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After watching the last series of the game last night, I have come to realize watching NFL football makes zero sense. Player skills has no bearing on the outcome, just the lack of skill of the "replacement officials". At least, I will have more spare time again... ( dry fire should pick up some ;) )



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I never truly understood watching others perform an activity, to the extent some do, that you, yourself, can not or do not engage in. Seems to me more often than not most major league players, in any sport, are over paid children. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is worth a salary of 30 something million a year. Unless you cured cancer or something.

Sorry...off soap box now.

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I will not watch any NFL coverage until the regular refs return.

+1 on the NHL. They were one of the largest growing sports about 10 years ago. Then the owners decided to lock out the players, and now you can only find games on Versus. I can't imagine what another lockout will do to the sport.

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I say bring the game back to the 50's when the helmets and pads were thin, the game was rough and dirty, and the men were men. But for added enjoyment let them all take as many steroids as they want. Shoot, any performance enhancing drugs for that matter. Turn em loose on the field and let em battle it out!!!

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it appears a deal is about to be reached and the regular refs will be back soon


Back on the job for TONIGHT's game.... hopefully they won't be too rusty.... but anything beats the bad call made on Monday night by the high school ref...

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