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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. The SP-01 DID win the match! - Oh wait a second, that was the WORLD SHOOT I was thinking of. My bad. You are right - "CZs are cheap junk guns" that can't compete in USPSA or IPSC. Bonus question: how much did Max and Chuck get paid to shoot a CZ? (after all, WHY else would they choose a CZ, right?)
  2. So is that a dude that looks like a lady? Or a real lady?
  3. Big +1 for Solo 1000 and 9mm 147s. GREAT load! -Single base like all the Vihta Vouri powder -Available anywhere they shoot trap/skeet -inexpensive, especially in 4 and 8 lb jugs -super clean -fast burning so LOW recoil Solo 1000 and has BOOK LOADS up to Major for .40 @ short OAL (Glock length) and .45 ACP. It is my "do it all" powder for handgun (except 9major).
  4. THAT is the answer. Next time I fly, it will likely be with my Glock dis-assembled and the frame U-Locked to the frame of the suitcase sight through the original Glock box (the one with the hole in it). They can look at it all they like, but that frame is NOT coming out ot the suitcase without cutting the U lock or the triggergaurd. Barrel & slide will be off the gun so there's no question as to if its loaded or not. Give them the key to the U lock? No way. There is NO reason TSA would need the key to the U lock under any circumstances. I'd like to see them even try to cut a U-lock. If they lose your suitcase entirely upon arrival, quietly take the baggage person aside and inform them that you properly checked a firearm in your luggage. That firearm, with ammunition, is now unaccounted for in a secure area of their airport, according to what they just told you. Tell them that you will momentarily be calling the FBI to report these facts, based on what they just told you. Tell them they might want to call TSA in order to immediately shut down the airport and halt all flights until your luggage is found, since they just informed you that there is a firearm unaccounted for in a secure area. And could you please have their full name?
  5. Better route for a steel frame highcap limited gun? Caspian. There are now .40 mags for the Caspian hicap frame. I am sure any of the top STI/SV builders out there would be happy to build you a really top-notch limited 6" on the high-quality, US-made, Caspian limited frame. And, Caspian has also consistently supported USPSA (and so has springfield- I know).
  6. Well said. How many others might be viewing these photos and thinking: "I agree! Those guns look TERRIBLE! I would NEVER been seen with a gun that looked like THAT! ALL my guns are hard-chromed and my equipment is color-coordinated, plus I keep MY guns SPOTLESS!!" (-said the C class shooter with lots of money & no interest in dry-firing). Beware the man with the fugly gun! Thanks for the pics.
  7. CKing - Now THAT is quite an offer from roboman! Couple of hints: the holes require removal of a LOT of steel. Mills are very expensive while drill bits are dirt cheap. You may consider locating each hole, locking and undersized a drill bit USING A COLLET (not the drill chuck) and the use the drill to remove most of the steel, followed by the mill to final dia. This also removes the distinction between center cutting & non-center cutting end mills, since you will have removed the center of the cut with the bit. Use a stub length drill bit - sometimes called a screw machine bit.
  8. Apparently the Vanek trigger and the modifications listed here on be.com are allowed in IDPA, even though they are banned in USPSA as "external mods" - and they are also banned in IPSC's production division. So go ahead with that Vanek, Sotelo, DIY job - its all good in IDPA.
  9. Its not the ammo. My brother bought a 1927 Sistema (1911 built on Colt machinery). The lugs cut into the slide were so worn that the primers blew out. Had a Kart barrel fitted by a good gunsmith up in MD (this was around 1999). Same problem kept happening. Time for a new slide. But have him take it to a local smith to check it first just to be sure.
  10. Here is a thought: you might want to shoot a 3gun/multigun outside the sanctioning of USPSA. Q.: What is the consistent set of rules for non-USPSA 3gun/multigun? A: there are NONE. Every match is different. Now that you know that fact, consider: -you may have to go prone with a holstered pistol. Want to do that with an open race holster? -you might have to run with a rifle or shotgun & risk hitting a wide open race style holster - then only the lock is holding the gun in (I hope it holds). -you have have to re-holster the gun (possibly hot) on the clock. I'd personally prefer to lock it in with a race holster - which takes time. I would select Kydex if I were you. Under MATCH CONDITIONS, its just about as fast as a race holster on the draw and its faster to re-holster. To each his own.
  11. True. The really CRAP brass comes from the US companies that simply PUNCH the primer pocket into place, which, while cheaper & making home- priming slightly easier, leaves a nasty raised ridge inside the case. This may not matter too much for pistol ammo, but the bench rest crowd must spend time bringing any US brass up to Euro specs by uniforing this sloppy ridge. S&B's pockets are machined properly from the get-go. The machining process does leave a cleanly-machined edge that does sometimes catch a primer edge - especially in a poorly set up press (have you shecked your press?). The S&B brass is of such high quality & strength that I often save it just for use with 9mm Major. Don't confuse "easy to prime" with "quality."
  12. Agree 100% so far. Lathes excell at turning rifle blanks into precision bolt guns. Limiting factor is the hole in the headstock. Fortunatley, most medium sized lathes can accomodate 1.5" which is enough for all but the 50s or some crazy BR gun perhaps. check out www.roderuscustom.tzo.com And can we get a pic of the Bridgport in the garage & maybe a gun-related machining project or two? Regards, CBR
  13. Good post! One point to everyone RE: EBAY: Its not enough to threaten to close YOUR account. EBAY calculated the loss of revenue not just from the sales of all gunparts, reloading supplies, etc. but rather, the loss of all VENDORS who sell prohibited items. Obviously, they DO NOT NEED US AND THEY DO NOT WANT US AS CUSTOMERS. Actions speak louder than words. To get EBAY's attention, here is what we must do: convince a significant portion of the vendors of non-firearm related products to boycott EBAY. The owners of ebay don't care what you think, its sad to say. They don't care about the loss of our profit $$ either. Its got to be bigger than us to work. Who can name the next largest GENERAL internet auction site that competes with Ebay? (no I am not talking gunbroker - they are too tiny to matter at all. I am talking general merchandise like ebay).
  14. Good point. Sylvester Stallone recently made many comments critical of civilian gun ownership. Then someone posted his comments along with PDF copies of his CCW permit application. Sad to hear about first Sly & now Jodie
  15. Im shooting a Glock 35 with a storm lake barrel. Wont 1.17 be too long? g10 Most likely yes - depending on the bullet. BTW, the barrel will not be the limiting factor in a Glock. The magazine limits OAL. Too long and the bullet nose will drag on the front of the magazine and cause malfs. To test, load SEVERAL rounds (about 5) in your mag. Use you thumb to push down ONLY THE BULLET END OF THE CARTRIDGE. Do this several times. Are the bullets hanging up? BTW, the Winchester White box 9mm was running 1.16+ last time I bought some (years ago). A safe OAL would likely be 1.155" to 1.160" Why load any shorter? It will only increase pressure.
  16. N320 was my old stand-by, BUT: Currently using & really enjoying Accurate Arms Solo 1000. There are published safe book loads for .40 Major and Solo 1000 is a fast-burning, single base powder. Have not tried it yet, but the newre cleaner reddot called "E3" also looks like a winner.
  17. Food for thought on this issue: -About two years ago, I had dinner with a rep from SigArms after he showed up for a "Sig Night" promotion event. He asked if we knew which state comprised the largest buying segment for Sig? A: California He then explained that no matter WHAT legal hurdles that the California legislature put in the way of selling SigArms in California, Sig would try as hard as it could to make Sig products comply with California's laws. Its really simple dollars and "sense." IMHO, USPSA ignores the California "market" of potential shooters at great risk to the future of the sport. Let's hope that whoever gets elected will do all he can to grow the sport among the literally millions of American handgun owners who have never shot a USPSA competition.
  18. Been trying this recently: Pull up next to a person stopped at a red light who is talking on their cellphone. When the light turns green, don't move until they do. In more than half the cases, the person on the phone will just sit there in front of a green light, talking on the cellphone, until somone honks or moves. Its amazing; they can be staring right at the green light, but they are so distracted by that damn phone that the don't even see what's right before their own eyes. Try it and see if you notice the same thing.
  19. I feel better after reading the responses here. After I made that post last night, I kept viewing after doing a "youtube" search on the term: "accidental discharge." The samples above are just the tip of the iceberg, I am sad to report. And these days, youtube is but one of many such sites out there. I think these folks have much to learn, but little understanding of how badly they need basic safety instruction. Makes us all look bad.
  20. I have set up 5 Dillon XL-650s for friends who were complete beginners. I asked all 5 to first get a cheap lee single stage to learn the basics, and all 5 ignored my advice & went straight to the 650. BUT, that being said, all 5 are doing fine. The 650 is a very safe press, IMHO, since it has an auto-advance shelplate and can be equiped with a powder check system. I set up all 4 with: EGW/Lee "U" dies and FCD dies along with safe powder/bullet combinations and I supervised their first reloads to make sure they followed best practices for safety. Its OK to start with a 650, but please consult an experienced Dillon operator if you can. Of course, the best place to start is to call Brian (he has the best price anyway so why not order from him?) and have him include the Dillon video on reloading for competition.
  21. Agree - it should be shown in every high school. We must never forget the past (this aspect of it anyway). Saw it with my wife; I needed the sub-titles, she didn't (she's from Munich). Apparently its quite an authentic depiction of the way things really were just a few years back, in a country not so far away.
  22. Carlos

    dream girl

    She's a hottie-patottie! Quite a step up from the stripper I expected to see when I clicked on your link. Bob - you have almost restored my faith in YouTube!
  23. Who knew there were this many stupid well-armed idiots? Thanks to Al Gore & his invention (the internet) we now have some idea: YouTube moron #3 (Finger on trigger? Who knew?!?) YouTube #5 (this is fast?!?! At least he was safe about it) Wow.
  24. Any possession of any gun part by a non-resident of D.C. is a felony. This includes magazines of any capacity. Possession of ammunition or any ammunition component is a felony. Yes, this means a single FIRED 9mm shell casing you possess in D.C. will result in a felony charge for "Unregistered Ammunition" (I am not making this up). Only D.C. residents may possess parts or magazines, but only for rifles or shotguns that they have previously registered with the D.C. police. Registered shotguns or long guns must be dis-assembled inside the home in D.C. Assembling the shotgun/long gun & carrying it from one room of your house to another is a felony in D.C. Seem a little extreme? Let's all hope the Supreme Court agrees and does the right think in the Parker case this October.
  25. Boy that is the ugliest gun I have ever seen. Looks like some kind of ray gun from a bad scifi movie Heee Heee HEeeee But, but, it's got a compensator and extended magazine - its obviously the "IPSC Open" model!
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