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Friday Flame War 10JAN03


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Some of mine: anti-gun Republicans, people who drive in the left lane and block freeway traffic, people in positions of leadership who couldn't even spell leadership, and people who give you a blank look  when you smile at them(c'mon folks, is life really that bad?). Looking at my list, maybe it's just frickin' people in general! Hah.

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Pet Peeves

1.  People who can't hear the plain unvarnished truth without cringing even though they asked to hear it.

2.  News shows who interview people from Holywood on political items.

3.  Pro sports salaries

4.  People who go to church to see who is not there and then talk about them.

5.  People who made the removal of politicians from office so difficult.

6.  People who do not say what they mean and mean what they say.

7.  Parenting factions who get up in arms when reasonable people spank their kids when they misbehave.

8.  Ro's and So's who penalize you just because they have the hammer, and they can.

9.  Kid's toys which don't work on Christmas Day.

10. Gasoline prices which fluctuate like the Dow Jones.

Let's see, that made me feel lots better, maybe I will have more in a bit.

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I hate jerk-offs who tailgate, cut people off, and in general drive like the morning commute is a NASCAR event!  So you bought a ______(insert useless vanity mobile type here) and you want to show the world how cool you are.  FINE!  Go to a freaking race track!  Hang out with others who have probably spent some time REALLY learning to drive and let them hand you your sorry A$$ on a platter on the TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate Democrats, Republicans, Saddam Hussein, and people who chew with their mouths open!  

If I have to see one more feminine hygiene commercial I am going to start picketing outside the local drug store!  

People who use IP spamming to advertise should be bound, gagged, and left in the common area of a mens prison!


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Come on twix, President Bush is always good for a laugh. Some of my favorites are:

"The education issue ought to be discussed about."

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"

"Actually, this may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it when I'm talking about myself, and when he's talking about myself, all of us are talking about me."

And of course, one of Bush's most famous remarks:

"They misunderestimated me."

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Egotripmobiles.  Notably the giant foo foo pickup trucks, but the cars piss me off too.  I saw a new Ford go past me the other day.  It was gloss black, had dual hoodscoops, all the usual gaudy chrome trim, personalized plates, the stupid calvin peeing sticker in the window....and I'll bet the dumbass redneck driving it makes fun of low-riders when he see them.  

Repeat after me, "A pickup truck is a pickup truck.  It is not "cool," it is just a utility vehicle."

Want to look cool?  Get a 65-66 Shelby Mustang or a 67 Camaro.  Otherwise, get lost.

I despise those stupid Calvin pissing/praying/mooning stickers people put in their windows.  The only good thing about them is that seem to immediately reveal the IQ of the vehicle's owner.

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[off-the-road rage mode on]

(The mispronunciations are in parentheses...)

escape (ek-scape')

deputies (deh'-piddies)

property (prah'-piddy)

county (cow'-nee) (It has an "t" in it, you jerk!)

ask (axe)

pictures (pitchers)

fifth (fith)

subsidiary (sub-sid'-er-ary)

nuclear (nuke'-yew-ler) (and we all know who mispronounced THAT one!)

across (accrost)

wolf (woof)

Washington (Warshington) (Jeez!!)

espresso (ex-press'-o)

realty (ree'-lit-ee)

[off-the-road rage mode off] (for the moment)

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Did I forget to mention how much scoped, in-line muzzleloaders, firing jacketed, saboted projectiles at modern rifle velocities annoy me?  It's supposed to be a *primitive* sport.  So much for the "tradition" of hunting...

(Edited by EricW at 9:57 am on Jan. 10, 2003)

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Arianna Huffington for suggesting that by buying a 2WD Chevy Tahoe I'm supporting terrorism!  All I wanted was a vehicle to transport my rather large self and all my photographic or stagebuilding and shooting gear in reasonable comfort and reliability!  And while we're on gas mileage --- the Cop Car used to get 12mpg on super, the Tahoe gets 15 mpg on regular!  That's a 25% improvement, so there!!!!!!!

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kidathart! are you trying to get me in trouble? I wasn't including President Bush in the anti-gun republicans, heck, Ted nugent was one of his first guests at the Ranch after the election was finally rigged, er, settled. I would never include President Bush in the What I Hate forum. Now if there was a What Worries the Hell Out of Me Forum...

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Siglady I am confused. Are you making fun of Sawthern gintlemen or ew-bonix? And for EricW (I like you BTW, and no , not like that) "Yeah Buddy! I wuz gonna put one o' em beer can win-ders in mah truck but ah'z 'fraid it'd scratch mah p++sn' Calvin'." Any Texans out there that can explain the "bigger" theory?

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Damn these whippersnappers who shoot sporting clays for the first time and get 62 or 66 or shoot trap and get 24! Hey, TommyC and David Benzick, I'm talking to you!

I don't think I can be called a newbie anymore at SC (7 times now?) and I've peaked in the low 50s. Best I've ever shot at trap was 24.

I'm thankful I've got a Pre-ban gas can. That's right, the Caliban regime has banned the sale of fuel containers which don't meet new anti-spill and anti-evaporation requirements. Can you imagine trying to pour 3 gallons from an unvented post-ban gas can?

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I have seen this one pretty often lately.  Points are not mute they are moot!

While we are at it....

The misuse of the word oxymoron when the speaker means to say redundant drives me just a tiny bit crazy.  Plastic Glass is an oxymoron.  Foo Foo Open Gun is redundant.  Okay?


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I hate

Anyone or anything said against President Bush while we are at war.

The anti everything American, lowlife, hypocritical, pinko, socialist, so called Democrats.

People on this forum who seem to only post to prove some elses post is wrong but offer no help themselves.

Schuemans theory on perfect doubles.

Ro's who think they need to ride your back through a stage.

Glock's perfection attitude.

Drivers who must stop and invade your lane to make a turn.

Reverse stings where a person gets arrested and loses his vehicle for buying $20 worth of weed from an undercover cop.  It was on Cops the other night, really.

Folks from antigun states blaming the rest of us for their states laws.

Folks who bargain shop to buy all their parts, guns, reloading stuff, as cheep as possible and then go to their gunsmith or sporting goods store to solve their problems.  Same folks buy a gun on the internet then bring it to the local smith to fix but want a good deal.

The attitude on some forums by some " experts " that there word is final on any subject.  Larry on 1911 forum for example.

I couldgo on

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The fact that there is nowhere left around my area to participate in the two shooting sports that I have competed in and worked at long enough to be competitive in (Indoor Archery & Smallbore Silhouette).

The fact that the shooting sports that are still being held around my area are so expensive to get started in.

The whole my ____ is obviously better than your ____ (fill in the blanks) attitude that is so common in the world today.

ps  Erik, My 66 was shot with an AA Class shooter basically telling me "the clay will be coming from there and going this fast/slow and you need to use this choke" etc.  I would not wanna think what my score would have been if I had shot the course all on my own!

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Can you believe that the Hamas is encouraging Iraq to use homicide bombers? It must be way more complicated than it seems (kind of like that Bush/at war crap) or else there would have been an a removal of PLO leadership long ago.

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