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Cmore battery life


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How long is everyone getting out of their Cmore batteries? Mine seem to be fading after a few weeks. I know for a fact that it was not left on anytime in there since I have been anal about watching it knowing that the batteries are dying quickly.

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How long is everyone getting out of their Cmore batteries? Mine seem to be fading after a few weeks. I know for a fact that it was not left on anytime in there since I have been anal about watching it knowing that the batteries are dying quickly.

How old is your dot module? When they start to fade it shows up as short battery life...if you test the battery, you might find it really is not that weak.

Smaller dots seem to fade faster for me, I use a 6MOA and only run it a season before replacing it.


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CAZ - Get a few batteries and keep one in your range bag. With a fresh battery you should be able to shoot 20 or 30 matches on one battery. When the dot starts to go then you will only get 5 or 6 matches out of it. If you are dry firing a lot you will need to figure in that time. My new C-more has been left on over night and has had the same battery for 3 months (24 matches 2 majors). You should be also have the tools to change the battery and adjust the C-More in the bag, as well as allens for the mount and the grips, these guns come apart while shooting.

I of course only use mine at Full on, no dinking around adjusting it just wide open. I also have a LimCat sunshield on it and that helps a lot in sunny South Texas.

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I will tell you this...a battery will last an entire Va/Md Sectional once the intensity knob breaks off the C-more! :surprise: We checked the battery after the match and it was near new.

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Wow! After reading the posts, I must be doing something wrong I have 4-C-More's all under 1 1/2 year old not one has battery last longer than 3 months and that's shooting once or twice a week and dry fire practice and obviously can't shoot them all at once (and i don't leave them on, and buy Duracell 1/3Ns from Medic Batteries..) and I check them on a battery tester, no a voltage meter. I have sent two back for repair one to Cmore (it was new) it quit, they charged me because I had a limcat knob on it, (sounds a little weak to me) and one to STI they replaced in overnight on a gun that was only 2 months old. And since I'm on that rant another one the don is not visible until about 3:00 o'clock on the knob

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How long is everyone getting out of their Cmore batteries? Mine seem to be fading after a few weeks. I know for a fact that it was not left on anytime in there since I have been anal about watching it knowing that the batteries are dying quickly.

Get a Dot Module on order. They fade over time.

Like Sherwyn said, sometimes as short as a year.

You can take the gun in the basement or low light area

and the dot should be super bright and bloom out all over

the place. Or compare a new module to the old one and you

will probably be amazed how bright a new module is.

Anyone with a C-more should have a new module in the spare part's kit.

If you change it re-check zero. It will most likely move.

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It may be your battery. I made the monumental mistake of ordering some generic ones from a place called Cheap Batteries and got even less than I paid for at $1.25 each. Sure they were inexpensive but they seem to need replacing every week or so.

Next time I'll buy some decent ones and pay a little more per battery. The Duracell's were twice the price but I'll bet last 10 times as long.

In the mean time, is there anyone who wants to buy a dozen cheap 1/3N batteries for $18? :devil:

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What exact kind are you using? I get months out of mine, fresh Duracell 1/3Ns from Medic Batteries. R,

I have duracell in there right now, and energizers prior. I am keeping an eye on these duracells and if that doesn't do it I will have to switch out the module.

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Not trying to change the subject on battery life,but what T.McDevitt said

about the dot not coming on until the knob is at the 3 o'clock position is

also true with my scope.My scope is only 10 weeks old and has been this

way since day one.This is the first CMore that I have owned and thought

this to be the norm.Is it or do I have a problem with my module,battery

or something else.Sure seems like there is not much range of adjustment.


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Sure seems like there is not much range of adjustment.


That's one of the strong arguments in favor of the click switch models. You can see the dot from the second or third click in many situations. R,

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Very true G-man.

I would be very curious as to the breakage factor between the standard and the click models though. Mine sheared at the intensity shaft base this past weekend...only to find out I was the second person of the day. (I was only on the third stage) I am not hearing much complaints from the standard model Bubba's.

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Very true G-man.

I would be very curious as to the breakage factor between the standard and the click models though. Mine sheared at the intensity shaft base this past weekend...only to find out I was the second person of the day. (I was only on the third stage) I am not hearing much complaints from the standard model Bubba's.

I think the click models fail more frequently, but I'm just going off memory of what I've seen reported. I've got four guns with click models on them, but two are rimfire, so they don't really count as much. My oldest of the other two might have 15-20K on it and the newer one has 11K so far. I've got a brand new replacement on hand and always bring a backup gun just in case! R,

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The Duracell's seem to stay brighter and last much longer than the generic crap. I also like the fact they have no sharp edges when installing. That said, I always install a new battery a week or so before a major match which equates to 5-6 new batteries per year.

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BATTERY SECRET or trouble?

I agree with the posters that module can fade over time.

But here is battery set up I use, maybe the CMore folks might think it is bad idea.

Instead of One Duracell 1/3N, I use two Maxell SR44SW batteries.

Reason is with single battery you get exactly 3.0 volts. With the Silver oxide you get two times 1.55 volts equal 3.1 volt to start with. They fit perfect. The Silver Oxide has supposedly better energy retention but I dont know if true.

The only time I ever replace batteries is when I forget to turn off the dot(which as I get more white hair happens more frequently). Dont know how long it would last otherwise.

My conclussion, battery life is an age related thing, not related to age of battery but to age of shooter.

Edited by Aloha Robert
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brand names, have 3 open blasters that havent been changed in morethan a couple of yrs....maybe im lucky??? dunno....put a 40 dollar batt. inthe car...paidthe price, less than a yr. crapped out, factory new went 6+ yrs...ya get what ya pays for...

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