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Don't Expect Classifier Scores This Week.


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I'd lose a club here in the Ohio Section, most likely. And, no...that wouldn't be better for the sport overall.

You gotta remember, clubs don't have to run USPSA. Push them too hard (with "mandatory") and they might take their range and go home.

And, why every two weeks? Why not every week...which would basically mean instantaneous (since we most classifiers on weekends).

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I don't see Any need to force anything. Update the system so that paid electronic submissions are instantly updated and continue as we are now with paper submissions.

+ +

Electronic - weekly.

Snail mail paper - monthly.

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I have been doing club stats for a little over 10 years. With rare exception, I have the stats out on the same day of the shoot and the scores/payments sent into Sedro. I am impatient by nature and I hate to wait on other clubs where I shoot. But I also understand that folks do the best they can with the resources they have available. Stats folks have databases to update, patches for Winscore to install, score sheets with errors, shooters in the wrong division, etc. Doing stats is a pain and it gets old.

There is a deadline to send in scores/payments, then USPSA processes the scores with the resources they have available. If their folks are off to major matches, if they have computer problems, if someone is out sick or has an emergency, etc., then they might be late posting classifications. Such is life. If the USPSA membership at large demands better services, be willing to foot the bill for a dues increase. Of course, with a dues increase will come even more complaining. <_<

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I hate doing scores. I've been blessed that my new area director has been doing the scores for my match for years and he is really speedy about it, but I've had to do it for the last few matches and it suck, and it makes me appreciate Harry even more. It normally takes me 3-7 days to get it all done because I tend to not have enough contiguous time to get it all done in one shot. 

That said, I really wish USPSA treated electronic submissions instantly and paper ones whenever.

BTW Flex,  how the hell is any club still doing paper submissions? and for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, WHY?? What possible reason can there be for doing it the hard way? I 

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I have been doing club stats for a little over 10 years. With rare exception, I have the stats out on the same day of the shoot and the scores/payments sent into Sedro. I am impatient by nature and I hate to wait on other clubs where I shoot. But I also understand that folks do the best they can with the resources they have available. Stats folks have databases to update, patches for Winscore to install, score sheets with errors, shooters in the wrong division, etc. Doing stats is a pain and it gets old.

One club where I shoot usually takes several days to post results to their website. It drives me nuts. Even though I know I didn't win, lol, I like to see the stuff. I'm a numbers and stats geek anyway. If I knew I was going to be there most of the time, I'd ask them to let me be the stats guy. I'm still tempted to get my own copy of EzWinScore and show up at their match with my computer and power inverter in my pickup and see if I could have the results by the time the got the stages cleared and props put away. If I couldn't get it done that quick, I've no doubt I could have it that evening.

I always copy down my classifier score from my score sheet and take it home, figure my HF, and punch it into classifiercalc.com (and now, I get a second opinion from cmcalc.com). Then I look at my previous classifiers and figure what my average is going to be. So I already know, pretty dang close, what it's going to look like before USPSA updates them. Even though I'm in no danger of moving out of D Class :closedeyes: I'm still very impatient to see the official numbers.

Before the website updates, I've alreay figured up what I need to shoot on my next classifiers in order to move up to C Class. (Time that would be better spent dry firing, lol.)

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BTW Flex, how the hell is any club still doing paper submissions? and for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, WHY?? What possible reason can there be for doing it the hard way? I

I can't answer that for them. They've been doing that way since before [many on this thread] were in the sport, however. I know they are on dial-up. I am pretty sure their computer is named "that stupid thing".

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just another suggestion for a money making venture for USPSA HQ, take all the old issues of Front Sight magazine and put them on an easily searchable DVD-ROM disc. I reckon the gunsmithing section alone would sell those DVD's, especially if it had a really stellar search function.

I subscribe to Fine Woodworking magazine, and was lucky enough to score some of the old back issues from the 1970's onward (from an auction). I also subscribe to Fine Homebuilding magazine. Just this past year the publisher, Taunton, decided to put all the old back issues onto a DVD:


I haven't bought it, at least not yet, but it would really be nice to get rid of a bookcase entirely filled with FWW and FHB magazines.

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just another suggestion for a money making venture for USPSA HQ, take all the old issues of Front Sight magazine and put them on an easily searchable DVD-ROM disc. I reckon the gunsmithing section alone would sell those DVD's, especially if it had a really stellar search function.

Great idea!

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BTW Flex, how the hell is any club still doing paper submissions? and for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, WHY?? What possible reason can there be for doing it the hard way? I

I can't answer that for them. They've been doing that way since before [many on this thread] were in the sport, however. I know they are on dial-up. I am pretty sure their computer is named "that stupid thing".

Sooo.. Did the quit USPSA when Limited was introduced? When thigh holsters went away? Crossdraw? Did they quit over 9mm Major? All of those major changes and they stuck with the game but a change on how you send in scores would make them quit? Ok ...

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It's not just the issue of sending scores in electronically. One of our local clubs has grabbed onto that nicely, but if you mention paying the mission count fees on line with a card and they'll look at you like you like you're crazy.

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It's not just the issue of sending scores in electronically. One of our local clubs has grabbed onto that nicely, but if you mention paying the mission count fees on line with a card and they'll look at you like you like you're crazy.

Did they order their bullets, powder, primers, targets, tape, etc with a check or cash too?

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It's not just the issue of sending scores in electronically. One of our local clubs has grabbed onto that nicely, but if you mention paying the mission count fees on line with a card and they'll look at you like you like you're crazy.

Did they order their bullets, powder, primers, targets, tape, etc with a check or cash too?


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Yes, there are people who absolutely refuse to use a card on line. I work with just such a guy. He'll surf the net a bit when he wants to buy something, find it, get a phone number and place the order by phone and then use the honest to God United States Postal Service to mail a money order. Just because most people are comfortable submitting cards on line doesn't mean all people are and some will NEVER be good with it.

Personally I've had three different card numbers scammed, two on one card that gets used on line and one just a couple days ago on another. To make matters worse the one that was just stolen has NEVER been used for an on line purchase. Matter of fact it hadn't been used since last Christmas in a CVS until about three weeks ago I used it at the gas station. It never left my hand in either of those transactions and somehow somebody STILL got the number! :angry2: So you tell me, do you really think it's in any way, shape, or form even somewhat safe to have a credit card let alone send the number over the internet??? I sure don't, but I keep doing it because so far the convenience out weights the hassle of convincing the card companies that I've never heard of www.XXXXXX.com I'm sure one of these days it won't and I'll go back to mailing checks and money orders myself. :sick:

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Cause we love thread drifts ... 1) That credit card you don't know how it got snatched? Gas station. Do you think the gas station boy gets payed a lot? 2) You just made my point, there is fraud everywhere, get a credit card that protects you and doesn't screw you over.

Anyway, eventually people will have to learn to deal with issue, it isn't fair disservicing your shooters because of paranoia, if it is a problem for someone to type in a credit card hand the match over to someone who doesn't mind.

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The credit card excuse does seem a bit lame.

Seems a lot lame. How did these people join USPSA anyway? I would bet mostly online, with a credit card.

When these guys joined, I don't think using credit/debit cards online was a technology that had even been developed yet.

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The credit card excuse does seem a bit lame.

Seems a lot lame. How did these people join USPSA anyway? I would bet mostly online, with a credit card.

When these guys joined, I don't think using credit/debit cards online was a technology that had even been developed yet.

Maybe not, but they had to re-new, right? Unless they were lifers....Someone at this club Flex is talking about, has to have a fast internet connection.....

I just don't get it....They have probably moved with the times as far as gun technology goes, and the same with reloading,etc., but not with scoring and reporting the score?

Are they still using the telegraph to call people? :roflol:

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Our club has NO internet connection... simple, you save the file to a thumb drive and send it home with someone who has a connection and a card that doesn't mind using it. That's what we do...

Like I said, there are always excuses not to do something and there will always be people that look for those reasons instead of thinking about the benefits. C'est La vie......


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Our club has NO internet connection... simple, you save the file to a thumb drive and send it home with someone who has a connection and a card that doesn't mind using it. That's what we do...

Like I said, there are always excuses not to do something and there will always be people that look for those reasons instead of thinking about the benefits. C'est La vie......


I guess we are lucky. Our club has a laptop and I simply take the laptop home after the match and upload the files and e-mail the confirmation to the president (I'm the VP) so he can pay the fees.

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