Joe, Tommy, & Rick for cooking the awsome meals! Thanks to John's family for helping feed us hungry ROs!

Thanks to RM3G for having me as an RO, I learned a lot! This match is the only one I am even remotely interested in ROing, I just like shooting too much!

Thanks to Denese for helping me RO stage 7 "Excess Baggage", doing all that extra work when I was away shooting other stages, keeping me straight on the very few abnormal calls we had, tearing down the stage before I even got up sunday morning, and for keeping the rattlesnakes away from me...

Thanks to all the other ROs, we had a great day wednesday, and for letting me catch up friday and saturday, espcially Hung Dang for getting up earily saturday so I could shoot stage 1 and still get back to my stage in time, and Michael Fields and Dean Culver for running me last on saturday, cutting into lunchtime.

AND, thanks to the competitors, everyone ran "Excess Bagage" very safe, you made my job easy! (I figured I ran about 15 miles in 3 days, 60 yards at a time...) And congrats to everyone for NO DQs!

See everyone next year, if you didn't go this year, do it in '05! you won't regret it!


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I will echo what everyone has already said - the match was great! They made great use of the natural terrain and designed stages that were a challenge but that anyone could shoot. I really appreciate all the time and effort the staff adn ROs put into the match. Thanks!

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To All:

Please thank all our sponsors for the their time and donations for the match, if not for them the match would not happen-And most of all lets all thank JP and the Wongs and crew for all the help-They made life much easier on everyone.

Thanks for comming to the match, we hope you had a good time and you come back next year.

Results for the match will be posted on Monday the 31st-Sorry for the inconvience but alot of us just got done unpacking and are now repacking for the ITRC.

Take care-RM3G

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Yep Hung you are right, it is starting to feel like the Oscar thank-you's but I feel one more can’t hurt ! :rolleyes:

Barry and I need to thank all the organisers for their hospitality and kindness for accepting two strange Limeys into the RO fold ! It was a great experience and one neither of us will forget. We had a fantastic time and the company was outstanding ! It was also nice to put faces to and eventually meet so many of the BE users.

It was great being able to shoot guns we now only see on TV and it became clear to us how in the US you have a freedom and trust placed on you that is worth protecting and one that collectively you need to preserve. It was also nice to realise that despite not having access to such things we didn’t embarress ourselves shooting them – good hints and tips from fellow RO’s in the days prior to the match certainly helped in that area ! ;)

I am glad the curfew rule stood at 11pm as it was a good excuse to go to bed instead of drinking till 2am !! For the first time in about 8 years I went to bed one night at 10.30pm !!! (absolutely exhausted, full up on prime steak and a few cans of Extra Gold).

Once again many thanks to Eric, Jimmy, Blane, Mike, Hung, JJ, Denese, Kim, Dean, Joe, Guy and Garret Hawkins, Tommy and Joe Wong, Rick, Roy, Jim, Ronald and Garret Regan, JP and his family and especially to Kurt, the guy who made it all possible.

I was a bit disappointed in only coming 11th in the ‘Best Brit Accent’ category – I will try harder in future. :(

I am on the trail for Sterling AR 40 rounders and L1A1 30 round mags !!

Cheers chaps, bloody good show !

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Thanks to everyone, staff and shooters alike for making the 2004 JP RM3G a great match. The feedback has been very positive and gratifying. I look forward to seeing all of you again next year. Zak, your post was great! My wife now has a better idea of what the hell I was doing for a week in New Mexico.

I designed a number of the stages and RO'd stage 5 (Knock-Knock). I saw an inordinate number of malfunctions - especially with rifles - and thought it might be useful to share a couple of observations with you:

Many shooters elected to try to get through the stage with one rifle magazine.

- Somewhere around 20% (just a guess) of the shooters elected to use 40 round magazines and at least half of those had significant malfuctions with their first round (mostly double feeds). Many of those with the failures told me that the magazine had never failed them before. I did not observe any pattern in the brand of 40 round mags that failed. I suspect that the requirement to start with the bolt closed on an empty chamber contributed to the many failures.

- One shooter used a Beta C and it worked fine.

- Many shooters attempted to neutralize some of the targets with only one round to avoid or reduce the number of mag changes. Although this tactic worked for some, a lot of these shooters had "failures to neutralize" as a result.

I also observed a number of failures to fully extract when shooters were not holding their rifles to their shoulders (the rifle version of limp-wrist I guess). I think this was a result of some of the awkward ports.

Finally, I saw a lot of failures at the last pistol port when the shooter was trying to engage all five of the last pistol targets from there. It appeared that contact with the wall caused most of these.

Any feedback back on the Hot Weapon Boxes? This was a new concept for us and we'd like to know what you thought. Anything you'ld like to see next year?


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Any feedback back on the Hot Weapon Boxes? This was a new concept for us and we'd like to know what you thought

I thought they were great. I am going to use something similar at an upcoming multi-gun club match we are having because it worked so well at the RM3G.

Anything you'ld like to see next year?

Yes, more stages! Howsabout ten of those great stages instead of eight ;)

BTW, I loved stage 5, it was one of the best rifle hoser stages I have ever had the pleasure of shooting. It also was my best stage of the match.

Thanks again,


Geoffrey Linder AKA “George”

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