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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. My wife passed this to me. Should I worry? A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle. For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with scissors lodged in his temple and tape over his mouth while he is on fire. No further studies are expected
  2. Eric .. thats freshman level of evil. Me .. I'd take a star that gets started by a prop .. and then cover it with black plastic sheet, except for about a foot wide circle in the center, which would allow you to see the spining arms, but not the plates. Then I would paint 2 of the arms a different color then the other 3 and declare that those 2 are penalty plates and they shouldn't be shot. Also the only way to know you knocked the plates off is to look through the space at the bottom of the soft cover sheet, which is about 1ft off the ground. Now take this whole assembly and place it behind to NS swingers, one from the top and one from the bottom which are swinging at different rates. The course of fire is shot weak hand only while holding a rope which keeps the 1ft whole in center of the soft cover open. All targets must be engaged while the shooter is balancing on a unicycle.
  3. Do you think that bad guys may be weaving and ducking? If you think that might be possible, ask a friend to stand in place and duck and dodge. Then set a T* next to him and make it spin. Look at your friends head. Look at a plate on the T*. See any relation?
  4. Actually I asked this on the other forum a while ago. They were having a discussion about absolutes when it comes to safety rules. The example I brough out only half seriously was that you have a shooter during the course of fire, and a rival shooter picks up a rock and throws it at the shooters head, knocking him out. Clearly it is an absurd scenario, but do you DQ the shooter for being KO'ed and droping his gun? The consensus was that this is the kind of scenario where you do not DQ the shooter, but the rock throwing monkey gets one Alpha and a DQ. So yeah, I can think of a few cases were common sense says you do not DQ the shooter for a infraction outside of his control, or for avoiding greater harm (ie: stray child, saving a life via CPR, etc). The real question is .. Do the rules actually allow for this?
  5. Which one? They are both kinda far fetched but it is the kind of thing where we need to allow common sense to prevail.
  6. ... but ... will the ATF requiere that it should be serialized? Will we have to worry about children buying these at the evil gun shows? What if someone attaches these to their cows?? It will shoot through schools!! Plus do we really need Cows with guns?
  7. A class of exeptions I would think make sense are cases where the safety risks would have been LARGER had the user not acted. Lets say the shooter is engaging targets around the 160 line and a horde of stupid kids come running over the berm. The shooter moves his gun past the 180 pointing at the berm, to avoid pointing at the kids. It is an extreme example but it is that kind of thing I would reconsider for. Then there are the unsportsmanlike conduct DQ's. Maybe the shooter become verbally abusive of another competitor, but if you find out that the "target" informed the DQ'ed shooter that it was him who killed the dog, poured sugar in his gas tank, and posted candid pictures of his wife on the Internet .... I may make an exeption. However I would allow the dq for the droped and caught gun to stand.
  8. Plus, it is a factory option to have it replaced on your 75B. Thus it should be ok USPSA and IPSC.
  9. Yeah .. one of the things I've noticed early on was that USPSA/steel/action shooters come from ALL walks of life, and no one looks down upon anyone else. USPSA may have a classification system, but it doesn't have a class system.
  10. http://www.rudyprojectusa.com/press/pressreleases/092205.htm Impact-X is Rudy's name for NXT which is a optical polymer originaly designed for bullet proof military cockpit canopies. It has a number of advantages over polycarbonate and CR-39. Rudy makes them available on a few of their frames and their entire tactical line defaults to them now. They are about 50% more expensive then polycarbonate, but thats only $25.
  11. Today I got my new Impact-X lenses for my Rudy Rydon glasses. They are a HUGE step over the polycarbonate lenses my Rudy's came with. They are clear with a lot less distortion and the colors are a heck of a lot more vivid. I have the grey photochromatic version. They are a slight grey at "rest" and while I don't yet know how much they darken in full sunlight, in partial sunlight today they darkened just right, where the light didnt bother me but you could still see my pupils through them. I do not know if they are clear enough indoor for shooting, I'll find out friday. In fact I haven't shot with them yet at all so I'll let you all know how that goes. So far I really like them and they should be a serious step from the older style, which where not all that bad to begin with. I'm going to send the old ones for replacement as they gathered some scratches over the years, and I'm going to see if I can upgrade them to the Impact-X type.
  12. I've always thought they are ugly, but they are growing on me. The funniest thing I've ever seen on a car was the rear of an Element. Under the "Element" badge the owner add a second badge in smaller size but the same font which read "Screw Aerodynamics". I chuckled for the rest of the day.
  13. Its worse then you think. When you get a Mike/NS you may have 20 points in penalties, but you are down 25 points. 10 for the miss, 10 for the NS, and 5 for not getting the A hit. I thought that might chear you up
  14. Thats a distinctive looking gun. I hope you find it and beat the thief about the head with the comp.
  15. The way I see the classification system represents your best game, not your normal game. I too however think that people need to be a lot more carefull about setting up classifiers. I've seen some very badly setup ones, making them meaningless. Also, are the HHF actually maintained? I've heard various answers to that and I'm curious what the offical position is (I see that Mr Boudrie is reading this thread right now ) because if they are not, then they are worse then meaningless, they are misleading.
  16. When I tried it I had all kind of ejection problems with it out of 16" AR. Also over the chrono the results speeds where anywhere in a 200ft/s range of each other. I shot only abaout 3 or 4 boxes but that was enough for me. I heared that they had some problems with some batches, and maybe mine where part of that problem, but I'll let others experiment further. Not to mention I dont like the idea of non-reloadable cases. I dont load for .223 but I dont want the government to get any strange ideas.
  17. So you are the sonofa ... Just stay still I'll be right there to have some words with you ...
  18. I dont know if the two local matches I go to are "normal" but they are between 100 and 140 rounds for 5 to 7 stages.
  19. Hmm .. yeah it does. There are margins and grey areas, but it matters. Not very, people pay for carry trigger jobs which lower the trigger to what .. 4.5lb? And that is on single action guns with thumb and beavertail safeties. There is still an argument to me made that transitioning from DA to SA adds more complexity to the DA/SA trigger then to that of the "Safe Action" triggers. Clearly lots of people in this thread, my guess is mostly Glock and XD shooters. Of course I could always point at Dave S and his streaks of wins with Glock triggers in IPSC matches which already have this rule in place.
  20. There is always going to be an advantage to some gun and a disadvantage to another. Can someone tell me what the real difference is between current production and L10 minor? We all know that the DOH is about as fast as anything. We all know that you can modify a production gun almost as much as a limited gun as long as you are carefull about keeping it all inside. We all know that some Glock and XD triggers are about the same weight as Limited guns. And you can mill bits of the slide away. Folks in this thread already said that all it would take would be a magwell and they will switch to limited. So tell me, why are you shooting production? If you end up shooting a limited gun anyway .. why not shoot limited. I'm all for allowing a certain amount of custom work but when you end up with a gun that no sane person would feel safe using as a carry gun, I think we have gone to far. Edited to add: I dont think it will actually happen, I just it is a good idea to have this rule.
  21. Code monkey ... hmm .. official title is "Systems Programmer" which I guess it means software design, system analysis, and software programing, all rolled into one, all that for a large university.
  22. The bitch of it is that USPSA needs to tighten up the rules around production and clarify those of SS. The problem is that everyone would have a heart episode if all the needed changes where done at once. I think they are trying to trickle the changes in. Personally, I think some changes are needed.
  23. I think the old Pro-Dimonds are pretty much gone, unless you can find one on a shelf somewhere.
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