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Everything posted by bockerSV

  1. Sounds like a pretty costly bump to open: 2020 PRS Finale info | Sniper's Hide Forum
  2. Stick with standard velocity of some flavor. Inside of 300 yards, a lot of people have good luck with regular old CCI standard velocity. Further than that, the higher end rimfire ammo like Lapua and Eley tend to shine. Tough time for ammo testing, but see if you can buy a few different boxes and test.
  3. Here's a thread on the topic. I can't speak from experience, my mags eject like they're supposed to even with a pretty beaten up magwell:
  4. Hey guys, so I am a product manager at LaserMax, might be able to provide some input here. Like what was said up above, 5mW is the cut off that the FDA puts on commercially sold lasers. This is the threshold that they consider "eye safe". Basically it is not enough energy that it can do damage within the time your eye naturally takes to blink. Green lasers will be your best bet, the human eye sees the color green better than other colors in the light spectrum, so all things being equal the green will be much more visible than red. Some of those laser pointers you see advertised a great amount over the maximum output the FDA seem to be snuck past customs or something like that, because the FDA really does tightly regulate lasers. One of the real issues with those is, they aren't just putting off visible energy that can damage your eyes, but IR energy that can damage your eyes, which you can't see. So you literally could and probably are dosing yourself without ever knowing it. A healthy fear of direct energy isn't a bad thing. Here's an article that goes into some of the dangers of lasers, if you're interested: https://www.gentec-eo.com/blog/dangers-of-laser-pointers
  5. 4.2gr of WST with a 125gr SNS at 1.11 OAL with Fed magnum primers made 137PF out of a my Canik TP9SFx over the weekend at Area 8. That same recipe makes 135PF out of my Shadow.
  6. Truthfully, both are very similar (I'm the project manager for LM), we're both limited by the FDA to produce lasers under 5mW. I haven't tested the output of that particular CT model in a while but the Micro-2 is going out just under the legal limit. We have a rebate going on right now, as well. Some places are able to offer that as an instant rebate, like Optics Planet. If you guys have any laser related questions, I'd be more than happy to help answer them for you. This is the shooting off-season for me but I still usually check Enos once a day.
  7. It was my first time, as well. To be honest, hearing about this kind of thing in the past has not made it a high priority for me to head out that way but they had the Sectional match this year so is what it is.
  8. If I remember the shooters meeting correctly, the MD basically said that if you went outside the free fire zone to run around walls and stuff like that they would stop you, then declare a forbidden action and then DQ anybody who did it again afterwards. It seems like this is not a new thing for this club and had kind of caused a lot of shooters from my area, about an hour away, to not shoot there. The that rule exists is to prevent safety issues, it’s pretty apparent this is being used to force everyone to shoot it the way the stage designed wants, which is lame. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Another thing to think about, on top of the safety issues regarding Chinese lasers that are above legal power (in the visible and invisible wavelengths, meaning you may be getting does with radiation that your eyes don't recognize and force the blink response) is the ability to maintain alignment. I've tested a bunch of imported lasers and honestly, I cannot get them to maintain alignment. Granted, a PCC doesn't buck around nearly as much as a Glock 23, but you get the idea.
  10. Well, like I had stated earlier, the FDA regulates the maximum power that lasers can legally be sold. For commercially available laser sights, you're not allowed to produce anything putting off over 5mW, so in really bright day light they can be difficult to see, depending on the type of material you are aiming it at, the distance and how good your eyes are. Recently Crimson got dinged for this and was forced to do a recall: http://www.recoilweb.com/crimson-trace-recall-issued-to-comply-with-fda-regulations-137867.html But from an end user perspective, I'd be kind of happy I accidentally bought a laser that was brighter than legally allowed.
  11. The Micro 2 in green I think is best suited for a PCC, it's tiny, takes the same battery as a C-More slide ride, is as bright as we can legally make it, has switches that are out of the way and does not need to be removed to change batteries. https://www.lasermax.com/micro-2-g.html For a little less, the Spartan in green is really nice. It was kind of designed for use on a handgun, which you can kind of see when you look at the switches, but is rail mounted so works just fine on a rifle. The downside to this model is it must be removed to change batteries, though I have found that it returns to zero pretty well after removal as long as your returning it to the same rail slot. https://www.lasermax.com/sps-g.html Keep in mind these can often be found online and occasionally in retail for less than what we list them for on our website.
  12. It's not off the table. Being that we are replacing an internal part of the firearm, our guide rod lasers require a ton of R&D time, expense and ammunition to make sure the firearm will function 100%. With that said, understandably new products we try to roll out for the top selling models in the marketplace whose design allows us to incorporate the switching for our laser, but the Walther is a great gun and is gaining popularity everyday so who knows, maybe we'll be able to roll that out in the future.
  13. I'm the product manager for all LaserMax products, if you guys have questions, feel free to bounce them around. There's nothing wrong with Crimson, they make a fine product and we are all confined to the same federal regulations on power output of these things. We've been making laser sights since 1989, so by now our way of doing things is pretty tried and true, check us out if you're in the marketplace. As others have stated, these definitely have a limited application in USPSA but are pretty nice for shooting in weird positions or when starting with the stock on your belt and targets in view, you can start engaging just as quickly as you can flip a safety off. Green lasers are definitely the way to go for this sport, the human eye just sees the color green easier than other colors in the light spectrum. We do pretty extensive livefire tests on compact and sub-compact .40S&W handguns so holding zero on a 9mm rifle is a breeze.
  14. They had a MSRP listed on it at NRA but I cannot recall what it was as I was kind of passing through while I was working. The stock and trigger are big improvements over the standard, IMHO.
  15. It doesn’t get any grippier than this. An old set of VZ grips, sanded the checkering off, thin layer of JB Weld, press the grip into silicon carbide grip and let sit overnight. Combined with grip tape on the front and back strap. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Yeah, the difference in pricing between the laser and non-laser version is minuscule. They did a good job with it, from what I have seen.
  17. Kevin, You can look into this further but what you described is the old school way of making a green laser. Most green laser sights for use on firearms are green directly from the diode, now. These old models, in combinations with other problems, were very temperature sensitive. The newer way of doing things more closely follows the operating temperature range of red lasers. Green lasers do burn through energy at a little faster rate but I would choose green any day. The human eye sees green easier than other colors in the light spectrum so, all things being equal, the green laser will appear quite a bit more visible. If you guys make it to any of the big firearms industry tradeshows, swing by the LaserMax booth and you can see a green vs. red side by side.
  18. What part of NY are you living? In the Rochester area, we have a lot of heat in Limited-10 and, believe it or not, Open-10. We have several master class guys and a few GM's at every monthly match, pretty good shooting community.
  19. Alright guys, I’m not a PCC guy but I picked up a MPX for work, this will mostly be used to show off my companies laser sights at trade shows but I’m sure I’ll break it out for a few matches and I need to know what to do with it. I’m thinking hiperfire trigger, stock adapter with some type of Magpul stock, some flavor of red dot, taran/springer/Taylor freelance mag extensions and one of our green lasers up front. What am I missing? Being this will mostly be shown off, cool factor is a must. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I'll be in the NOLA area from around the 13th to 18th of July, kicking around the idea of bringing my shooting stuff if there's a match close by that weekend. Anybody have a line? Couldn't really find anything on USPSA's website. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Shameless plug for my employer but LaserMax has a mail in rebate going on until the end of the month, just sayin'. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Shameless plug for my employer but LaserMax has a mail in rebate going on until the end of the month, just sayin'. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Just holster it, vedder holsters, Dara holsters. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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