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DQed Myself

Dan Hefta

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Sounds like you should have DQ'd some of those guys for not doing what they were supposed to before DQing yourself!

Just to clarify, my squad was doing a great job and working very hard until this "one time" and I lost it. I was the only shooter that should have been DQed, my behavior (though justified IMHO) was completely wrong and unsportsmanlike. I need to rise above these situations and be the man that I think I am. This is supposed to be for fun.....isn't it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very, very big of you in my book-- both the self-DQ and sticking around to help and cook.

There are several folks I shoot with regularly that I don't mind seeing "taking it easy" during the reset. They do put in work from time to time, so it's not like they're total lumps. But the older, out of shape shooters don't bother me at all when they take a break for a few rounds. We frequently shoot in 90+ degree heat and 90%+ humidity, so avoiding complications IMO saves more time than having them slog around and paste a couple of targets that I can deal with personally in half the time, at far less risk.

I've had to soak up some shade and suck down some water a few times myself, on the particularly bad days. Even working the clipboard for a large squad can take it out of you with the sun constantly hammering down. So long as folks put forth an acceptable amount of effort (relative concept, I know), it doesn't bother me.

Now, the truly lazy folks definitely get my blood up-- especially if they have the audacity to call out other members of the squad for not helping out. That goes above and beyond the d-bag level.

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I understand this feeling and when I RO a stage like today at a USPSA qualifier, we had the last stage with 32 rnds, 9 metrics, (lot of holes) 2 movers, 3 steel,...and a bottleneck at this last stage, I would call off the shooter, ..on deck, ..in the hole etc, anyone after that I call off.. so-n-so TAPE!, ..so-n-so TAPE!, next guy on the list BRASS! etc,... this way everyone hears the duty roster, and then everyone knows who the guys are responsible for their task, and the shooters up next can concentrate on the stage procedure and be clear about their run,....many times guys do nothing (especially here in AZ heat, under umbrellas etc) but given DIRECTION most guys will respond and now can be held accountable...<br>However there are always Prima Donnas and Lazy people, somehow "dead weight" cards find their way to the bottom of the stack.... ;-)

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Yup,, I know one alleged master class shooter youngish guy who seemed to think he was imune from pasting at a couple matches it was my bad luck to squad with.

We all take a break on the occasional stage and there are older guys I know who have done time in the past so I wont give them grief now cause I know my day is coming when I will do good just to shoot the match.

Its the healty young types who KNOW they are not helping and dont care.

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If all members of the squad can help tape, re-set steel, etc. there will be much less work for each person overall. But unfortunately, that doesn't always happen... <_<

That is is the same with all aspects of running a match, many hands make light work. There are a lot of hard working great people in our sport... and a lot of lazy ones that just shoot and leave... I will never figure them out! :wacko:

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I find people show more of thier true nature in thier lowest moments than in thier greatest achievements. You had a spell where the relay controlling the filter between your thoughts and your mouth failed, and you backwashed in a public fashion. Congratulations, you're human. You then sucked it up and tried to make it right by sticking around to help out.

Some would have turned tail and soaked up and fed the outrage (real or imagined). You chilled out and took your lumps.


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Come pretty close to it on a local 3 gun match over the summer. It was just a long day and very hot and humid. Basically 2 of us ran the timer and clipboard the whole time in the sun the whole time. Last stage was a long 3gun field course and ended up having like 2 people help paste

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I made a real ass hat out of myself at a local match last Saturday. I was not having a good match and was resetting a stage that had 32 steel targets and my squad was doing a good job keeping busy until this one time... I was resetting the stage by myself and my squadmates were all chit chatting and I lost it. The F bombs were flying and I had some very choice words for my squad and I walked off, turned my scoresheets into the stats guy and told him I DQed myself for unsportsmanlike conduct. I stuck around helped get scoresheets and cooked 100 brats for the post match feast. I guess the main reason I am sharing this with you all is, I cussed out my squad, acted like a spaz and everyone still treated me like a good friend :blush: ... I did do a good job on the brats though. :cheers:

I'm new to this forum and to competitive shooting and I've got to say that there is hope for humanity when people have enough integrity to tell on themselves when no one would have been the wiser if they hadn't. Reading your post and posts of others here makes me eager to get into the sport knowing that people with decency still exist.

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I made a real ass hat out of myself at a local match last Saturday. I was not having a good match and was resetting a stage that had 32 steel targets and my squad was doing a good job keeping busy until this one time... I was resetting the stage by myself and my squadmates were all chit chatting and I lost it. The F bombs were flying and I had some very choice words for my squad and I walked off, turned my scoresheets into the stats guy and told him I DQed myself for unsportsmanlike conduct. I stuck around helped get scoresheets and cooked 100 brats for the post match feast. I guess the main reason I am sharing this with you all is, I cussed out my squad, acted like a spaz and everyone still treated me like a good friend :blush: ... I did do a good job on the brats though. :cheers:

I'm new to this forum and to competitive shooting and I've got to say that there is hope for humanity when people have enough integrity to tell on themselves when no one would have been the wiser if they hadn't. Reading your post and posts of others here makes me eager to get into the sport knowing that people with decency still exist.

You could squad with me anytime!! :cheers: I promise that I won't yell at you (as long as you work hard) :roflol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dan i know how you feel.I RO at every one of my club matches when i there, and the last match itold the squad before we started if you are not on deck, or the shooter

i want you down range pasting and resetting steel.It's a pain when your RO ing a squad and you have to paste and pick up steel.

In IDPA RO/SO can give out procedures for shooter not working.Laz

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It's unfortunate that some people just have to act like slugs....have had this at local matches as well as an Area. You say something and then move on. Dan you did the right thing by DQing yourself and then putting it to rest. Is there any recourse for a squad or individual NOT resetting/pasting, etc? We had a real bad go of it at Area 3 when the squad before us simply sat around chit-chatting instead of working. Frustrating to say the least...

Can you recall what Stage it was.Same thing happend on the stage i was RO ing on.

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Went through this crap yesterday.

One of the guys from our local forum, shows up late, does not paste one damn target, not one, does not help any way at all, just waits to shoot, shoots, then sits down. Then.... as soon as he is done shooting, he just scoots, without helping with tear down.

Like totally wth.

Usually he at least helps tape one stage, but none at all last match.

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  • 3 months later...

I shot my first match on Sat and the only reason I did not help tape or reset was that I didn't not know what to tape and did not want to tape anything that hadn't been scored yet.

I did however help tear down afterwards and as the day went on, I got more comfortable taping. Mostly I helped to pickup brass and mags. We were shooting at an indoor range and we kept it pretty well policed up. I figured that was something I could to still help, but not get in the way of people scoring targets.

After reading this thread I'll certainly make sure I step up and volunteer to help do anything needed.

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At my first match I did a little of everything. Patching, Score writing, Mags and Revo Speedloader pickup, help setting up and down, some cleaning. Was very fun

For taping, when I wasn't sure if a target was scored, I ask the RO "is it ok", and he gave us a Thumbs up and we started patching. The hardest was the scoring, it was a inddor range with a loud air system and a lot of people talking, so was a little bit hard to ear the scoring.

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