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The IMA-SMM3G rules have undergone a major facelift for 2011. The new rules are posted here. If anything in these new rules is unclear, feel free to post here or send me a PM.

I won't be surprised if you get some complaints about clays needing a significant portion missing to be considered broken.

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The IMA-SMM3G rules have undergone a major facelift for 2011. The new rules are posted here. If anything in these new rules is unclear, feel free to post here or send me a PM.

I won't be surprised if you get some complaints about clays needing a significant portion missing to be considered broken.

Historically we have said one BB hole = broken. A BB hole will continue to be regarded as a "significant piece visibly detached". No change really.

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Why all the discussion about Power factor, and only Heavy Metal actually lists a Power factor? The others are by default USPSA rules?

Engaging steel targets with shotgun slug ammunition at a range of less than 131 feet.

And shooting a Steel Plate from 10 yards with a slug is a DQ? Never heard of that - lol -ok - kidding.....

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Why all the discussion about Power factor, and only Heavy Metal actually lists a Power factor? The others are by default USPSA rules?

Engaging steel targets with shotgun slug ammunition at a range of less than 131 feet.

And shooting a Steel Plate from 10 yards with a slug is a DQ? Never heard of that - lol -ok - kidding.....

Under IMA rules power factor is only an issue for Heavy Metal, so we only bother to chrono that division. The other division can run their ammo as wimpy as they like, so long as they can activate the reactive targets.

The minimum safe engagement distances come straight out of the IPSC/USPSA rules. We have always DQ'd folks for shooting steel too close (such as when mixing shot and slug in the same stage), but we had to remember to stipulate this in each written stage briefing... now we have it in the rules for consistency. In general, we require participants to shoot from within marked shooting areas anyway, so this becomes a non issue as long as the course designer/builder does his job properly.

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Everything seems better organized and written, easier to follow.

This did make me lol though:

6.3 One or more of the following individual participant categories may be recognized at the discretion of the Match Director:

6.3.1 Lady: Participants who were of the female gender at birth.

Edited by SinistralRifleman
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Everything seems better organized and written, easier to follow.

This did make me lol though:

6.3 One or more of the following individual participant categories may be recognized at the discretion of the Match Director:

6.3.1 Lady: Participants who were of the female gender at birth.

Yeah, for some reason Dan got really concerned about ringers in this division. Maybe he saw

shooting in your shotgun match ? :roflol: Edited by StealthyBlagga
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Everything seems better organized and written, easier to follow.

This did make me lol though:

6.3 One or more of the following individual participant categories may be recognized at the discretion of the Match Director:

6.3.1 Lady: Participants who were of the female gender at birth.

That is funny - laughed at that too

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Personally, I like to be able to read the rules before the match, so this is really good to see.

I see the PF for HM rifle is 360, which is 12% higher than IPSC Major, which I have assumed was good to go in matches in the past.

Since the wording and basic rules seem to be IPSC based? just wondered why the higher PF?

And if the answer is "we wanted HM to be stiff", do any of the rule makers shoot in HM?


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Personally, I like to be able to read the rules before the match, so this is really good to see.

I see the PF for HM rifle is 360, which is 12% higher than IPSC Major, which I have assumed was good to go in matches in the past.

Since the wording and basic rules seem to be IPSC based? just wondered why the higher PF?

And if the answer is "we wanted HM to be stiff", do any of the rule makers shoot in HM?


The PF of 360 is unchanged from previous versions of the SMM3G Heavy Metal rules. I'm not sure why the bar was originally set at this level. My guess is that they wanted to force the use of true "battle rifle" cartridges over hot "assault rifle" cartridges (cough - .30Gremlin - cough). I don't shoot HM, but the Match Director, Dan Furbee, does.

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Very well written rules, I am pleased to see the addition of unmagnified optics in the HM division, even though I will continue to use irons as long as I am able to be competitive with them.

Now to get the app in!!!!


Edited by bigbrowndog
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Sending them is one thing. It would be nice to hear from the match staff just when the app will be available and when we will submit it. Takes two minutes to say apps will be available on Dec ? And won't be accepted till Dec ? It's reminding me again why I quit going to matches at Rio.

Edited for stupid autocorrecting Iphone.

Edited by Chuck Anderson
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The rules are cool. But I'd prefer it be more simple and say something in the lines of "Tactical Limited is the same as Tactical Scope except...".

The rules used to be written that way but, with all the piecemeal changes over time, they became difficult to understand. This way, a competitor in any given division can find everything they can or can't do in one place - cut and dried.

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Great Rule Set! A couple questions;

* Where do you guys weigh in on the use of magazines (or pairs of them) as a "supporting device" per

* Should there be calibration requirements for knock-down or indicating Rifle targets?

You guys obviously spent a lot of time on this. I think we'll continue to see these rules used a lot. Your efforts benefit our sport across the board. :cheers:

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Great Rule Set! A couple questions;

* Where do you guys weigh in on the use of magazines (or pairs of them) as a "supporting device" per

* Should there be calibration requirements for knock-down or indicating Rifle targets?

You guys obviously spent a lot of time on this. I think we'll continue to see these rules used a lot. Your efforts benefit our sport across the board. :cheers:

At SMM3G we have never had a problem with using two cinched magazines to monopod. Obviously, this may not be the case for all matches running under IMA rules.

There is no calibration procedure in the new rules for knock-down rifle targets, but clearly it behooves any Match Director to make sure his targets react when hit by a mainstream cartridge (e.g. .223) fired out of a mainstream barrel (e.g. 16") because, if a whole bunch of people start complaining, the match will get a bad reputation or will be overwhelmed by reshoots.

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There is no calibration procedure in the new rules for knock-down rifle targets, but clearly it behooves any Match Director to make sure his targets react when hit by a mainstream cartridge (e.g. .223) fired out of a mainstream barrel (e.g. 16") because, if a whole bunch of people start complaining, the match will get a bad reputation or will be overwhelmed by reshoots.

I absolutely agree!! Been there, didn't do it, caught hell, & got the t-shirt. Still, it wouldn't hurt to add a line or two to be consistent with the pistol/shotgun rule.

Edited by Blockhead
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There is no calibration procedure in the new rules for knock-down rifle targets, but clearly it behooves any Match Director to make sure his targets react when hit by a mainstream cartridge (e.g. .223) fired out of a mainstream barrel (e.g. 16") because, if a whole bunch of people start complaining, the match will get a bad reputation or will be overwhelmed by reshoots.

I absolutely agree!! Been there, didn't do it, caught hell, & got the t-shirt. Still, it wouldn't hurt to add a line or two to be consistent with the pistol/shotgun rule.

Nothing in the rules as written preclude calibration of rifle targets - we just don't specify a particular procedure. I'll add that to the list of things to think about for the next revision. Of course, a rifle target calibration procedure assumes the RO can actually hit the target :roflol: .

Edited by StealthyBlagga
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