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Everything posted by Fireant

  1. dang, I have diet coke on my monitor again
  2. Great, I can transfer VHS to DVD no problem.
  3. Anyone know how I can burn my DVR(from my Dish network box) copy to a DVD for one of the sponsors that was working and could not see it?
  4. I think that stopping to look at unpasted targets is a mental mistake on the shooters part. No reshoot needed or granted. Train youself to just keep shooting unless ot is a saftey issue. I've learned the hard way I'm not stopping unless someone yells stop. The challenge presented was the same, the holes should not matter. I guess one way to fix it is to bag all targets regardless of the weather. That way you caouldn't see the holes anyway. Hey, that gives me an idea for a match.....
  5. I like that idea, but for my club 50% of the shooters are not members and all the arm twisting I can do won't make them join. Do remember that you can add walkins 10 at a time I think it is and then just assign the late comers w-1, w2 etc. as their shooter number in the palm and then change the name back on you computer after the hotsync.
  6. Hey, email them to me heatherly at tds.net and I can put them on here.
  7. So, is my CZ SP01 from Angus with the works done to it still legal for production? Is my Dan Burwell M&P still legal? I don't know what they do to them so how do you know?
  8. Oh yeah, one more week until I roll it out at my club. No more paper to worry about and no more working until midnight on match days to get the scores done. I can have them posted before I get out of the truck for lunch.
  9. I must go to the line with not enough ammo. I normally go with 3 mags in either open or limited. I only take the 4th mag for a standards type stage with several reloads and strings.
  10. Damn, 16 holes in that barrel. Does it make major? I had a hard time making it with one that only had 4 holes in the top. I'd love to watch(from a distance) with some of that fireball throwin VV powder at night.
  11. That is painfully true. I ran 2 that is TWO big sticks dry at the first shooting position of my first stage last year. I was ready to pack it up and go home right after ULASC. Know your zero ahead of time.
  12. It would have been a DQ anyway if they had not called the range clear. I really slow down for the holster part at the end of the COF. RO's are even leaning hard wanting to go down range and I'm still holstering. There is no prize for holstering fast. I make sure the lock is on for my Ghost. If there is a questionable start position I either use the lock in the position that I can flick it off on the draw or I unlock it during the walk through. A dropped gun then is not a DQ.
  13. Dude, I've got to see a picture of this. I just can't imagine what kind of hole this is.
  14. or too many frogs. I did get it though. Just don't ask me to do it again.
  15. Please close this before I puke on my new carpet. I feel I've lost IQ points just reading this so called article.
  16. Yes, I have a form that all the info from the emails go into and I print of that page and take to the match to check them off as they pay.
  17. I had my web guy make a preregistration page that emails to a new email address that I created. I can enter all those names in the match and only worry about the new shooters. Most of the new shooters come with a regular, so many of them will be already entered before match day. I'll see how this works in less than 2 weeks. Here is the link Coastal Area Practical Shooters
  18. Man, I was thinking the same thing.
  19. Kenny at www.speedshooterspecialties.com has the blad tech holster on sale right now. He does not have the 5in holsters on the website, but he does have them in stock. Give him a call or email.
  20. Let them play Utah. Only one team won all their games, and that team does not wear orange
  21. Yes, Daniel from Plate-Tacular. I have a so-so picture of it in the gallery in the open gun topic.
  22. Nemo, Wait until you see the work Daniel is turning out now. My open gun just returned from the new plating and all I can say is that I'll need to wear sunglasses in the morning to shoot it.
  23. I've seen this locally also. I was on the back roads the other night that I have not seen an LEO on in over 4 years of regular driving and they had 5 people pulled over along the way and were writing tickets. Now my short cut is just as long as the other way around.
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