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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I believe with the IPSC rule they measure the first shot, which means the second shot can be any weight. The problem with this is that it would kill pistols like Glock and the XD in production. Which is why you will probably never see it happen it the US. Hmm .. Glocks seem to be doing just fine in IPSC where they've had this rule for a while. I don't see how it would "kill" them.
  2. I think minimum trigger pulls in production are a painfull pill to take, but a very necessary one. When people are running around with trigger pulls lighter then those of most commercial singleactions you need to start wondering what does DA still mean? What is the difference between L10 minor and production if the triggers are about the same, you can mill the slide for sights, and you can pretty much gut the interior of the gun? And please don't tell me that the holsters and their location is the big difference as the DOH is about as fast as anything else, I know, I use one. There was a mistake made in allowing things to get this far, but if we don't want to end up with even a worse mess we need to bite the bullet and install a trigger pull min weight limit. This will also help with getting us closer to the IPSC rules, which I couldn't care less about on most days, but USPSA seems to want to make the rules closer every revision.
  3. Try some 62gr Wolf. The new polymer stuff is pretty good. It seems that some guns like it more then others, but my 16" shoots about 2MOA and it makes 160pf. For the range I shoot it at, thats about perfect.
  4. It was a pretty dramatic way to end a season. I have to say I loved Forest Whitaker this season. He was one of the most interesting characters I've seen on TV in while. The writers of the show are pure geniuses. They have an unique talent for making you care about the bad guys (the whole strike team), despise the hardworking everyman (like Dutch), and hate the guy that is willing to do everything within the law to catch the bad guys (Kavanough).
  5. I envy you in that you dont have to worry about RX for your shooting glasses. If you dont want to get RX lens in every color you need a set that allows for RX inserts.
  6. Nope, I've used those heads for a while and no such thing. I wonder if you had a whole box of the wrong kind .. Do you keep all your loaded rounds in one big pile or do you box them as you go along?
  7. For color I go with clear or grey. I've used yellow for a while but I found that my eyes got tired faster. I have a feeling this is a very personal choice and you won't know what you like until you try a few and find out for yourself.
  8. Bill .. he would still be scored as limited .. but with a production gun and scored minor.
  9. I'm not really sweating powder prices yet. Heck, $11 to $15 adds about $2 per 1000 rounds of reloaded 9mm. The brass I lose when I'm lazy costs a lot more. Bullet prices however ....
  10. ..... I wonder if the shriking membership is a local thing. Jim should have the number for our club, but based on the number of sheets I have to go through everytime I do scores I can say that more people are shooting our game, not less. And this is in New Jersey for Pete's sake! Are clubs around the country really seeing less shooters? We are at the point at which we bitch about to many shooters, though we understand it is a stupid problem to have.
  11. Thats why the NXT stuff might be interesting. 1.53 refraction index (about the same as glass), and light at 1.11 gr/cm3 which makes lighter then all the other options. Not great on colors though with Abbe of 45, but I think I dont care as much about that.
  12. http://www.cedhk.com/show.php/Object582 CED seems to make something that may work.
  13. Side shields destract me silly. Heck I sometimes I get irked by the little Rudy white lettering in the corner of the lanses. I've ordered a new set of lenses for my Rydon, their new NXT/IMPACT-X stuff. The numbers on it are nice (http://www.rudyprojectusa.com/press/pressreleases/092205.htm) but we'll see when I get them. I'm also looking forward to the photochromic stuff because I'm getting really sick of changing lenses every match, being that my indoor and outdoor matches neatly alternate where I dont get to use the same lens twice in a row. We'll see when they get here if their claims are true.
  14. Aren't you guys worried about not having some sort of sideshield? Looking at the post 4 and decot glasses there is a lot of empty space on the sides of your eyes for bits of copper to screw you for life. I like glasses that curve around and protect the sides of my eyes. I've had bullet fragments hit me in that area and I'm glad my Rudy's curve. I dont know about you but I never got hit by splater when I'm shooting but I've gotten pleanty when I'm spectating and when I'm just watching other shoot I'm not always facing straight at the targets. I rather loose a few seconds or points then my eyes. That said, I like my Rudy's but they are not perfect. In a perfect world I would get something which had my prescription on the shields, not on a insert. However that gets expensive fast.
  15. Best of luck to you guys, though it seemes you already had large helping of it by avoiding serious damage.
  16. Ok, if I had to do this again, I would either skip the weak hand shots, or make multiple start positions such that the STO was closer and the WHO closer still. The rest of the stage would have had to be redone too to allow for that kind of setup to work, nevermind the round count. I think I'm going to redesign this stage and put it up again sometime. Not any time soon guys, so dont try to burn down my house. But I think testing accuracy with strong and weak hands is important. When I get the chance I'll try to come up with the stage and ask you all about it BEFORE I make 54 people put up with it. In conclusion I think the shot was a bit too hard. I personally liked it, but clearly lots of people didnt. I like the nearby NS, and instead of making the stage easier by removing it I would rather make it easier by getting the shooter closer to the target. Thank you all for your input. It really made me think about a number of issues and it also means that from now on I will add the "does this target make round dumping attractive" check to my stage designs.
  17. He was shooting a stainless Springfield Loaded single stack. I think he shoots factory ammo as well.
  18. I've put up the match scores on obcats.com.
  19. Serendipity ... I've also decided to switch back to iron front sight. Like Carina I find myself placing the FO in top of the rear sight.
  20. The cheap 1 to X scope the good 5c cigar of the shooting world.
  21. I see your point. I'm going to run a few tests through EWS when i'm done with the scores to see what the math works like. My personal aproach was not to dump the rounds but to aim at the left side of the head and do my best. That way if I missed the odds are I wouldn't hit the NS. I know I didnt spend 6.6 seconds doing it, as my total time for WHO was 11.34 vs 8.46 for freestyle. Keep in mind I'm only a B shooter so someone elses times may be different.
  22. I havent finished the scores but the highest fit factor so far was 4.0073 by a Open class GM. I very much doubt anyone did any better, he had 2 misses though only one of them was on the target in question. We also had a C class L10 shooter get all hits, though his times where a ways lower.
  23. As a note .. I dont think the math of the stage allowed for any sense in dumping rounds into the berm. 120 points total minus 30 (6 alpha's) minus 60 (misses) means that if you got all A's on the rest of the targets your maximum points would be 30. A fourth of the available points. You would have had to have a time four times faster (roughly) by just dumping rounds.
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