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Everything posted by Fireant

  1. I like N320 and when I can't get it I will use Competition
  2. I didn't have any problems flying Delta for the nationals. On the way back when I check my bags and guns the agent asked me if they were clean? I said hell no, I just shot the nationals, but they are unloaded
  3. I've worked every night for just over 2 weeks getting things ready for a pretty cool Halloween themed match and it rained so much today that the bays are flooded and can't be used. It's raining so hard right now, I can't hear myself think even. I had 5 stages with a 180 round count total for the match, cool props and all. All for nothing Oh yeah, I stayed home from the GA state match to run my local match too
  4. Yeah, but Nemo you know francisco really wants a 6 inch limited gun.
  5. Yep, that may is the key. In 2007 my shooting buddy won the A6 in L10 as a B class shooter. On the drive up for the GA state he called headquarters to see why he was not bumped up to at least A class. They said that there were no GM's that shot in that division so no bump. So, he requested to be moved and they said no can do. On the bump for winning your class in a major, only if you shoot the next class up's percent for the match. My goal for the nationals this year was to shoot 75%, well I only shot 71% so no help on my percentage there. It actually brought mine down.
  6. If he is shooting limited and it has a thumb saftey, then it does not need to be shot DA for the first shot.
  7. But Derek won't sell you one if he knows you are going to use it for 9mm. I talked to him several times and it boiled down to it was not 100% and he did not want to sell me something that would be trouble.
  8. I saw one that had barrels in the shooting area and the barrels had target sticks on top of them. If you knocked off a stick it was a penalty.
  9. Never really thought about number 1, but you are right. It is either down or it's not. Very easy.
  10. The why is because the rule maker said so.
  11. Fireant


    $2.28 for unleaded this morning. But, my diesel is still at $3.50 go figure.
  12. Awesome, Kenny! Thanks. I'll get the info to you shortly and add you to the Sponsor list. I hope you can make it this year. Take care. All he has to do is be semi awake when I roll past his driveway going to the match.
  13. Very cool match. I'd thought of painting the steel orange and black, but I like the face idea and the carrying a trick or treat bucket.
  14. How about throwing out some halloween stage ideas, old pictures etc. I'd like to make some seasonal stages this month, but can't seem to come up with any. Thanks.
  15. I do not think so. "Equipment" is that which is specifically referred to in the rule book such as your weapon, belt, mag holders, etc. So far we do not have a hat rule. Thanks, when I read the rule my internal Webster's made me think that allied equipment would be anything that is not part of the stage that you need to shoot that stage. Then I looked at the Glossary and USPSA defines it as: Allied equipment . . . . . . .Holsters, magazines, speed loading devices and/or their respective pouches. Very good thinking as long as the MD didn't declare it forbidden.
  16. Would that be considered allied equipment that must remain in the same location throughout the match? Unless specified in the written stage briefing, or unless required by a Range Officer, the position of holsters and allied equipment must not be moved or changed by a competitor during a match. Would you have to wear it for every stage?
  17. Yes, when built by a smith that knows what they are doing and the shooter lets them build it the way it should be. My gun never puked once at the slop I shot in at the nationals.
  18. 9.1.5 Impenetrable – The scoring area of USPSA scoring targets and noshoots is deemed to be impenetrable: If a bullet strikes wholly within the scoring area of a paper target, and continues on to strike the scoring area of another paper target, the hit on the subsequent paper target will not count for score or penalty, as the case may be. If a bullet strikes wholly within the scoring area of a paper target, and continues on to hit a plate or strike down a popper; this will be treated as range equipment failure. The competitor will be required to reshoot the course of fire, after it has been restored If a bullet strikes partially within the scoring area of a paper or metal target, and continues on to strike the scoring area of another paper target, the hit on the subsequent paper target will also count for score or penalty, as the case may be. If a bullet strikes partially within the scoring area of a paper or metal target, and continues on to strike down or hit the scoring area of another metal target, the subsequent metal target will also count for score or penalty, as the case may be. No where does it say that it does not exsist. Cover provided to hide all or a portion of a target will be considered hard cover. When possible hard cover should not be simulated but constructed using impenetrable materials (see Rule 2.1.3). Whole paper targets must not be used solely as hard cover. This tells me that trying to use a NS to make the area dissapear is a no no. Incorrect, note bolded text. It is suggested. This tells me that I should use steel for hard cover, but I can use paint to simulate it. It also says that whole paper targets MUST not be used soley as hard cover. Hard cover is one thing a NS is a different thing. One does not score, the other scores a penalty. They are treated differently. We have positive scoring targets, negative scoring targets and those that are neither(hard cover) We can't call one the other and vice versa. If it's hard cover the underlying azone is gone, but a hit there can not be a NS penalty. If it is a NS then the bullet can continue on to score. It suggest the best way to do it but not the required way. is what placing a no-shoot on top does. Nope see above.
  19. 9.1.5 Impenetrable – The scoring area of USPSA scoring targets and noshoots is deemed to be impenetrable: This tells me that the Non scoring boarder is not impeneterable. If a bullet strikes partially within the scoring area of a paper or metal target, and continues on to strike the scoring area of another paper target, the hit on the subsequent paper target will also count for score or penalty, as the case may be. This tells me that I can still get the highest hit my bullet touches. Cover provided to hide all or a portion of a target will be considered hard cover. When possible hard cover should not be simulated but constructed using impenetrable materials (see Rule 2.1.3). Whole paper targets must not be used solely as hard cover. This tells me that trying to use a NS to make the area dissapear is a no no. 4.2.4 When the scoring area of a paper target is to be partially hidden, course designers must simulate hard cover in one of the following ways: By actually hiding a portion of the target (see Rule By physically cutting targets to remove the portion deemed to be hidden by hard cover. Such targets must be fitted with a replacement non-scoring border, which must extend the full width of the cut scoring area (see Rule 4.2.2). This explains how to do it by the rules.
  20. I enjoyed myself way too much when I did that kind of work. My first boss had to remind me not to act so happy. I was out once and had been trying to catch this one couple at home to get the furniture back. I got a call from a neighbor of theirs that they had just backed a Uhaul up to the house and looked like they were moving. I headed right over and had to repo a house full of stuff, dinning room set, bedroom set etc. I had to get it in one trip and only had a short bed F150 to do it with. I looked like the Beverly Hillbillys on the way back to the store. Man I'm glad I switched lines of work most days.
  21. I see it as I could teach students all day long that 2+2=5 I can't base this on any math rules, but because I'm teaching it that way it's true, right?
  22. That is certainly an option you have as an MD. Would you exclude the classifiers that use this setup as well? Yes I will, since in my opinion an accurate score might not be obtained.
  23. We could agree as MD's that we simply will not use this type of an array. Maybe that could help NROI to realize that the ruling made things worse and we can get a clearer rule in a future writting of the rule book. Just a thought.
  24. I can and will accept anything that is inthe rule book. I just have a hard time following something that can not be supported in the written rules. That is the whole point of this discussion, what is it based on that can be supported by the current rule book. Not by a ruling, but the actual rule. The two NS thing was a non issue because it basically put things back to how they should have stayed 2 rulebooks back. When I started this if you shot them you earned them, then we went to the 2 max, now back to how it should be. The issue also never had a ruling that made the enforcement different than the book, so no big debate there.
  25. Funny, my dad was the Army version of yours. This case was really just a mild one compared to my usual days, it just happened on a bad day. You know I actually had a parent file a complaint that I was being racist once beacuse I made the students say yes or no instead of yah and nah, or a shrug of the shoulders. They said I was being culturally biased WTF!
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