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Harassment by another shooter

Steve Moneypenny

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I shot the Michigan match with a close friend Friday. we are both pretty quick with our hands and both safe conscious shooters. after we come off the line, another shooter, NOT an RO just walks up to us and proceeds to bless us out for SWEEPing our arms. well my friend didn't, it was on video. not sure if mine was on video or not, but the way i draw/shoot i don't see how i could have possibly swept myself.

of course this upset both of us a great deal. and the kept arguing with us that we did. and on and on and on, we said ok thanks bye. and he keeps going... i told him to go away.... doesn't work. finally i told him to petition to get us DQ'd or shut up. to which he whined some more and i walked away to collect myself.

Anyone have any other thoughts on this. lots of things my evil side would have liked to do, but i would have surely been asked not to come back...

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There are just some human animals out there that have such tremendous psychological problems that cramming them into a bag and tossing them in a ditch out in the middle of nowhere is about all you can do... if you could get away with it. Kinda like you said, "..."the evil side of you..."

These people are sometimes un-fixable. :angry:

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Maybe it's because I'm a New Yorker at heart, but it might have gone as follows:

"I'm sure you're mistaking me for someone".

jerk - "What do you mean"

"Someone who gives a sh*t what you think!"

Some people are just beyond minding their OWN business.

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It sounds like he was being an a**, but is it possible he really believed you swept yourself? If so, he should have yelled, "STOP!" when he saw it instead of waiting until afterward. Arguing and hostility are definitely inappropriate, and he should have gone to the match director is he felt he was right (and apparently he was not!).

I've been on the opposite side of this ... in the position where I saw a guy (in IDPA) break the 180 (which was the predetermined "muzzle safe point" for the local club). I yelled, "MUZZLE!" so the SO would look, but he didn't stop the guy. Afterward, the shooter went crazy yelling at me, denying he did it, and at one point I thought he would charge at me.

I know I did the right thing, but that kind of reaction will make me hesitiate to speak up again in the future unless the gun is pointed at ME.

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- Ask for a demonstration in the safe area

- Ask that person to leave it to the RO, plains and angles are hard to judge unless your next to the shooter

- Discuss this issue with the match director/RO's

- Squad with someone else next time

Or other bad ideas -

....give dirty looks :angry:

....flirt with that persons gf :wub:

....laugh when that person messes up :lol:

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First - you look at your buddy and ask - Do you hear the wind blowing? If the dumb sh*t does not wander off following that remark you verbally hit him with

"Who are you? And why should I care?"

Followed by "I'm sure you're mistaking me for someone".

jerk - "What do you mean"

"Someone who gives a sh*t what you think!" and then -

and only then -

"Just smile....get up close to him and tell him if he doesn't leave asap...you will whip his A## right here in front of everyone"

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Last IDPA match I shot,,,I was cruising along, doing quite well. When after I blistered a stage, someone says.

Wow, that was pretty fast and accurate, where'd you learn to shoot like that. I replied basically, I shoot regularly at XXXXXX club.

The response to that was,,,

Oh, so you're one of those IPSC Rambo's. I bit my tongue and moved along. The person was joking to some extent, but I could tell there was a hint of the ol' USPSA Vs. IDPA,,,,,,didn't want to go there.

Anyway,,,,,that person now shoots USPSA at club XXXXXX on a regular basis, and I'm truthfully very happy to see them shooting with us.

If I had popped off, I would have likely cost our club at least two,,,probably even 3 to maybe 4 shooters as the original person who made the comment comes with a few other people.

Some one said earlier that some people are un-fixable,,,,,maybe true. But over time,,,,some will fix themselves if we don't burn the bridges and give them reasons to prepetuate an invalid perception about our sport or the people who participate.

The best thing we can do is continue to set a positive example....even when it is hard to do.


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I gotta go with TL and 300# on this one. Sorry, Rhino--spectators (people not working the stage) should not yell anything during the COF, nor, IMO, should they come give you a lecture afterwards. What ever happened to minding one's own business?


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I believe a quiet word to somebody that may have or came close to commiting a serious infraction afterwards is a good idea. Once they either say "no way" or "thanks, I didn't notice", then go away. Arguing and carrying on is pointless.

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Just be sure not to sweep yourself when you're drawing on him :D

Just kidding -

My experience is that people who give advice pro or con when they don't really have the right to give that advice are probably a little insecure and or want to feel better about themselves.

I've been on both sides of that fence - and still stand in the middle from time to time.

If you went, checked out your draw and figured it isn't very likely what he's saying your doing is something you are doing then I'd push on and not worry about it. Blame it on the individual. If he was right, the suggestion was made (proper or improper) and it caused you not to sweep yourself again . . . I'd say you both win.

It sucks that they had the wrong approach - he is probably just insecure because he can't do what you can do. I'd blow it off and kick his butt at the next match.


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Thinking more about what you possibly could have been doing that would have looked like sweeping to anyone that actually shoots, I'm drawing a blank....

How in the hell does one sweep his arm? I can understand it if you're drawing from a weak-side holster (there's actually a great series of photos in Guns & Ammo The Complete Book of the 1911 on pages 144-145 of Jeff Cooper sweeping his arm when drawing from a shoulder rig... can't tell where his finger is in the photo that has the gun closest to pointing at his arm/hand), but otherwise you'd have to have a REALLY crappy draw to sweep your hand (let alone your arm).

FWIW.... ;)

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Just standing there shooting I agree.

But if a shooter has to open a door, or open a box, or do something with their hands in front of them while drawing - I've seen it happen. Hell - I've done it :huh: .


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Good point... I can see it happening while holding open a briefcase, etc. I'm conscientious of it with doors. It sounds like there was a draw involved in these cases.

I would have approached the RM and asked him to issue this guy a STFU. :P

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I've been on the opposite side of this ... in the position where I saw a guy (in IDPA) break the 180 (which was the predetermined "muzzle safe point" for the local club). I yelled, "MUZZLE!" so the SO would look, but he didn't stop the guy. Afterward, the shooter went crazy yelling at me, denying he did it, and at one point I thought he would charge at me.

I know I did the right thing, but that kind of reaction will make me hesitiate to speak up again in the future unless the gun is pointed at ME.

IDPA does not have a 180-degree rule.

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IDPA does not have a 180-degree rule.

Yes, oh pedantic one. That is why I clearly stated that it was a violation of the pre-determined muzzle safe directions of the range in question. Muzzle safe directions are very much in the rules.

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You are all too nice....

If the guy doesn't leave me alone after the nice attempts above - so he already screvved up my game plan - I would walk up to each RO just before he gives the RC command for this guy to shoot and tell him that this guy sweeps/finger on trigger/180's etc on every stage...is gonna leave a real bad taste in but why should he be the only one to have fun....

First settle...if he doesn't wanna...destroy him :ph34r::ph34r:


On a serious note:

People need to learn respect for others and the game and some other common things that their mother/father were supposed to teach...(unluckily not so common any more).

With our game we can not afford that someone looses his/her temper...guns don't mix with many things and a clouded mind is one of them... :unsure:

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