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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. National Bullet out of Ohio made the 152s at one time - try them for a reasonable cost bullet. The sintered metal/copper powder bullets are also light weight - but $$.
  2. CCI are by far the LEAST reliable primers. CCI even makes and extra-unreliable primer just for the M-14 and AR-15 military rifles; those primers require a really heavy, gawd awful trigger to ignite. But, on the upside - they will NEVER slam-fire. Most reliable are Federal, followed closely by PMC/Wolf brand. I see no reason not to just stick with a reliable brand of primer. Problem solved.
  3. I like it too. Best part is: it is not an idle threat and your call CAN be made in good faith, since the that bag with the gun in it is not in your hands, nor in the airlines' hands, nor in TSA's hands. When a gun goes missing, its always serious. When it disappears while passing through secure areas of an airport, you SHOULD raise holy heck until its found. Wish they treated every theft as seriously.
  4. Here is a LINK TO NY TIMES article on luggage theft at airports. Has not happened to me (yet). But, friends have lost guns that were properly checked in baggage that was stolen in transit. Newspaper accounts like this one really make me think twice about travelling with my guns by air. Does it seem to anyone else like the airline industry is really going down the tubes?
  5. At first I though G17, but I agree - the G22 would be a better all around gun. Both the G17 and G22 are a tad on the large side for CCW, but I could live with it.
  6. "If you're talking about the HRT, Hostage Rescue Team, they do bring in professional shooters pretty frequently and I wouldn't doubt that Ron Avery was one of them. They also have a full-time guy there who's name you would definitely recognize....he's a threat to win at matches on the national level." FYI - Different outfits, same Quantico (which is both a USMC base & the FBI's training ground). FBI's HRT = Hostage Rescue Team. The well-known guy you are likely referring to is Scott Warren. Their mission is to respond to certain hostage situations. Their jurisdiction is generally domestic, with very limited jurisdiction overseas. I have no idea if HRT has received instruction from Ron Avery. HRP is HRP: High Risk Personnel. They are not part of FBI, but rather, part of the USMC. Their job involves security for high ranking military personnel and others in need of such security as ordered. As with all Marines, they are generally deployed overseas. They have received training from Ron Avery, among others. C.
  7. Since you may be doing this from memory... if they bring that up again point it out to them that the Weaver stance was developed in the 50's. http://weaverstance.com/order.htm WWII ended during 1945... The status quo of equipment/technique vis-a-vis shooting in police and military circles tends to run about 20 to 30 years behind the cutting edge. (Example: most "combat" competitive pistol shooters switched to auto pistols in the 1960s. Police didn't follow suit until the 1980s.) So even if it were true that most police and soldiers use Weaver today, that's not the solid recommendation it might seem on the surface. There are many reasons for police/military shooting techniques and weaponry lagging behind their civilian counterparts, but one big reason is that, as Grand Master Bruce Gray put it to me (and I'm paraphrasing here), "Police and military trainers tend to become reactionary and dogmatic very quickly. They latch onto one gun, and one technique, and then hold on like grim death until you absolutely prove to them that something else works better. Because they have so many other things to think about, they need to be using something they know works." Whether something else works significantly BETTER is low down on their list of things to worry about. This is changing, thank God. When I joined the Military in 1988, technique was lagging. Now, you see units finding top end USPSA shooters for training. I know for a fact that at least one army unit has received training from TWO GM USPSA shooters within the last year. Half of my agents were shooting USPSA in CO. I have ran into local PD firearms instructors at matches in CO and at York, PA. It just takes a little enlightenment. Remember, 10 years ago one could not get streamed video of modern shooting from the internet. I think advancement in communications technology has brought this gap to almost nill in most areas of the US. Good point. At Quantico, the HRP or High Risk Personell training program brought in Ron Avery to improve their shooting ability. He was not teaching them Weaver. Many, many of the marines through that program went to Iraq, Afganistan, etc. - taking along the wisdom and experience gained through Ron's many years of shooting IPSC/USPSA.
  8. Won't do us much good, though, if ammo prices keep going up... 2 guns per person don't work so well when the ammo count is 1 round for every 5 guns... Still.... anyone invading the US would play hell against the armed populace, even with armored vehicles, etc. We're crafty bastards, too And the disappearing places to shoot - that is another concern for the USA. But, the holidays are coming up and guns make GREAT gifts and/or stocking stuffers! -along with gift-memberships to the gun-rights organization of your choice.
  9. Former inmate of the People's Republic of MD here (& good shooting with you last Sun - yes that was me shooting Wolf/PMC primers). Hate to break it to you, but MD's "10 day waiting period" usually takes 2 to 3 weeks. During that time, the state police are supposed to complete a background check, new "looney"/mental health check, and if all is clear, they stamp your form: "NOT DIS-APPROVED" See - some bright MD state minion long ago decided that the state should NEVER "approve" of a civilian owning a gun, hence, the PC language. But, the state police usually don't complete the form within the alotted 10 days. The Maryland FFL CAN legally release the gun to you at the end of 10 days with or without the form. But if they do, it would be the 1st time I have ever heard of one following the spirit of the law (even the FFLs in MD are anti-gun). Instead, they'll just hold your handgun hostage until the police get around to "not disapproving" of you owning it. Seem sort of screwy to have to ask the state for permission to excercise a right?
  10. I am sure she was just trying to "do the right thing" - though in a most obnoxious way. If she went that far, I would have been tempted to shock her socks off and respond: "Oh don't you worry one bit about children seeing this, honey! I am no longer legally allowed to have any children over at my house. Honest. you can check the database online if you don't believe me."
  11. Heard on the radio this AM: "Survey of teenage drivers revealed that 98% of them thought of themselves as "Good Drivers." The SAME survey revealed that 56% of the teenagers thought that many of their friends are bad or even dangerous drivers. Wonder how many gun owners would consider themselves to be "safe shooters" ??
  12. Just when I thought this was turning into a family-oriented forum, you have to raise the possibility of posting - smut! You better watch out Dirtypool- post a picture and you might "trigger" someone's "sex addiction"! Have we learned nothing from SV's evil ways? (seriously, - congrats on the new lady! )
  13. Back when Phil Strader owned his own range & gunshop, he also acquired a registered, full auto/select fire, British L1A1 (British military .308 FAL). Using the "center of chest" technique you describe, I witnessed him on several occasions fire an entire 20 round magazine of milsurp .308 ammo into the A zone of a USPSA target in one long continuous burst. The technique you describe can also be used for recoil management.
  14. I think you got hosed by a worn out IDPA chrono gun. Federals are usually HOTTER and should result in a higher PF, not lower. All primers use Lead Styphnate. CCI, Win & Rem = "Normal" formula lead styphnate. Federal = "Basic" lead styphnate.
  15. Good point about MD. Would it be that difficult to find a secure area in Afganistan or Iraq & leave examples of all three rifles outside overnight in a real dust storm, then test all 3 the next day? - that might not constitute "laboratory controlled conditions" - but do you know of any combat units fighting under "laboratory controlled conditions" ?
  16. 5000 Wolf Primers arrived - these are NICE! 1) Inside the 5K sleeve, the 5 boxes come taped inside of a heavy plastic bag. Packed this way these primers could sit in 90% humidity for WEEKS and the primers inside would stay bone dry. +1 for Wolf over the US brands. 2) Unpacked 1000 and discovered all the individual trays of 100 are taped shut - on both sides. No more spilled primers. +2 for Wolf. 3) Cut the tape & looked - all the primers are packed face up - no special flip tray shaking needed, just flip over & start filling the primer tubes. 4) Loaded a Wolf primer into an empty case & loaded it in my SP-01 that is set up for Federals; went off fine 1st try. They load great through a Dillon, so I loaded up 150 in my usual load & will test them in a match tomorrow. There is supposed to be some rifle guy named David Tubb who is supposedly the Rob Leatham of long range rifle accuracy. He is said to prefer the Wolf over all other primers & bought an entire single lot of them (one million primers) for consistency sake. Friend of mine has been using them for 300 yard accuracy with outstanding results.
  17. Big +1. Worst part of being an RO is having to issue a DQ; of those few DQs I have had to issue, at least 2 were for dropped loaded guns that fell out of race holsters. I've used race holsters (ghost, limcat & CR speed); still do for revolver. But if I had to do it again for limited, I'd use a Kydex. Its just as fast.
  18. Dunno if this will be of any help, but some reloaders on another forum had a problem with primer residue powder leaking from a FRB. They handled the FRB problem this way: LINK or try: http://www.glocktalk.com/showthread.php?s=...threadid=743788 I do not think you are being a pain by simply asking these unionized lollygaggers to do their job.
  19. Located the following write up (with pics) of the work undertaken on a CZ SP-01: LINK TO CZSHOOTERS.COM The link takes you to a site where Matt Mink & Angus sometimes post. Frankly, my SP-01 is MORE than accurate enough for USPSA, so I would not undertake any of this work. BUT, the thread is well done and well illustrated. Also shows what is possible with some time (lots of time) & creativity on your hands. Here is one example of the photos he posted. Enjoy.
  20. Always wear safety glasses. Mangled many, never set one off and i load mostly with Federal (they are the most reliable brand).
  21. There is going to be smoke, there is going to be dirt, no matter WHAT powder you use. But, to keep the dirt to a minimum & keep the recoil down, you might look at the replacements for N320: E3 or Solo 1000. Any shotgun club near you should have one of these on hand at a cheap price.
  22. Great big +1. S&W's support is certainly noticed and appreciated!
  23. Here is the LINK or try: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/20311210/?GT1=10252 What I really hate is the increasing number of LEOs that have an arrogant, "laws don't apply to me" attitude. Jimmy is only confronting traffic enforcement officers. What we really need is 10,000 more Jimmies in every city taking video of every cop out there & the law-breaking stunts I so often see them pull. Ever see them switch on the lights just long enough to cruise through a red light instead of waiting? (I am just SURE that they are ALL on a call - yeah right!). Wish I could do that - but they just installed redlight cameras (that don't seem to apply to cops). And speeding along without their lights on the highway? Why is it safe for a cop to go 80 tp 90 mph on the interstate but if I do it, its automatic reckless driving and I get hit with the new $5,000 fine plus points & trip to court? (A: its not unsafe nor reckless - I have done 2X that speed on the Autobahn but I did not magicaly fly off the road & die - but that's a different thread). In general, I think we have too many stupid laws in this country & too many cameras pointed at civilians. But as long as we have the cameras, the FIRST place they need to be pointed is at government. I have privacy rights, the police DO NOT and as long as they have nothing to hide, then what could they possibly be afraid of?
  24. You don't have to use case lube. Just use Hornady One Shot case spray. You can leave it on the cases. Anyway you have to use Hornady One shot spray even if you switch back to the Dillon dies - its in the Dillon video - the one with Brian in it. Always use a case spray even with Carbide dies - its still required. I thin you should give the EGW die another shot. They know what they are doing.
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