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Forty Days and Forty Nights

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That's right boys and girls! Only 40 days until Klintons AWB slips down over history's horizon. (Flexman and me will each be toasting the blessed event from our respective front porches.) Yeah, yeah, I know, "don't count your chickens befored they're hatched". This election is percieved to be so close that neither side wants to risk alienating the "gun vote" by even discussing the topic in public. Gutless wonders have only one useful quality, they are always predictable. :P Nobody in either party is going to touch this third rail with a ten-foot pole.

Soooooo, with Christmas coming early this year, I'm trying to figure what cool stuff to build. I'm looking for ideas. Any product sporting the "pre-ban" moniker is likely to be selling pretty cheap. Then, there are those great FALs and Galils that will be fully legal to import again. What do the industry insiders think will happen? What will become of all the "US compliant parts kits"? What about high cap pistol mags? Will prices drop? What will become of Limited 10 Division?

Think of all those nice post-ban AR barrels that nobody is going to want because they aren't threaded for a muzzle break!

It's probably not a good idea to start talking about this in public yet. We don't want to arouse any interest from the antis. I just want them to wake up in the dark on Sept 14th and realize that the sun has set on their era and it ain't coming back up tomorrow. :lol::lol:

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Thank God! I found another cracked feedlip on a brand-new Orlite the other day. I'm so sick of running 3rd rate gear.

Who's taking pre-orders for new AR mags? I want to buy a couple gazillion.

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We'll be celebrating with you Sam, negative gun laws always get attention hopefully this move in the right direction will too.

And go for the FAL, I recently bought one, cut it to 16" and put a cool comp on it, its great to shoot!

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I'm thinking right now, there is a ban.

One morning I will wake up in a different right now, where there is no ban. ;)

Unless a federal judge in assachusetts decides to play King George or something. In which case we'll all dress up like Indians and throw his tea in the harbor, while the NRA files a law suit. :lol:

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Hey, Phil! You guys can actually start celebrating a day before us. Very Cool! :lol:

Yes, I need another FAL, they are awesome! I'd like to build a 16 incher like your's. Maybe folding stocks be legal again?

OK, I probably need at least 2 more.

Anyway, I'm hoping there will be mass confusion and some kits will go really cheap.

Sept. 13th is a Monday. The second Monday of the month is always our gun club meeting. This one is going to be a blow out!

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I need lots and lots and lots of high cap pistol mags. Mags for guns I don't even own(YET!). I will have to look through what was actually banned and see if there is anything I need. Prices should come down. Glock mags for LEO are something like $15. I don't think they will drop that low but we can always hope. TXAG

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I don't think the SV and STI mags will change in price much...not until another supplier comes in to provide for them.

Glock mags...as said, LEO's get them cheap now. I hope it doesn't take long to get them to current pricing (mailed to the door, two'fer $32)

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I would presume most of the (US) shops have already got their inventory lined up for 1 minute after the law sunsets. I was doubtful it would actually expire, but at this point after they took off for summer recess, I think it's unlikely for the law to be re-instated before it does expire. Here's hoping for it. Of course who knows how long it will last. Get 'em while they're hot.

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im gonna be loving this when it expires..

were gonna have a 10 round mag bonfire.(not really)

nothing is more silly than a glock only holding 10 rounds.

oddly enough, uspsa rulebook is going to come out before the law sunsets, so it looks like production is gonna stay 10 round division for at least 3 more years.

it would be nice if it were "as many as you can cram into a magazine that fits flush" like it is in IPSC.

but i dont want the 5 pound trigger rule, or the 5 inch barrel(why are they hung up on 5s?)

i can say on sept 14, im gonna have my order in for 10 glock mags, and some of those nifty taylor freelance pads...

i believe we can call the last 10 years the "dark ages of IPSC"

i cant wait...its gonna be great. :wub:

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Dark ages of IPSC? Nah... just a new challenge (look how many people came in with L10 and Production).

As far as the title of this thread, I'm thinking I'll be feeling a bit like the dude in the movie of the same title that's crunching on Shannyn Sossamon.

Bring on the regular caps.

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The importation of semi-auto firearms is covered by 18 U.S.C. Section 922r. This was the law signed by George Bush in 1989 that banned the importation of a lot of semi-auto firearms and governed how imported semi-autos must look --> it basically gives the BATF almost limitless authority to decide what is "particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes". Section 922 is a separate law than the 1994 AW ban and is not affected if the AW ban expires.

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davidwiz, great link! And thanks for pointing out the difference in the two laws. I'm going to have to print this stuff out and read it for the next 35 (and counting) days.

Sounds like the US made guns are not covered under the 1989 act???

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Although the Senate bill for renewal was killed and the Speaker of the House is on record as saying that the House will not take up the issue again this year…it ain’t over till it’s over. ANY legislation that gets passed between now and September 13 could get the AWB tacked on to it. Wait for the aria from the plus size gal.


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