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Everything posted by Posvar

  1. I will chime in again. I too have big hands and need a big hands mag well. This one fits my hands perfectly. I think Thomas Arthur can comment on this as well.
  2. The magwell makes the “hole” smaller so the mag is oriented correctly already where it goes in. Their web site has a great description of this. My limited gun has an Evo grip and V2 magwell and reloads are perfect every time
  3. I see it all the time and some people give the culprit the look of death. I’ve always tried to avoid it but it does happen occasionally during dry fire
  4. Thanks Jim! That makes me feel better. Some guys have told me they don’t run well in Open but lots of locals use them here
  5. He knows just when to send those progress pics so you can see them when you wake up!
  6. Glad you decided on the CK. Beautiful gun! Now go do some live fire!
  7. ^^^I am thinking of ordering a new full set for my open gun and keep my current ones as back ups. Please update us with how they run.
  8. PM9. I’ve owned a couple and they are fantastic.
  9. You couldn’t be more right. That is all I use in all my 9mm guns.
  10. I just took my Phanterra (non turbo) and Beastcat (turbo) to the range today. The videos I took show the answer. Need to get them uploaded. It seems to keep the nose down better. Need to shoot them both more back to back to see
  11. As much time as he has on his hands he should be up to speed on all these post before we even read them.
  12. Limcat for all the reasons listed prior to this post. Johnny is the best for a reason. Heck, he will reply to Facebook messages in the middle of the night!
  13. New Limcat grip weighs about 5oz less than other grips if memory serves me correctly. I prefer silicone carbide over stippling any day.
  14. I have owned one SV 9mm IMM and it ran fine but only owned it for a short time. The other two I have had are Limcat Phanterras and they are utterly reliable. Of course I do my part with keeping them clean and lubed up and also checking and sorting brass, etc. The only issue I have had (which cost me the match) was a broken STI mag catch and it caused the craziest of symptoms. Now I run only Dawson and they work perfectly and prevent over insertion. Both of my Limcats were bought used from the original owners. To me the gun builder backing the gun makes all the difference. Johnny is incredible and his guns have a lifetime warranty regardless of owner. I just bought my third open gun (Beastcat) and will be selling my Phanterra to some lucky buyer out there who gets to enjoy a gun that runs and runs and has an incredible company backing it.
  15. I have (2) 170mm and (3) 140mm and they run great. I have been reloading with 140mm as that is what I am used to for limited. That being said, all the locals told me if I was buying new get the 155mm for open reloads and use one big stick to start. For me since I will be shooting both open and limited I will stick with 140mm for reloads.
  16. Very true. What did you use to remove the material? Do you happen to have a picture of the modified magwell? Matt
  17. I spoke to Johnny Lim yesterday as I am needing a V2 for my PT Evo grip. He said it's best to grind the little tabs off of the grip. He may just not like taking material off of his magwell but I would imagine both methods word. Either way, this is the only magwell I will use moving forward. Fits my hands perfectly and feels incredible. I will try and post pics of my limited gun (with PT Evo grip) with magwell removed to show the tabs that were ground down.
  18. The Gen1 bodies are crazy solid for all my guns. I had a couple Gen2 and had issues with them and sold them. Currently I am using all Gen1 tubes with Grams guts and TTI basepads for my open gun and MBX 140mm for my limited gun. Both are great.
  19. Interesting. I’ve ran a long flat SV on all my guns and it feels like it has the most comfortable angle for my long fingers but the trigger freeze comment makes me think. I do get trigger freeze every so often. May go shorter.
  20. It has to be the heat. I will get it cleaned up and post results
  21. OK. I’m not embarrassed to admit when I’ve been wrong. I’m new at all this and I’m just trying to find out the best way to do it.
  22. I don’t have a blaster but going to buy a toaster oven. Haha
  23. Could you explain the glass beed process? Thanks
  24. Add weight and make it flatter. I could tell the difference on my Hbar Phanterra
  25. I’m using HS6 and like it a lot. It does get hot though as stated above. Has anyone tried N340 with 124 grain jacketed hollow point bullets? I came across about 13 pounds and Johnny Lim says it’s really really good. I have not used it yet.
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