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Newbe Needs reloading info for .40 Edge


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Just getting started in USPSA and have an STI Edge in .40. I was wondering what the cheapest load combination would be for .40 to make major power factor. I have a Dillon 650 and have been loading .45 using WST powder for years. Mainly lead SWCs. So do I use lead, copper ? What grain bullet and type. And what is the preferred powder for the sport. Thanks in advance !

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welcome,,and that is a good question but,,powder primers,bullet,comb.are almost endless,,me I use wst powder 4.8gr,Bayou 180gr bullets loaded at 1.185,,works for me,,

I also like zero 180 gr bullets,tightgroup powder,,

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Lots of people like the 180g bullets with either Tite Group or N320. Since you want economical, try Tite Group first. Also, if you have a recoil master on your Edge, try a full length guide rod and a few different springs.

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+1 on WST with Bayou Coated 180gr @ 1.18 oal. Clean, accurate and cheaper. Temp sensitive so chrono @ temp extremes. I recently drank the cool aid and switched to N320 but your going to spend more going that route.

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180 grain bullets worked great in the two 5 inch guns I had. I'm partial to Solo 1000 with moly bullets, 4.7/4.8 grains is what I used to use with BBI 180s at 1.180 for about 168-170 pf. 4.8 grains of N320 with a 180 gr jhp was my go to match load, very soft shooting

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185 grain Precision Moly, 5.0 grains of WSF, COAL of 1.185 for STI.

185 grain Precision Moly, 4.7 grains of WSF, COAL of 1.140 for Glock with Lone Wolf Barrel

I like WSF, but keep in mind it is reverse temp seisitive: the hotter the ambient temp, the lower your velocity gets.

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I have tried Montana Gold, Hornady HAP, Berry, etc. all 180gr. usually behind VVN320. I use to use Tightgroup, but found it dirty and a little snappy. Figure whats best for you (price & load feel) and the gun. My current load is Hornady 180gr HAP or MG 180gr JHP over 4.9gr of VVN320 at 1.18OAL. Gives me a PF of 168 out of my Edge.

Edited by KTKlaus
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I shoot IPSC with an STI Edge (5" BBL) in .40S&W.

Where I come from, you cannot use lead bullets in matches. Only plated or jacketed bullets are allowed.

I'm not sure if it's the cheapest load, but it works well for me. Clean burning and good accuracy.

- Berry's RS-DS bullets 180gr

- VV N320 5,15gr

- OAL is 29,1mm

- Federal small pistol primers

- Mixed brass

- A little bit of crimp to avoid setback.

My power factor is around 172-173 (at 15 degrees C).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very interesting reading - thanks for the contributions folks.

Just wondering if I could get some additional input from you all on the same sort of topic/thread.

Shooting an STI Edge, 5" bbl in 40 S&W.

It is "stock" out of the box so it comes with the factory STI 5" recoil master.

It's still new (about to move out of IPSC production in IPSC standard).

I would like to load to "just make major" PF in IPSC somewhere in the 170-175 range, plus or minus.

Anybody have any advice and suggestions when using:

200 Grain, Berry TMJ

Silhouette powder

Federal small pistol primers

Mixed brass.

Also, with that in mind, what is a reliable OAL for the Edge?

Any thoughts and advice for this noob would be appreciated and welcome.

Thanks all.

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For the OAL on the edge, most jacketed bullets you can load out past 1.180, I've even loaded to 1.240. For lead, it really depends on your barrel, and the profile of the bullet. Generally you can still be in the 1.160-1.180 with lead.

Missouri makes great bullets, I've used the 170gr LSWC and the 180gr LTC. About 4.8gr of WST at 1.170 should get those near major. For jacketed, MTG 180 JHPs I load with 5.2 to 5.9(CAUTION: my jug of powder is slow) at 1.230 or so. For a minor load, 3.8gr of WST behind a 180gr FMJ at 1.180 is about 128PF out of my gun. WST is reverse temp sensitive, It'll slow down as temps go up. Be aware of this if its excessively cold or hot.

Biggest thing with 40 loading major is start low and go slow, load up and CHRONO your loads. Watch primers for pressure signs.

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Many thanks for the OAL confirmation.

I had read in some other threads in this forum that folks seem to agree on a long OAL for the STI EDge.

Consensus seems to be in the 1.18 - 1.20 range.

I'm going to avoid lead bullets (for one reason or another) and stick with the jacketed Berrys since they are readily available and not too expensive from our source here.

Thanks for the 180 Grain recommendations.

Anybody have any 200 Grain recommendations ... or "starting point" for a recipe?


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  • 5 months later...

Currently running 5.5 grains WST..JHP 165 zeros at 1.175....I run this load in both 5" and 6" PF in the 5"approximately 172 slightly higher in the 6" no signs of over pressure and very happy with the performance.

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They say that 180 gr has more felt recoil bec it requires more powder load as compared to 200 gr

To make the pf in 200 gr i put 4.2g of n320. And in 180 gr i put 4.8g so is it safe to say that more powder more recoil? Thanks

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Don't be surprised if lead bullets stick in your barrel and don't chamber properly.

Ignorant post if I've ever heard one, great contribution.

In my 5" Edge I love the 200gr LRN loaded with N320 or WST... People have said "no way these make major" a time or two when letting them try a few rounds.

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