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Everything posted by jaredr

  1. absolutely. buy an RT1200 and put it in a dedicated brass prep toolhead, deprime, resize, trim in one operation, then swap toolheads and perform all loading operations as a second pass. for 55gr fmj (or any boattail round), inside chamfering is not needed to seat the bullet and the RT1200's carbide cutter does a very nice job leaving a clean surface on the case mouth. i've gotten sub-moa ammo from this, so see no need for trimming off the press using a giraud (at least not for my needs). a quick search will turn up many threads on this approach with some detailed descriptions of what kit people are using for their brass prep toolhead. edited to add: ken does have a point above re: noise. when running .223 brass prep, i wear ear pro specifically because it is so loud wih both the trimmer and vaccuum running. on the other hand, i've got a shop where I don't need to worry about neighbors, etc. if you're in an apartment then this approach definitely may have some drawbacks for you
  2. I have not seen one, the RRA 9mms I have had were blowback A little mag work makes a big impact on reliabiity Jim the fellow who runs teppo jutsu (marty i think is his name) wrote a while back about developing a DI upper for 9mm to avoid what were apparently problems with broken bolt catches associated with blowback 9mm. i don't know if anything came of it or if it was actually ever sold. to the OP, my experience with my RRA upper and hahn block has been very positive, but pls note that I used it only for casual plinking so round count is low (probably around 2000 rds total over a few years) and never did any formal bench testing for accuracy on paper. i use pro-mag 32 round magazines and actually never had any feeding problems, though I understand others have had poor experience with this brand. i ended up using the 9mm AR mostly as the garbage can for leftover 9mm +P and 9mm major loading experiments. Do not have notes on 9mm major handy but used a lot of 6.8gr Alliant Power Pistol and 115gr FMJ and they worked fine ("worked" means I was able to sight in a red-dot and bounce cans on a 50 yard range, not very stringent accuracy requirements). Also used a lot of 147 gr tuncated cone lead over WW231 (do not have load data handy but recall projectile and powder). Load was dirty, but functioned fine.
  3. are you milling the slide for the delta point or will you be using a mount that installs inthe rear dovetail? either way, would be very keen to see pictures, can you post a pic or two once you have the sight installed?
  4. can you all help me understand value of the vortex razor 1-4 vs. their viper 1-4? know the razor is a first focal plane, just not sure what I need a FFP reticle for on a 1-4x scope? i've never owned a first focal plane scope, my understanding was that part of their value is that the reticle can be used for ranging (i.e. reticle subtends the same amount) regardless of the magnification so I don't have to do any funky math for various magnification levels. I can see where that might be useful on a 3-15x scope where I might be dialing it to different levels (say between 5x and 10x to trade off field of view for target ID), but on a 1-4, won't you pretty much be at 1x (up close) or 4x (where I know my dope because I've either got a BDC or just worked out the holds for my particular load)? acknowledge I'm probably missing something here, otherwise vortex wouldn't be selling a $1200 FFP 1-4 right alongside their $500 2nd focal plane scope, just not sure what it is. thanks, jared
  5. at 100 yards, i don't see any meaningful difference between them. both of them deliver (for me, out of my rifle) around 1 MOA at 100 (which is the longest range I have easy access to). small differences + or - group size are not consistently in favor of either brand, so I usually buy hornady as they are a bit less expensive for me. winchester 55 gr ball costs me more than hornady or MG, so I have not tried it (or federal either).
  6. think the expression that applies to all of those flicks is "willing suspension of disbelief" as long as I'm just watching it for 90 minutes of car chases and CGI/wirework martial arts stuff, then that sort of thing can be pretty entertaining...
  7. i'm still mourning they day virgil stopped accepting hard chroming work. he did a trio of P7's for me that were just truly beautiful and what a pleasure to deal with!
  8. hope you're all having a great holiday!!
  9. let me know where you're getting that one from
  10. G-man bart, thanks for taking the time write up the lengthy PM, very informative and much appreciated.
  11. actually, i always wondered why no one ever developed a carry-mount type assembly like the one they used for the M56 smart gun (the one with the harness that vasquez and drake used)? I read (somewhere) that cameron came up with the prop by modifying a steadicam harness, seemed like it might be a good idea for carrying a 20+ lb rifle but I guess someone would have already developed it if it was a viable approach.
  12. everytime i see someone using one of those it makes my skin crawl. at least if you cut one of your fingers off, they can try and sew it back on. pretty sure if you pulp some part of your body, there's not much they can do with it besides give it back to you in a sandwhich bag...
  13. raleigh nc -> park city, ky = 9hrs, I can do that. looks like it will be a blast, see you next august.
  14. wow - 20% off their auto popper price is a smoking deal. I have the colt speed plate, can't say enough good things about it, and I thought it was well worth the money when I paid full price.
  15. need to pick up a .40 production gun, looking through my distributor catalog and the M&P 40 "Carry and Range Kit" looks like a good deal - includes 3 mages instead of normal 2, plus an advertised bladetech holster and double mag pouch, and also a maglula mag loader for only about $30 more than a regular M&P with 2 mags. question i have is about the bundled-in bladetech holster and mag pouches. the S&W description says they are "kydex" but the photo looks a lot like Bladetech's cheapo injection molded products. not they they won't work, but they're not the same as the thicker kydex bladetech uses for their pricier gear. i called S&W but they basically read me the description off of the SKU (209330). Anyone have any experience with this bundle? Keen to hear whether the included holster/mag pouches are kydex or the less expensive uncle-mike's style injectionmolding. thanks! photo
  16. from NSSF news release ATF to Require Multiple Sales Reports for Long Guns December 17, 2010 By Larry Keane The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is moving to require federally licensed firearms retailers to report multiple sales of modern sporting rifles beginning January 5, 2011. Specifically, the ATF requirement calls for firearms retailers to report multiple sales, or other dispositions, of two or more .22 caliber or larger semi-automatic rifles that are capable of accepting a detachable magazine and are purchased by the same individual within five consecutive business days. Today’s Washington Post suggests that the reporting mandate would be limited to retailers along the Southwest border; however, the Federal Register Notice does not limit the geographic scope of the reporting requirement. This ATF “emergency” mandate was originally pushed by the anti-gun Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) coalition, headed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, more than a year and a half ago. And the Post reports that the Department of Justice has “languished” over this plan for several months. Given this timetable, it’s hard to see exactly where the “emergency” is. The National Shooting Sports Foundation opposes this reporting requirement because it further burdens America’s law-abiding firearms retailers with yet another onerous regulation that will do nothing to curb crime. Multiple sales reporting of long guns will actually make it more difficult for licensed retailers to help law enforcement as traffickers modify their illegal schemes to circumvent the reporting requirement, thereby driving traffickers further underground. This is not unlike how criminals maneuvered around one-gun-a-month laws in states like Virginia – which is still considered an “exporting source state” by anti-gun organizations like the MAIG despite its restrictions on the number of firearms law-abiding residents may purchase. Multiple sales reporting for long guns is an ill-considered mandate and one that ATF does not have the legal authority to unilaterally impose. In fact, ATF has not specified under what legal authority it presumes to act. The decision as to whether ATF can move forward with this agenda-driven mandate will be left to Cass Sunstein who heads the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). This is the same Cass Sunstein who in a 2007 speech at Harvard University said, “We ought to ban hunting, if there isn’t a purpose other than sport and fun. That should be against the law. It’s time now.” NSSF will be submitting comments in opposition to this registration scheme and is encouraging all firearms retailers, sportsmen and enthusiasts to do the same. Please voice your concern by doing the following: 1. Call the Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulation Affairs, Department of Justice, Desk Officer at (202) 395-6466. 2. E-mail Barbara A. Terrell, ATF, Firearms Industry Programs Branch at Barbara.Terrell@atf.gov 3. Call your Senators and Representative: United States Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 Points to make: Multiple sales reporting of long guns will actually make it more difficult for licensed retailers to help law enforcement as traffickers modify their illegal schemes to circumvent the reporting requirement. Traffickers will go further underground, hiring more people to buy their firearms. This will make it much harder for retailers to identify and report suspicious behavior to law enforcement. Long guns are rarely used in crime (Bureau of Justice Statistics). Imposing multiple sales-reporting requirements for long guns would further add to the already extensive paperwork and record-keeping requirements burdening America’s retailers – where a single mistake could cost them their license and even land them in jail. Last year, ATF inspected 2,000 retailers in border states and only two licenses were revoked (0.1%). These revocations were for reasons unknown and could have had nothing to do with illicit trafficking of guns; furthermore, no dealers were charged with any criminal wrongdoing. According to ATF, the average age of a firearm recovered in the United States is 11 years old. In Mexico it’s more than 14 years old. This demonstrates that criminals are not using new guns bought from retailers in the states. Congress, when it enacted multiple sales reporting for handguns, could have required multiple sales of long guns – it specifically chose not to.
  17. from an ar15.com newsletter sent out today: Inaugural AR15.com/Rockcastle Pro Am 3Gun Championship Presented By Brownells, Sinclair, and PoliceStore.com Park City, KY – Rockcastle Shooting Center, the nation's premier shooting competition site is proud to team up with AR15.com and Brownells in announcing the inaugural AR15.com/Rockcastle Pro Am 3 Gun Championship. The match will take place August 26 – 28, 2011. Accomplishing the goal of taking the popular 3 Gun format to the next level, the AR15.com/Rockcastle Pro Am will have two distinct and separate shooting competitions going on simultaneously. The nation's top 3 Gun professionals will compete over two and a half days running eight challenging and technical stages designed by former and current 3 Gun champions. Amateurs will compete over one and a half days shooting seven stages on a separate course also designed by 3 Gun greats, but tailored especially for the amateur and celebrity competitors. Over 500 shooters, across both divisions are expected to participate. Another unique component to the match will be the Inaugural Charity Cup. A random draw at the opening ceremony will team a professional with an amateur and their combined scores through out the course of the weekend will be totaled. When the last pistol, rifle and shotgun have been fired and scores tallied, the Amateur paired with a Professional with the best score will win the Inaugural Charity Cup and bragging rights as top Pro Am team. Longtime 3 Gun pro Jeff Cramblit will be the Match Director and rounding out the team is Range Master, Kurt Miller and Statistician, Linda Chico. Cramblit said, "Everyone is going to be a winner at this match. It is going to bring new people into the sport and with the unique format, it'll be a blast. This match will be the single largest gathering of competitors and sponsors in the history of 3 Gun. How fun is that?" Nick Noble, CEO of Rockcastle Shooting Center said, "We're excited to be able to bring fresh ideas to the competitive shooting world and to partner with AR15.com and Brownells. Rockcastle Shooting Center is no stranger to hosting major industry events. In 2011, we have over thirty shooting competitions scheduled including our crown jewels the Blue Ridge Mountain 3-Gun Championship, Mammoth Sniper Challenge, Gamaliel Cup, and the Shooting Industry Masters in July. Our resort with its unique combination of ranges and amenities make us an attractive venue to host large-scale events." The Rockcastle Shooting Center is the newest addition to the Park Mammoth property. The Shooting Center offers a 15-station Sporting Clay course, 5 Stand, Pistol and Rifle Ranges out to 1,500 yards, SASS Range, and two 3D Archery Ranges. Nestled among the wooded ridges and valleys of the historic property, the 2,000-acre resort is located in south central Kentucky. For further information of scheduled events at Rockcastle Shooting Center and the first class accommodations and amenities offered by Park Mammoth Resort, visit their web site at www.parkmammothresort.us or email our guest client services at info@parkmammothresort.us. Media members interested, can contact Lisa G. Cinquino, Public Relations Director at cinquinol@aol.com or call (203) 881-8381.
  18. holy cr@p - you have any extraction problems with those? Last corbon ammo I had was their 125gr 357 magnum out of a 4" 686. had to take the cartridges out of the cylinder with a dowel and a roofing hammer, didn't bother trying any more to chrono them and see what was going on.
  19. my own experience with wolf is that it's 2900 fps out of my 16" carbine barrel. the loss of around 200-250 fps doesn't make much difference to me at 100 yards for practice, i'm not concerned about taking down falling steel for score if it's just me out on the range. problem for me was I was regularly seeing 3-4" groups off a bench with wolf 55gr fmj. Practicing 50 yd hoser stages that kind of accuracy is fine, but it hurts when the target is an MGM 6" autopopper and your trying to get hits from field positions (kneeling, sitting, etc). I can still reload hornady 55gr ball loads for less than what I can buy wolf, and without doing anything more than basic case prep during loading I can get 1-1.5" (as long as my barrel isn't shot out I'll stick with reloading.
  20. Where do you get the KISS bullet feeder? www.mrbulletfeeder.com. Posness warren resells them, as does angus hobdell (www.czcustom.com)
  21. mr, bulletfeeder will run fine with lead but you may need to clean out the collator assembly every 500-1000 rounds depending upon how sticky the bullet lube is. i use a very inexpensive 200gr LSWC from valliant which has a red lube that always seems to gum things up by 500 rounds, other bullets like lase-cast may not give you the same issue. no problem feeding jacketed semi-wadcutters, I have not tried plated semi-wadcutters but I would imagine they will feed just the same as jacketed. auto-drive works well, but I would not reccomend using one until you have become very familiar with operating the press manually, otherwise you are very likely to break things and/or injure yourself in the event you get your hands anywhere near the press while operating it via autodrive I would not use an autodrive without an automated bulletfeeder. My experience with Mr. Bulletfeeder (formerly KISS bulletfeeder) is so positive I (personally) won't bother trying any of the other recently released competing products (Hornady, RCBS) even though they are $100-$200 less expensive. yes, you can disconnect the autodrive and reattach the press handle to operate it manually. not sure what you're referring to here. if you're referring to the bullet seating die, then yes you can swap them out as easily on the 1050 as on any other press. Changing from one bullet profile to the next may require minor adjustment to the Mr. Bulletfeeder device, but it will feed LSWC, FMJ ball, and hollowpoints without problem. changing primer size is cumbersome, takes me about an hour including time to adjust/check primer seating depth. per Dale Rader's comment, I would not plan on swapping back and forth between primer sizes if you can avoid it.
  22. inside of 100 yards, hornady 55 gr ball may be sufficient - i've seen that bullet produce well under MOA with AA2230 (and there are many other suitable powders as well. 2230 is just what I'm using). SMK's or hornady open tip match bullets may be "more" accurate (i.e. less variation in weight, more consistent in manufacturing uniformity) but I'm not sure that you would see any tangible benefit from that until you move out to 200-300 yards. I know some folks have mentioned that they use inexpensive ball rounds for practicing or competition inside of 100 yards and save the match kings (or other pricier alternatives) for further out but that may be more effort than it is worth, depending upon how much you'll actually have a chance to shoot. Edited to add: other relevant point is that the heavier match bullets will help beat the wind, but again, unless its a gale force I'm not sure there's a enough drift on a 100 yd target to make much of a difference. According to JBM's ballistics calc - a 77gr SMK @ 2700fps will drift 1" @ 100 yards ina 10mph full value wind. A 55gr hornady fmj @ 3150 fps will drift 1.2" under the same conditions. Speaking only for myself, I've got a lot of stuff I need to work on before I need to start worrying about that 0.2" difference in wind drift
  23. this thread actually brought a genuine smile to my face, thanks. between this and the gnome storyline in the latest larry correia novel, it's been a good couple of days.
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