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being armed


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I like having a gun on me or nearby when it looks like some bad shjt is going to go down. Same for pepper spray.

I don't know what makes the schizo dirtbags of the city think they can just wander into my garage. At least most of them respond to a firm command to leave. The guy yesterday stuck his tongue out at me after he quickly backtracked his way out. One crazy guy made like he was talking into a hidden microphone calling in his SWAT/CIA/HRT backup. (His only backup was his dog.) One (very high) guy refused to leave and more or less sat on his haunches and insisted on watching me work on my motorcycle. That was the only scary one. Nothing that warranted a gun, but I still liked having it available.

I think the first time somebody walked into my garage was when I was breaking in my new Bianchi Askins Avenger holster by wearing it with my P9 while I was reloading. Some hippy dude respectfully wandered in despite seeing my gun and he gave me his pitch anyway. I was so impressed by his fearlessness or stupidity I kicked back a donation for the gay whales for jebus or whatever his hippy cause was. But him and solicitors like him and people asking for directions are way different from the dirtbags. You just know right away who the dirtbags are.

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What's particularly interesting is who does and does not feel threatened by the gun. Almost universally, it's the shitstirrers who recoil at the sight of one. There were some real a-holes up on Priest lake last year water skiing who were deliberately trying to capsize my boat as I was crossing the lake. Finally they passed on my right side and saw the 44 on my hip and magically lost all interest in that portion of the lake. Everybody else I met on the lake didn't even care about the gun and was as friendly and congenial as could be.

I think next time I'll just bring the 1100 so the waterski Nazis can clue in from a farther distance.

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Being armed is good and feels good for sure.

Hey TL, is it true the Kerrville PD carry Glock 35's? There was an article about it in the Glock annual a few years back if I recall correctly.

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I like having a gun on me or nearby when it looks like some bad shjt is going to go down. Same for pepper spray.

Dude, you really need to move!

First of all, if you moved to America, you'd have few people like that approaching you.

Second, you'd be able to have the same emergency tools on your person all the time, not just when you're at home.

Third, it's the right thing to do! ;)

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Good for you Eric!

I just wish you had the extended privilege of carrying out of your home like a majority of us.

After spending 2 years in a 3rd world country and have drunk soldiers point guns, RPG's, etc. at me, I'm extremely grateful we are allowed to defend against those who would try to do us harm.

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I don't know what makes the schizo dirtbags of the city think they can just wander into my garage. At least most of them respond to a firm command to leave.

Worst thing that happened to me was..... I was dryfiring in the basement, hear a knock at the front door, hear Mrs. BDH (all 5'2" 105#) answer the door and she is talking to someone for probably 5 minutes. Finally, I hear her running downing the basement stairs where she tells me I have to get to the front door right now.

I'm a little concerned, but mostly pissed off because I was in the middle of doing something and was being interrupted. So, I (6'4" 295#) go storming up the stairs with a serious scowl on my face, a high cap 40 on my hip, and several mags on my belt, to talk to two scumbags who were trying to sell her some lifetime oil change service and would not take NO for an answer.

Let's just say it was a short conversation.... :lol::lol::lol:

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I always carry around the house, but almost never with any concealment. People who visit who are "from around here" either don't notice or don't see anything worthy of comment.

People like the insistent oil change salemen Mr. Hanna described tend to notice it right away and usually stay well back from the door and leave soon thereafter. I have no intent of causing that reaction, but I'm not complaining when it happens. ;)

I've yet to answer the door with my AR slung across my front, but I have had people look inside while I had it across my lap while watching television. What can I say? My pistol shooting skills are so bad that I need the advantage! :lol:

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I haven't seen all the cops here, but the ones I have talked to personally and the detectives too, carry Mod 22's. Haven't seen any long slides

Like most police units anywhere, it doesn't matter what they carry, they can't shoot well enough that it makes a difference.

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I don't know what makes the schizo dirtbags of the city think they can just wander into my garage.

Wow. I think after the second "dirtbag" wandered into my garage, I'd have to consider moving. Frequent confrontations with urban trash would get old quick, regardless of how short the walk was to Starbucks.

Being armed "just in case" is one thing, but going strapped out of necessity is altogether less fulflilling.

Not to drift your thread though - being armed is certainly a good thing when confronting dirtbags.

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regardless of how short the walk was to Starbucks.

Um - I have to disagree here - I really miss Starbucks :( There's not one with 100 hundred miles of me, much less walking distance.

You know what else I miss, 7-Eleven! I never ever realized just how damned convenient those stores were!

[\major thread drift off]

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i can understand erik's position. i live in a nice neighborhood and i never ansewer the door without being armed. you just never know who will be knocking.


Edited by lynn jones
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Yes, moving does sound like a good idea. However, my mind is still reeling from the mental images sturred up by Rhino's declaration that he resides without concealment. No wonder he has garment malfunctions in public. He doesn't practice at home!

My UPS and FedEx drivers long since got used to seeing me at the door vainly trying to hide the latest toy sent for testing. Since they deliver them they pretty much know what the latest toy is, anyway.

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I don't write about guns, test them or do gunsmithing for a living, but EVERYONE who comes to my door is witness to the .45 in my right hand as I open the door. If they don't like it, they can leave..yes, even in Kerrville. Old habits from Houston are hard to break...

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My favorite comment on being armed was from my old 'banger neighborhood in Tampa, where I had a "truce" with the local faux-Crips because 1) I was heavily armed, 2) I had barbecues with the local SWAT teams invited in my backyard after IPSC matches and 3) I onced talked the local 100-year-old bank guard out of calling the cops on a bunch of local kids who were just being kids (albeit in the bank parking lot). My friendly neighborhood warlord dropped by that night to thank me for "standin' up for the little mens..."

SOOOOO, a guy is sawing the bars on my windows of my rehab project in broad daylight when the warlord happens to drive by. He stops, gets out and asks, "Whatcha doin'?" Followed by, "If you get in, HE kill you; if you stay out, WE kill you. Wrong neighborhood..."

Now I live in a town of 1200 (and some dogs, a couple of bear and at least one very loud mountain lion) up in the mountains at, quite literally, the end of the road. In five years, only one group of Bible-thumpers have made it up this far, and I had to let them sit on the steps of my front porch for a few minutes until they could build up enough breath to go back down to their car.

Michael b

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I always carry around the house, but almost never with any concealment.  People who visit who are "from around here" either don't notice or don't see anything worthy of comment.

Seems to be about the same around my home town. Rural areas seem to me to be a lot more "Gun Friendly" than urban dwellers...Don't have much of a gang problem either. I think most that would be in gangs have either "learned better" or went or been sent on home to Jesus before they gather in large numbers. :ph34r:

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The neighborhoods near Memphis State (I think it is the University of Memphis now) are THE reason I carry a gun all the time now. After being robbed at gun point, threatened with a broken beer bottle in a parking lot, almost losing a cousin to a serial killer who later followed my wife home from a corner market, and a few lesser confrontations I decided that being armed was a logical choice. Oh yeah, I also MOVED! B)


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While I'm all about people arming themselves when they deem appropriate, I'll just share some tips for being in what some consider *nasty* places:

1) keep your eyes on your own business

2) do what you need to and move on; don't loiter

3) be aware of where you are and how to get out in a hurry

4) if you have an appointment, make sure the people you visit know what you look like and drive

This comes from working in places like Gary, IN, the 5th ward in New Orleans (or is it 9th?), Houston, San Antonio, St. Louis, Baltimore and Washington DC. My company vehicle is a stark white Chevy Impala, which has been mistaken for a police cruiser more than once. I have never had a problem with any person, in any of these places. Being 6'6", 280 lbs. certainly doesn't hurt though B).

I've found that if you treat others with respect and sincerity, you often get the same in return. IMO - most of the paranoia people have regarding such places is unfounded as they've never been there. I grew up in a rural farming community in NW Indiana and after college went to work smack dab in the middle of Gary. Go figure...

Erik - if you like where you live, dispite some unwelcome visitors, stay. Sounds as if you have things well under control.

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