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The Torturer of Borrowed Guns


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Okie dokie... I've been shooting USPSA for what,... about 5 months now? How many gun parts can I possibly break in 5 short months... ??? :blink:

Once upon a time this year... a great guy (referred to as "The Saint" for the remainder of this story) let me borrow his Open gun to try out IPSC. Well, after a few matches I started encountering a few problems (misc. jams, mag won't stay seated, etc.) so, I took the borrowed gun back to The Saint and he replaced the mag catch. Problems continued and I noticed this:


With the help of the kind forum members here, especially Bob Londrigan, a cracked grip was diagnosed and the gun went back to The Saint. He replaced the grip. Unfortunately, the gun continued to jam...

Racking my brain, pulling my hair out and pestering poor Mr. Londrigan with my endless questions... we (I say that loosely because I wasn't much help ;) ) traced the continuing jams back to the magazines. Three types of followers and two different springs later (all ordered from Mr. Londrigan and received promptly, THANKS!) the problems continued...

A little while later, I was driving along I45 and decided to help a homeless guy on the side of the road who was holding up a sign that said, "Will Train Competitive Shooter for Jack and Coke". His name is Matt Burkett. (just kiddin', Matt ;) ) Matt took a glance at my mags and said, "GADZOOKS!" (uh, he didn't really say that but it sounds funny. :D ) "Your .38 Super mag tubes have .40 cal feed lips. No wonder you're having jams!" So, I packed up all my ".39 Super Wesson" mags and sent them to a spa in California. Matt was kind enough to hook me up with 2 140's and a 170 of his to get me by in the meantime. The borrowed gun ran great!!! Until...

A few matches later, the feed problems started again... I began a thorough cleaning of all gun bits and noticed this:


Now I don't know how long these mags had served Matt well, but put them in my hands and I break 'em... :wacko:

A little while passes and my mags return from their trip to the California spa. They look great and the gun runs happily again! (Thanks Beven!!!) Until...

I'm at the range, chronographing loads for Georgia State, and after the first shot, the slide locks back. HUH??? This is an Open gun... the slide doesn't lock back... I'm confused... until I take a lil closer look-see...


*GASP* What have I done now?!?! :unsure: I pack up and head off to see The Saint again... His initial response,... "Holy ****! How in the h*** did you do this?!?! That's a non-stress part... ???" I'm ready to cry but The Saint helps me out again. He fixes the gun right then and there and also loans me his full-custom Open gun as a back up for my first big match. Turns out I like shooting the "back up gun" better so I shoot it at Georgia State instead. The gun runs awesome,... Until...

Stage 5 aka "The Gauntlet" and The Demise of an Open Shooter... click HERE to see the video.

Yup, I messed up the mag catch... :huh:

Had an incredible time at Georgia State then returned to Houston and brought the gun back to The Saint. I was received with a warm welcome, as usual, and a cheerful, "So what did you break this time?" Pouting and apologies commenced immediately. The Saint fixed the mag catch with a smile and sent me on my way with his guns in tow.

I shot a local match this Thursday and when I returned home, the scores were already posted! (WOW!!! Thanks, Walt!) To my surprise, there was a little note about me posted on our club's homepage:


And Sharyn²'s Gun worked for a change

I laughed and said to myself, "Yep! The gun's runnin' great and I have the weekend off... I'm gonna go practice! Woo hoo!!!" Notice... I'm here on the internet typing this 'story'... not practicing...

Well, about 20 rounds into practice...



Is this a sign? Do I quit while I'm (barely) ahead? Ohhhhh, I'm dreading Monday... :(

OH! edited to add: I HATE that everything I touch, breaks!!! And I HATE having to face Jeff and tell him I broke something ELSE!!! :angry:

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This is trully a horific tale. I often considered myself cursed when it comes equipment. Just the other day I was having some issues with my L10 gun and I took my production rig to the range for some practice. After a couple of rounds I managed to break my CZ to the point that the trigger no longer activated the trigger. Somedays the whole world seems to be against you.

In your case, there seems to be a cabal of gremlins following you around, with the financial backing of the Illuminati.

Sorry about your troubles. Maybe try a Glock? I don't have one myself but I heard that these new fangled plastic (PLASTIC?!?!?!?) guns keep on going and going and ...


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Wow, Holy Malfunctions Batman!

Just a stab:

The malfunctioning mag catch, cracked grip, and broken ejector are all symptoms that can come from using to much insertion force seating a mag....... slamming in longer mags that do not fit flush, like most open mags.

The cracked reverse plug can be from a to light recoil spring, or no shock buff, etc - the rear of the reverse plug and slide dust cover tunnel slam into the back of the guide rod if there isn't enough spring pressure, or a buff to absorb some wacking.

Hang in there, there isn't much left to replace!

(and I'd stay away from Glocks with your track record, who knows what you could break on one of those "Semi-Automatic Perfection" jobbies ;) )

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(At a distance of about 30 feet, through a bullhorn...)

Back away from my guns!!! :o

(SiG Lady holds up cross for good measure...) :ph34r:

Do not touch the guns!! :unsure:

Stay at least 7 yds from my person and my guns!! :blink:

Refrain from even thinking about my guns!! :angry:

(SiG Lady makes the sign of the cross on the guy and his broken parts...) :ph34r:

Pray for the redemption of your soul (or whatever it is that's jinxed...!)!! :wacko:

Down on your knees, oh strange 'Torturer of Borrowed Guns'...! <_<


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I can't change the title, but I think we can safely give you your GM card in eyelash batting. That's some serious carnage to sweet talk your way out of.

Please tell me you're nicer to your timer. (You're scaring me. I have nightmarish visions of a smoking pile of melted plastic landing on my shop bench.)


You need to practice your mag changes with dummy rounds in the mags. It'll take the pressure off the mag catch when you're seating the mags.

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Heck, when you're done with it, I'd be tempted to buy that gun! With all the replaced parts, it'll virtually be a new gun! 

I told her to tell Jeff this if he started getting a little 'tudey (with a tap in the center of the chest for good measure :D ).


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Maaaan, are my eyelashes sore! They sure got a workout this morning! :lol:

Bob, it was your post that did Jeff in. He looked at the ground, smiled, scuffed the floor with his foot and said, "Yyyyeah." ;)

The gun is repaired and The Saint said it's been bathed in oil, that arrived special delivery, from the Vatican. Jeff and the guys at Briley are the greatest!

Glock?!?! Revolver?!?!?! Those are swear words. I'm surprised they don't show up on this forum as G***k and R******* !!! :o

Thanks for all the humor in this thread. My cheeks hurt from laughing so much! Also, thanks for all the suggestions to reduce gun damage. I wish I could take credit for practicing or performing enough reloads to cause the damage, but I can't. I'm not sure what these two guns have been through, but I'm guessing that in order to make GM, it's a lot... Bob probably knows more about where these guns have been. :D

Damn! You give "Gun Broker" a new meaning.  Hey maybe Sniper needs a new member title.....
I can't change the title, but I think we can safely give you your GM card in eyelash batting.

ROFL!!! :lol:

Eric, all I can say to try and reassure you is that due to the conditions described in my initial post... the timer hasn't been used much! :P

Mr. Berkshirestein,... ya know?!?! Sheesh! :D BTW, thanks for helping me with my stuck bullets at the match. :wacko:

Rich, awwww... he never gets 'tudey. They take good care of me and I have to admit that they have every right to razz me and give me a hard time. I'm a pain in the butt! :D

Hang in there, there isn't much left to replace!

This is what I'm counting on!

edit: oh my gosh, I spelled Eric's name wrong... I'm so embarrassed! I'm sorry Eric! :(

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  • 1 month later...

Oh my gosh... yeah, I s'pose I could. :P

Headed off to Area 1 tomorrow... since last Thursday, the following have been:


mag catch (broken)

trigger insert (broken)

overtravel screw (missing)

hammer (cracked)

another ejector (they didn't like the part... it's not that I broke it again.)


extractor (tensioned)

guide rod (not sure what was wrong)

C-More mount (twice)

compensator (secured)

Uhhh... I think that's it but I could be forgetting something minor... like the barrel. :D(no, the barrel is just fine ;) )

Bob Londrigan, is this bringing back memories??? :D Are you going to be at Area 1, perhaps??? :lol:

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BAHAHAHA!!! Let us know how it gives up the ghost at A1. :lol:

Gah! Don't say that! I made them check the barrel link/pin about 500,000 times!!! :D

breathe... I have a back up gun... breathe... I have a back up gun... breathe...


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I was just thinking ... with sniper's talent for breaking guns and Erik Warren's talent for breaking rear sights, we must take steps to make sure they never mate ... their offspring could be the antichrist of gun breakage!

No problemo ... just give the little monster a glock.

Break that! ;)

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Are there some R&D departments from some gun companies listening? Between Sniper and Erik Warren you'll have the best test team ever! And I'll buy your guns - if they can't break 'em they are unbreakable! :P

And can someone place tracking devises on those two - want to know when they are within 100km of me...need time to hide the guns and sights :rolleyes:

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I feel your pain. Yesterday, Chris Patty was kind enough to lend me his major 9 Open gun for a test drive - the scope mount cracked.

After that, I pulled out my Glock 23 and the slide tab thingy (that you pull down when you remove the slide from the frame) cracked and blew out - causing the 23 to double on me.

That's two broken guns within two hours.

Anyone have an Open gun I can borrow . . .

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