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Everything posted by boatdoc173

  1. boatdoc173

    BE Blog

    just another thank you for the time and effort put in to produce the blog and its posts
  2. forget the gauge for now. have you tried plunk testing the rounds yet? if they load into your guns and eject as expected, you are good to go I had issue swith ONE gun. it required a lower OAL than all of my other guns. I loaded thousands of rounds @ 1.142" and I am good to go with all of my rounds in all of my guns now dillon products are wonderful . They do have a few quirks though. things like the pin that holds the primer chute-- they bend primer magazine tips wear out and primer feed stop pins wear out too.seems like a few of these parts should NOT be plastic(primer feed stop pins for sure)
  3. whether it is a problem with a reloader, gun,car... I hear "I have never seen that before " from the experts. seems to be my M.O
  4. Have loaded on 2 different 550c machines(45 acp+ 9mm) about 5,000 9mm and 2000 45 acp so far(LPP with the 45 acp) I have noted that both machines are failing to drop the primers into the primer cup. I noted the primer feed stop pin was not moving back far enough to drop the primers. Nothing blocking the prime r bar from moving. culprit appears to be the primer feed stop pin wore down just a mm or 2 was all it took to stop the process. just fyi in the future
  5. I used to do just that , so I had time to recheck what I packed. since moving to a different home,, the guns are now stored in the hvac/water heater room becaus e our state demands we have guns and ammo locked up. I found out that my oiled guns dried out by the AM. Now , I pack early in the AM of shooting days . double checking everything and sometimes I end up leaving the extra mags home. my main concern is leaving the required range Ids home--the ranges vary from 10-39 miles from home. Time to pack those the night before with eye and ear pro I think
  6. Mass Ammo had some LPP recently. CCI and federal --19cents a piece.
  7. when this happened to me recently, I had to tighten the shell plate to allow just enough play to move the rounds as I work on them( using my 550c) but not enough play to allow the shells to be loose. and as George said, check the spring holding up the bearing under the plate too as ell as othe r springs in use for thi s purpose
  8. when this happens to me( large primers not small), I have to pull and reseat the primer magazine and then be sure the slide is actually pushing back the small plastic retainer as I pull the handle down during my cycle. many times the slide does NOT fully push back the plastic retainer( the metal strip behind it does NOT open fully so I must be sure that I realign and tighten down the slide in proper alignment to drop primers. not sure WHY this happens. NOW I watch (with each down stroke of the handle) to be sure the metal tab is opening up so a primer can drop
  9. I followed @B.Enos advice and use hornady one shot case lube. did I need to? no the car polish I use to prep the cases makes them shine. HOWEVER @B. Enos was right.adding the one shot to my routine( I prep cases a day or 2 ahead of us eto let them dry first)--made a world of difference. loading is much easier than with just car polish alone. remember to clean out the sizing/decapping die every 2-3,000 rounds loaded. and watch fro gunk build up on the tip of the powder die.alcohol and q tips are your friend
  10. I spoke with Jill@trifusion tactical . They do use these primers when they make ammo and they are a legit company. I placed a test order(pre order) using a credit card. Due here in July( july-september). worth a chance IMHO hoping @andy 9 and @nuBlee have a good report. thanks @andy9 for the tip
  11. Scott is a great person and his company isa top notch gun maker. Glad they took such good care of you gotta love the mamba!!!
  12. 1/4" e -clips for deprimer die extra prime rpick up tips extra primer magazine feeder tips
  13. it is very rare that surgery is needed. icing ,stretching of the calf muscles.cold laser therapy or maybe a cortisone shot and hard shell orthotics are usually all that is needed for > 97% of all people
  14. see a podiatrist for an exam and info on how to handle this. you need to be sure there is no fracture of the heel or any torn tissue that may require special treatment
  15. I had some issues with my large primers feeding too. I took out the primer magazine and replaced the plastic tip as it was trashed ........because the primer press was not at the right length. simple fix. take the primer slide off. get a used primer and turn it in the cup used side up turn it upside down and press it into the table top. open the allen screw on the side of the primer press and you will feel the spring open a bit. now -tighten the screw-- you should be good. also watch as you move the press handle-- check the primer tower the rear area with the sheet metal strip should move backward as you hit the limits of the down stroke. you should then see the primer in the cup on the up stroke
  16. although they are a bit pricey compared to "normal". I paid about 11-12 cents per primer for these( cas e of 12,000) https://www.gunbroker.com/item/885890872 compared to the gougers 20-40 cents pe r primer it is a deal. nice guy too
  17. great tip, also be sure your primer feed tube(you called it magazine I think) is not being driven down too deep into the holder. also be sure your prime rpick up set up is a bit loose ( thos es et screws require hand tightening with small primers it seems) not to tight ot too loose. if too loose, the primer pick up does NOT pushback the plastic retaining pin enough to drop a primer into the cup good luck
  18. targetsportsusa has some aquilla and federal 22lr available today
  19. excellent suggestion a nd technique thanks
  20. mind if I ask what brands of lanolin and alcohol you use ? since you have had success with your mixture--makes sense to ask this question--thanks
  21. considering the push to produce non reloadable cases going on these days. grab all you can and as others have said..use them until they cannot be used any more
  22. afte r hand reconstructive surgery, i had to learn how to grip and shoot again as I have the lesser 3 fingers on the shooting hand that do not have power any more. I make sure I lock my strong side wrist as stated in this thread. I am so add a bit more isometric push and pull and really tighten my grip using the strong side hand. I have found that rotating the strong side elbow inward a bit on the strong side allows me to cover more grip and have better control of the gun. I am getting close to "normal".I do have some muzzle wander if I do not concentrate as I should with all shots. My groups are tightening @ 15 yards..albeit a bit left or right. it all depends on my concentration level, especially when I try to achieve a smooth trigger pull vs a slap . tight is right!!
  23. a general tip from the master --benos-- hornady one shot is great and makes reloading much easier. thanks again for that one!!!
  24. thanks m700. good info there. you are right. once cleaned the primer slide ,in particular, feels smooth and operates as it should
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