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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Yes some spots still left. I'll check my mail until Saturday and do the early bird drawing. Hop
  2. Sweet, got squadded with Travis Thomasie and Lee Demaculangan on Friday AM!!! It'll be fun shooting with those two again. See some of you there. Hopalong
  3. Finally home. Corey shot well, stayed in control the whole match (unlike someone I know). UNFORTUNATELY................ the KENTUCKY boys went home not on top again !!! (Yes I know, Corey did win SSTK. BUT he got his behind handed to him by a few TENNESSEE boys ) If you compare the Tennessee Hillbilly Classic to this one, You'll see all the same names at the top (Except Rodney, he missed the TN hillbilly match). Just proving again that it isn't the arrow, it is the Indian (Tennessean this time) Was a fun match, I didn't keep my head in the game. (Gotta have a reason right ???) Our squad Rocked, with TALENT and good times. Wouldn't hesitate to hae them all again at another match. Hopalong (Da antagonist)
  4. Starline brass has sent some gift certifictes, STI is sending something. AMU said they are coming to shoot the match. things looking good. Hop
  5. I'll be back home next week. I will do the earlybird drawing then. IF you haven't sent it in (entry) here is your last chance to get your $$$ back and still shoot. Hopalong
  6. MGM targets have stepped up to the plate and are helping out in a MAJOR way (No suprises here) You folk are now going to have stuff to shoot at !!! (MIKE was also one of the FIRST sponsors back when we had the last MS 3-gun) Make sure you shop from and tell all the folk who support the sport Thanks. Hopalong
  7. Jasmap, The weather I looked at said low to mid 80s and clear !!! Hop
  8. Early Bird entry deadline coming soon................I'll wait until all that might make it in on time before I draw a name. Starline has come aboard. CPWSA will be there, if you need anything give Chris a call and he'll bring it to you. Lunch will be available on the range Saturday. The Juniors from the club will be cooking for you (traditional Hambugers/Hot dogs ect) I don't think they will charge you the whole ame and leg !! Get in on the early bird drawing. Hop
  9. TWO coming from MEMPHIS area, shooting PRODUCTION.....................will sign up match day. Hop
  10. Of those two, I'd get the Bang. No matter what. (Jerry and Kay support the sport in so many ways) HOP
  11. I hate I'm using up many of my precious PRIMERS !!! Hop
  12. There is some room on the range for RVs but no hook ups, for more info please contact Bill the asst Match director. He is Stage3 on these forums. I would like to welcome some more sponsors: SMITH & WESSON SHOOTERS CONNECTION please contact these fine folks for your next product, and tell them thanks for the support of the sport (and the Children) I've been in and out of town working, so if you send me info, questions or anything it may be a little time before I contact you back. Thanks, and bring others with you OH, and NEMO needs to borrow a gun and rig. He's shooting on Friday and working as staff. If anyone can help him out please let him know. Hop
  13. Chuck, Glad you're doing better. No, sorry can't make it out (Just checked plane tickets cheapest way out is 500+) and I've got family coming in the next week so I should get some stuff done before then. Good luck with the match, take care of the tendon. Hop
  14. So Chuck, How's the tendon ? Missed you at A-1, get better. Hop
  15. Happy belated birthday, sorr to be late. Hop
  16. Plenty of L-10 shooters too !!!! Now If we could get some more REVOLVER shooters to attend !!! Hop
  17. OR you could come to Memphis and shoot in the Memphis Charity Challenge supporting St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital A USPSA match open to all, but FEATURING Revolvers. (Found in handgun match announcements) YES this is a Thread HIJACK !!!! Hopalong
  18. Had I known about this match a month ago I'd have made the trip. Southwest flies directly to Albany NY. Hop
  19. Don't know why they are on the same weekend, that's just the way the ball bounces now unfortunately. We are getting you ready for Ft. Benning, we're running the same scoring system, have the same stats professionals (Linda and Sandra) and will have many of the same Range officers you will see at Benning. KURT MILLER will be the action packed Range master, Trapper will be coming with him, Max Michel told me he intends to shoot and of course there will be the usuall suspects from around here (South East) We have room, I will be getting you guys a Hotel real soon (Working out of town is KILLING my match prep). Decisions, Decisions...................... It'll be fun no matter what. Now go check your buckshot to see if it knocks down a Pepper Popper at 40 yds. Hop
  20. Still Room, Have a fairly good pile to put into the hat for the early bird entry prize ! Good stages, Know your holdover/hold under Know your BUCKSHOT !!!!! Rember to BREATHE Have fun HOP
  21. `Ok, Officially, Yep James Kicked my BUTT !!!! congrats to you James, I wish I could have met and seen you two shoot. To Carmoney and Cliffypoo............. I have a small match I'm trying to promoteMEMPHIS CHARITY CHALLENGE I figure if I want others to come shoot my match I need to make a few rounds and shoot with them at their matches (NOVEL IDEA !!!! ) AND, I get to shoot with all you A-6 guys all the time, was extremely fun shooting with the Westerners. Oh, and by the way. James WON a free slot to the Memphis Charity Challenge in the process (BRING OTHERS JAMES) Hopalong
  22. Bump to remind all that this match is going to run the same scoring as the Ft. Benning 3-gun. (to get you ((ME))ready for it) And, One "Mr. Weakhand" will be the RANGE MASTER !!!! (yes he takes bribes, but only from Match directors) Got some good stages worked up for you guys and gals to tackle. Hopalong Oh and remember the early bird entry !!!
  23. Get in touch with the match director and have him send you a match invitation. Unless you are going to NY City itself that probably will do. I also suggest getting in contact with the Area 7 match director and asking him. Good luck, have fun. Hopalong
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