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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. What, now you want me to bring my M1a ??? I hope to see you this fall. if not sooner. Hop
  2. This was my second trip to Owensboro for the KY 3-gun. Neither of them were a dissapointment (except my own performance). Gary did a bang up job of organizing, got all the help he needed an it showed. Good job Gary. Chris did most EXCELLENT on begging, borrowing and stealong for the prize table. (Chris, tell my guy Chad how to do that please ) Congrats to Mike, Chris, Robert, and My man Rodney on their match wins. He and Tom Carpenter both shot on my squad, was fun watching them battle back and forth. I hope My guys and gals at the MS 3-gun Challenge can somewhat compare to Gary's match. Thanks, to all especially the range officers and the great sponsors. Hopalong 2009 MS 3-gun Challenge MD
  3. Too bad you're 6 hrs away. !!! I'd come out and blast with you guys. Hop
  4. Squad 15 on Saturday still has room. and you can meet NashvilleBill the famous revolver shooter. Colt, It would be great to have you. We need a few more revolver dudes. Hopalong
  5. very loud and boisterious one that Bill !!! Gotta watch out for him. Hop
  6. I don't know kevin, I dropped 65 points for the match (1 steel left standing was the only penalty)............ HOW about you ???? Hop
  7. Headed out to Area-1 that week, good luck and have fun. HOP
  8. Corey, I just happen to know you have one, you could step up to the plate and take a swing yourself ! Hop
  9. Matt, There are about 5 or 6 revolvers signed up. Bill B and I are shooting Saturday the others are Friday or Sunday. (one must be ging to be and RO ?) John Jawor is signed up so it'll be you and him for KY bragging rights I think, Bill and I are from TN so we'll be going for TN bragging rights. What ever you shoot, I'll see you there. Sorry you had to skip IRC. Hop
  10. Oh, IN CASE you folk didn't see......................................... Nashvillebill ended up 4th shooting 94%. !!!! Well done sir ! Hop
  11. Kevin, You made it over to MS and didn't even say HI ???? I was on squad 3, you should have gotten on it and let me whip up on you again !!!! Oh well, maybe I'll just have to mosey on down to SA and "visit" one of these days. Hop
  12. Rob, The reload is pretty slick once you get used to doing it. My scout rifle trigger is a nice 3 1/2 lbs ......2 1/2 first stage, one more second and I have yet to have a AD/ND. Just remember to take your bang finger out of the bang hole while reloading ! Now I just need to rebarrel the thing. ($$$$) Hop
  13. Hey, I got several dollars stuffed into my belt for that !!! Hop
  14. To help clarify things, Yes, you can shoot your autoloader. No, you will not get a trophy, or hit the prize table. Yes, ALL of your entry fee will go to St. Jude Childrens research Hospital if you shoot an autoloader. Hopalong
  15. Bump to top. OK, early bird entry give away..... all entries in by July 15 will go in a hat, the winner will recieve his/her entry fees back !!! So send them on in (it'll help me get a line on cash towards the prize table too) Hop
  16. I'll feel sorry for you Kentucky boys when my co-pilot takes all your trophies and bragging rights. Hop
  17. Wow !!!! I'm glad things worked out for the trip down. There is an OBVIOUS reason that the MS Classic is the PREMIER revolver match in USPSA (for now). The stages are always fun yet challenging in different ways every year. The staff ALWAYS has a cheerful smile, and a kind word. The weather usually is great (just a little humid this year) and get this................ We were told everyone was ahead of schedule and to slow down. Congrats to Elliot he held off a hard charging Robert Konrady and Bill Baldock (Nashvillebill) for a well deserved match win. (Maybe that is why he's a GM ?) Tommy Cabbell has defended his Mississippi Champion Title, but each year it's getting tougher and tougher. I myself did Pretty good, derailed Saturday after lunch and couldn't get it back together until too late, but that is the way it goes sometimes. Hats off to John and the rest of the Mississippi Classic Staff, you guys/gals did a great job it just gets better and better. Hopalong
  18. Tony, Good luck in Colorado. You missed a GREAT one down at Mississippi. (Hottly contested match and B class too ) Hop
  19. Damn, Now I'll have to get my "M" in another division just to keep up with my Yankee Cuz ! Oh well, congrats cuz. Maybe one day........................................... Hop
  20. No suprise coming from that family. Hop
  21. Ekujustice, Just shoot Heavy Metal and the sstk will fit just fine. Hop
  22. Applications in Match anouncements thread. or Here: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=84852 Hop
  23. Just a way to recognize the "speedloader guys/gals" get enough of them and we'll do something more. Come have fun !!!! The "challenge" is for you non revolver shooters to beg, borrow or buy a revolver and come shoot a major uspsa match and bump elbows with some of USPSAs best revolver shooters and Best Auto shooters that sometimes shoot a revolvers and maybe even some National Champion autoshooters that don't normally shoot one, but have already accepted the "Challenge" Hop Any questions, please ask.
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