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Had a baby, now I suck....


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Just a little frustrated guys.... Went to the 1st USPSA match in a month or so today and really wasn't into the rhythm that I was used to. Had a few mikes and my times were terrible. My wife and I had our 1st born on August 19th of this year and it is by far the best thing that has ever happened to us. However, whilst tending to my fatherly duties I've not dry fired, practiced, shot matches or really done anything involving firearms. Now that my little man is on a schedule and we feel we've got a decent handle on things my mind has started to wander back to shooting. I made "B" class right before he was born and made IDPA MA in 2 divisions this past summer. I really have only time for 1 match a month now while I used to shoot 4-5 a month between IDPA and USPSA.... I made progress every match at something yet I honestly never practiced, I just went to matches. I really want to dedicate myself to improving but I really don't have the time to attend more matches. I can dry fire in the evenings and can probably make it out to the club 1 night a week or so to live fire but here's my delema.... I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO PRACTICE!!!!! I really depended on my natural ability and the numerous monthly matches to keep my skills up. I also have another issue and that is I like to switch Divisions.... I mean ALL THE TIME. I got classified in all 5 IDPA Divisions the 1st year I shot (2007)and made EX in all 5 plus MA in SSP/ESP in the 2nd half of 2009/1st quarter of 2010. I am classified SS-C, Open-B, and Lim-C in USPSA and have been shooting Open off and on since May of last year. I really want to shoot USPSA instead of so much IDPA and try to shoot in Limited and make "A" there. So, I appreciate those that have gotten this far into my story and I ask you guys 3 questions....

1. Should I only shoot 1 gun/Division for 2011?

2. What can I do at home and at the range to improve without shooting more than 1 USPSA match a month? Dry fire? Live fire drills, etc. I'm willing to do anything but I need to be shown what to do PLEASE!!!!

3. What have y'all who have been in my position with limited time done to improve? I want to know what works for YOU PLEASE....

Thanks for listening,


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Take a breath. Congrats on the little dude! Committing to a single division (gun) for a whole season improved EVERYTHING...for me. Including shooting occasional matches with my Limited gun. I committed to Open more than a year ago now.

Home work? Steve Anderson's Refinement and Repetition dry fire book is mandatory. Work on what you struggle at.

Example. Unloaded table starts. Turn n' draws. Start seated drill. Reloads. etc, etc...

A ton of things to work on other than trigger time will work wonders come match time.

....what are you waiting for?

Get to it.


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If you'd had your baby, returned to the range in a week, and maintained the same level you had the week prior - I would be a hell of a lot more concerned!

Jim's recommendation on Steve's book is good. It'll give you something to focus on.

I would recommend sticking to one gun/division for this year. Keep it simple. Relearning what you already know is wasted energy at this stage.

Good news, IMO, is that your priorities are right. 20 years from now how you placed in next week's match won't even be a foggy memory. The Man you raised will be your greatest accomplishment.



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It's over-having a child means your time is now gone. A year after my only child was born, i moved and am 8 minutes from my range. You think i'd be all over the range. Never had time. Child is off to college and i'm retired-finally, i'm at the range.

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It's over-having a child means your time is now gone.

Sad but true. My last one is almost off to college and I am finally getting time to devote more time to me!

I think all the suggestions above will work to an extent but shooting matches and practicing live fire will pay off the most.

Being a division jumper probably won't help matters either. I'm certainly no expert but picking one to focus on would seem more productive. Especially since your plate is going to be pretty full with other more important duties.

Congratulations DAD!

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What Flex said.

But if your avatar is the little reason for your slippage, you can be excused for a while for the slippage. Don't freak out over it. The little guy will grow up faster than you can imagine and you'll want to savor some of these early moments, slippage or no.

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Hey- what did you really expect?? That's a long time off... and ... these skills are perishable.

Like everyone said there are things you can do without being at the range. And if you and your wifey work together as a team- there should be ways for you to get back out there on a regular basis... that's up to you. Personally- I've always had activities in my life- your schedule will just be less flexible now.

Have fun with the new guy, they do grow up fast- it sounds cliche but so damn true.

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Thanks for the support guys, yes that's him to my left and he's awesome....

I really haven't taken any time off before so I didn't know what to expect, like riding a bike maybe? Obviously as you guys said these skills are perishable and I need to get at it. Limited it is then and I've asked my best shooting buddy to slap me if I shoot anything else :) where can I find Anderson's book and do you guys have any other sources for dry fire drills and lastly, where can I find drills for the small amount of range time I will have.

Thanks again,


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That'll work Kyle, let's do it....

I eased the pain ever so slightly by taking HOA for the match with a few A shooters there. However, I'm still very unhappy with my performance as I know I'm better and want to advance beyond where I was even.... Flex was right too, I was trying to go as fast as before without executing the basics and that leads to Mike's.... I'm excited to be trying different by practicing :)

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Matt are you worried that my Bedell beat your Bedell on 3 stages this weekend :) Remember I'm 60 years old and chasing you at full speed. As we say to each other at every match small victories lead to big victories.

You are looking for a limited gun because you know Josh will be taking that Bedell away from you. We are going to have a lot of fun coaching Josh and my grandson together.

Remember I have that Dawson Fast Six I rent out to friends.


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My wife and I had our first (and only) in May. As soon as school was over at the first of June we packed up and headed out on our summer road trip. I raced my mountain bike all but one weekend. I was worked and finished just off the podium in all the big national events I did. With the lack of sleep I was getting I'm amazed I ever made it to the starting line.

AFter returning home I caught the USPSA bug and now my wife is trying not to be pissed about me spending a ton of money on equipment. I find myself doing a lot of dry fire practice after the kid goes to sleep. I find myself reloading at 5 am after I've changed his diaper and he's feeding.

It gets better. He's 7 months now and things are working out and I'm improving at the shooting game and still planning on racing bikes again this summer.

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Dude I feel your pain! I have shot only three matches this year!

When I first started shooting that is all I did. I would show up at the range and shoot four or five hundred rounds. I loved it. But I found I never got any better but I did have fun. Then I set down a put pen to paper and made a plan. I still have this plan today and it helps. When hat home when I can I practice the simple things to keep my muscle memory in place. When I can go to the range a make it count. I have a written lesson plan befor I show up and I follow it and record it. This way I can see where I need to improve and where I am still somewhat good to go.

I'll send you some of the plans I have when I get home.

Also I addition to Ben's book you might pick up Matt Burkett video "how to practice". It has some pretty good tips on making a plan.

Later man!

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Jim's recommendation on Steve's book is good. It'll give you something to focus on.

I would recommend sticking to one gun/division for this year. Keep it simple. Relearning what you already know is wasted energy at this stage.

That's what I was going to say.


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I hate to break it to you, but you sucked way before Joshua came... :D

Seriously, don't sweat it. I went through the same thing with both my boys. Shot IDPA Nationals 4 weeks after Owen was born and sunk it up. It just takes awhile to learn how to focus now that you have more going on at home. I would just focus on one sport/pistol type for now. You'll be back to spanking everyone (except me :P ) in no time.

Edited by prreed10
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I held down a full time job, carried 12 credit hours in college on the GI bill, cast all my own bullets, loaded all my own ammo, did my own smithing, taught others, reloaded and cast for them, and still shot A class, back in the day. Didn't have time for anything else, tho.

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I held down a full time job, carried 12 credit hours in college on the GI bill, cast all my own bullets, loaded all my own ammo, did my own smithing, taught others, reloaded and cast for them, and still shot A class, back in the day. Didn't have time for anything else, tho.

I bet you had to walk up hill both ways through knee deep snow??

Ah, the good ole days. Wish I had that much energy again.

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I held down a full time job, carried 12 credit hours in college on the GI bill, cast all my own bullets, loaded all my own ammo, did my own smithing, taught others, reloaded and cast for them, and still shot A class, back in the day. Didn't have time for anything else, tho.

All that is MUCH different than dealing with a newborn/kid especially if your wife is active as well. If you did all that with the newborn, then props to you.

My wife is training for a marathon, so I sacrifice riding and range time to help her achieve her goals as well. I still can't believe she's running around 14 miles at time. At this point in the game, everything is for fun. Even my job (school teacher) has to be something I enjoy or else it's not worth it. Once the little guy is old enough to wear some ear muffs and not take them off, it'll be golden. The whole family can go to the range (wife likes the archery range). It's a sacrifice on the mountain bike as well as I can't pull the kid trailer on singletrack. I do hill repeats pulling the kid trailer (now over 50 pounds total) on the road (I hate the road).

As cute and awesome as my little guy is, I think it will all be worth it. Later I can expose him to all the different sports I know and let him choose what he wants to do and hopefully help him be better at them than I am/was.

Right now I'm antsy for him to be big enough to help load primer tubes.

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Chill man, I was out of shooting competitively for awhile after my youngest was born in 1994. I was shooting a USPSA match the day my wife went into labor with that kid and now he is my shooting buddy and I still have the wife :). We just finished FB3G together and had a blast. With three kids and one of those in college full time I still don't get to shoot as much as I'd like but I shoot with all three. Enjoy Jr while you can and take lots of pictures, you'll be packing him off before you know it. :(

Semper Fi,

Old Marine

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been dry firing a little bit and practicing reloads with a new 2011 Limited gun. Feels very similar to my Open gun (2011 as well). Shot my first match in Limited since 2009 and shot 74% on the Classifier. Hopefully won't be C class for long.

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