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Friday Flame War 12-27-02


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Cold slushy icy snow sucks.   Can't even chrono my new load with out slippin' and slidin'.

First bad weather of the year and everyone drives like morons,  or do we have a big influx of Arizona/Kalifornia tourist???

If they are going to show The Lion King on the IMAX screen why the heck can't they lower the price to a kids matinee special or something???

Who was the jackarse that decided to raise the tax on beer in IN???  Luxury tax my arse!!!  Thats the first item on my list EVERY trip to the store!!!  If this continues I may have to go get a job,  EEK!!!

How can "because I like him"  be good enough to win a book???   The winning contribution could have been done with a pencil taped to his nose!!!  ( I'm leaving out the OTHER option as a curtosy to the younger viewers)  POPCORN!!!  Give me a break,  the inner meaning of popcorn is your too lazy to call for a pizza!!!

'Likes Dopey Music',,,  heres an idea  for the next win a book contest.  The winner gets one free day with admin priviledges and whatever names they give out have to stand for the next month!!!  LOL

( Hold on I'm still laughing)

Why don't we start a new forum area for the 'priviledged types' that get to shoot in 'cozy' weather all year long.  Spending last flame war talking about how great the weather was made me sick!!!  Real shooters put on the snow boots and trod thru the ice and mud to play the game.  Besides the brass makes cool little designs in the snow as it becomes lost forever.

Found another broken ejector last night.  What do the Para Ord people make parts out of,  adobe???

Does my windshield have a stinking target on it???  Three rocks in a month.  Are they making kevlar reenforced models yet???

New Years in Seoul.  Kim Chee and So Ju,,, Yuk!!!


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Religious fanatics of any type/denomination etc.

Try saying happy Holidays (phrase has been around for years now) the christians freak out (or Xmas for that matter) Say Merry Christmas and a host of other religions that don't celibrate it wig out.

Its supposed to be a happy, festive time of year, regardless of how your religion chooses to celibrate it (or not) Can't we all just get along?

Merry Christmas

Merry Xmas

Happy Holidays

Etc. Etc. Etc.


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Pat's post reminded me of something that I hate very much.  I cannot stand people who whine that they want prayer in public schools.  I don't want my kids praying to their god and I am willing to bet that they wouldn't be too damn thrilled if their brats were forced into praying to some diety other than the one that is approved of by the First Church of Nul Thought or whatever ediface they call their spiritual home!  

I don't want "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance either.  It was crammed in there back in the 50's or something and it violates my rights to have it in there.  Just put indivisible back in there for crying out loud!

I should have as much freedom from religion as anyone else has freedom of religion.

Moderator:  If my post is just too offensive just edit it all out and replace with a comment that I am just a whiney Flower of Life who shoots from the Modified Troll Stance.


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I hate just about all faith-based anything.

I hate it when stores put items on the shelf or on display with no freakin' price tags.  Either bring back price tag guns, or clearly mark stuff!!!  Grrrrr!!!!

I hate people who will go to war for any reason.

I hate people who won't go to war for any reason.

I hate Carly Fiorina.

I hate what Carly Fiorina is doing to Hewlett Packard.

I hate Compaq.  (Carly and Compaq deserve each other.)

I hate dog haters.  (Except for those who hate yappy little dogs.  I hate those too.)

I hate Amway.

I hate NPR's communist newspeak.

I hate "The Issues" of today.  I'm sick of race relations, gender studies, AIDS, terrorism, and how George Bush "wrecked" the economy.  Can't we find another issue to discuss?

I hate network television.

I hate Iron Chef.  We should threaten to conquer Japan again unless they stop sending that stupid show over here.

I hate recycling.  I hate stupid people who put their recycling bins out in gale force winds then expect everyone else in the neigborhood to pick up their garbage when it blows all the hell over the place.  Stupid recyclers should be forced to read all the stupid email that the Sierra Club eco-whackos keep sending me.

I hate holier-than-thou eco-whackos.

I hate eating spotted owl without grandma's sweet raisin sauce and stuffing.

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I hate all the Feel-Good Do-Nothing crap that we are stuck with.  Some nitwit came up with an idea that sounded good, but does not work, yet it is still law.

90% of the stuff in the recycle bin goes to the landfill.  It just goes there in a different truck.  Makes me proud to be saving the planet.

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Thanx for mentioning the "under god" (or is that 'under dog'...?) in the Pledge. Even as a KID I saw that it was contrived, pointless and outrageous! My opinion hasn't budged an inch!!

I hate walking on crutches!! Do you realize how dangerous these things REALLY are...??!! I could've broken my new hip three times over with the gawky near-misses I've had in the past five weeks!! Jeez.

Small yappy dogs = cat food.

Brainless sitcoms.

Multi-level marketing pitches.

More upcoming state income tax in Oregon! What makes these clowns in the Legi think I can even afford the state income tax they're ALREADY stealing from me??!! And they won't tell us what they're doing with it and why they keep running out of it!! ...GAAAAARRGGGHHH!!

People who contribute nothing to their communities.

Dumb local newspapers that look good, fill themselves full of advertising but don't report any real news! Ditto for local TV news!

...More later, I'm sure!

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I hate hearing that Chief Justice Renquist is thinking of retirement.

I'm sick of hearing "liberals" and "minorities" are tickled pink that Senator Lott will no longer be Majority Leader. Before Strom's birthday party 99% of the complainants never HEARD of Trent Lott. Notice no one holds Senator Byrd to the same standards.

I'm sick of the hand wringing over a war with Iraq. Either do it....or come home.

Screw North Korea and their nuclear facility. Send over a care package...via a Stealth Bomber......problem solved

I'm concerned that lately I enjoy shooting my new Pardini 22 sport pistol than I do ANY of my IPSC guns.

Maybe it's time to retire.

" Under God"..... isn't everything ?

(Edited by Chuck D at 6:17 pm on Dec. 27, 2002)

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Oh, I almost forgot...

I hate the worthless SOB (or B as the case may be) who sprinkled a grocery sack's worth of broken glass along the public beach near my house in a deliberate attempt to wound my and the other people's dogs.  

I've got a pretty good idea of who they might be and where they live (fairly certain they're one of the stupid, rich SOB's who built a millon-dollar palace behind the beach and 50 feet from a railroad track).  

God/Allah/Jehovah or the Rehvruund Jesse Jackson won't save them if I ever catch them doing it again.  I am SOOOOO steamed over that, you just have no idea...

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I hate a lot of what passes for packaging nowadays, darn near have to take a Kabar to cut into it.

Organised religion? Take it or leave it, don't need to go to church to talk to god (whatever flavour you choose or not). If it's in the pledge and you don't like it, don't say it, just don't go and become a revisionist and penalize the rest....seem's like we have enough of that when it comes to the constitution.

If you want to change this and that because it offends, then you can't really complain about the other guy...Can you?

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Whoa there, don't ass/u/me that I am talking about you, my post is to society in general.

I also hate it when people hate people. I actually hate behavior, not individuals. I like a lot of people who do things from time to time that I hate.

By the way, this thread is for venting, not personal attacks, please don't internalize smart remarks made in haste, it's not healthy.

Food fight... I man flame war continue.

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I hate the metric system of weights and measures. The imperial system makes sense. A finger joint is an inch, a foot is about the size of your foot (mine, at least) and a yard is both an average pace and from chin to fingertip. How can anyone relate to a centimetre? Australia followed Europe instead of the US to our eternal detriment. I’d preferred to have gone back to cubits (elbow to fingertip).


The title of this thread reminded me that I find the US idea of date to be really weird. Logical progression is day-month-year as in smallest-larger-largest. What kind of  progression is month-day-year. It’s like expressing your height as 6 feet a half and three inches.

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hexdecimal system allows for nearly infinite number of on-screen usable colors... love it.

The Pledge, con't.: By the time we got to high school we were out-'n-out refusing to recite it during first period class. Sometimes we even refused to stand up during The Pledge. It got really stupid. What's a Buddhist to do, anyway...?....

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Toothbrushes...when I was a kid you had a choice: rubber toothpick on the end of the handle, or not.  My current toothbrush looks like it was assembled as a prop for a Star Trek episode.  Multi-directional bristles of varying height and composition, and a handle that wouldn't fit in a toolbelt, let alone a toothbrush holder.

I also hate coupons....they lead to one's spouse buying crazy crap like wacked out, futuristic tricorders (I mean toothbrushes).  Huge multi-pack.  Saved 50 cents. @#$%!

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Hex is nothing more than bastardized binary brought about by the concept of a freaking byte. Fact is, there are only 216 Web safe colors and the rest of what we think we see on screen is brought about by dithering. I am with lynn...I hate keeping track of hex numbers, it's a whole lot easier to point and click.

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