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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I now better understand your point. It is true enough that any shoot in New Jersey will take you to court, but under IPSC rules we assume that brown targets are threats, whatever the means we use to arrive to that conclusion. In fact the OBCATS 3-gun match addresses your very issue. I don't want to give anything away at least one stage is designed to deal with this problem and would requiere to indentify threats in a fairly clever way. Vlad
  2. Ok, can we get a new target, perhaps the Metric+ where you get to pick cutouts of various guns to overlay them on the target? Hell, maybe we can make the cutouts black, and then they would even be hardcover. Oh wait ... Most of IPSC uses a headless target because the Metric was not politically correct, and I can sympathize, but I doubt that hanging guns from the shoot targets will make that problem go away. The whole point of the brown side is to tell you that it is a threat. However, if you Mr Pinto are so interested in being practical, then why don't you propose some rules changes where we no longer use paper targets at all, but we start using the balistic dummies now in use by the military and shooting schools? Vlad
  3. Vlad

    spun my truck

    Hey folks, don't take this the wrong away, but where do you live so I can avoid you . Last time I spun a car I was 17 and driving a Mitsubishi Starion with way to much torque (for me at 17) attached to a rear wheel drive and I floored it in a turn on ice. I suspect part of it is all that nice weather that makes you forget about driving in crumy weather. Come on over to New Jersey where if it isn't raining you wish it was, as the humidity couldn't be any higher. We drive like idiots too, but I don't see many (adults) spining out. I really hope that Kimel is right and that there is a build up problem, otherwise I don't know what to think of you folks Vlad PS: As per government regulation I disclose that this posting contains 37% sarcasm and 25% attempted humor. However it is not a significant source of either and it should not be counted towards your daily value
  4. I've had my garage plagued by spiders this year, which sucks because thats where my reloading setup is. And nothing kills the little bastards. The ones outside, I don't mind so much. One of them always builds a giant net on the sides of my porch which I have no problem with, as long as she/he stays away from the steps. Hey, anyone know how long spiders live? I wonder if it the same spider comes back to the same spot every year or if they are different ones. Vlad
  5. As I said the springs worry me. Say, could you measure the length of your ejector and let me know what it is? That way I can compare it with mine and see if I need a new one? I would appreciate it is someone with a newers ejector (or gun) could check. Vlad
  6. Heck, I've been shooting mine for years. I don't know if they are out of the packs, but they shipped me a 16lb spring just last week. They might have the individual springs and not the packs? Vlad
  7. Well, my slide seems to be burr free. I use a fairly heavy crimp with my Lee FCD. It was my theory as well that the round hit on the one under it. However now I have a new one, listed below. The idea of the dirty chamber is certainly a good one. So I went after it with a vengence. I tried about 100 cases, and indeed many requiered serious force to push all the way in and even more to extract. I scrubed my barrel like a demon, using everything from CLP, to Sweets, and JB bore paste. And then I took a small felt wheel on my Dremel at very low speed and with some Flitz polished it for a bit, but not too much. While fresh rounds drop in and out just fine, and so do most empties, some empties always seemed to stick, until I noticed that it was the cases that where dirty with powder residue. We'll see if it makes a difference. Last night, before I did the above, I shot a 4 stage practice match and the first stage was plagued with jams. Given that my brass wasn't going all that far, I took my gun apart, cleaned it again (it started the night clean anyway) And I replaced the spring with a 10lb spring. The next three stages worked just fine and my brass ejected about 6ft. away. BTW the load is very short about 1.11, trying to see if that helps. I have no idea if the lighter spring fixed it, or if it is just in its normal mode where it works 5 stages and then it breaks on the 6th. Time will tell. I do however wonder if the problem was that the case doesnt alway hit the ejector and that a lighter spring allows for it to happen. My load is about 127PF using Tightgroup which seems to have a lot of impulse in the initial part of the recoil but little afterwards. I'm thinking that the combination of short impulse with powder residue blown on the cases and making them stick makes for not enough oompf. I noticed that I can cycle the slide slowly just so that the case doesn't hit the ejector but moves back far enough that on return it picks up a new round and tries to feed it. In slow motion I get a different failure with the case and new round kinda falling out, but a normal speed it might just result in what I am seeing. Now the worry is that a 10lb might be too light and damage the frame. My logic is that if I am right and I'm short stroking that I don't see how I can batter the frame. Just in case I ordered a BT shockbuff and I'll see if it sees any wear on it with that 10lb spring. On the other hand I recall Duane saying that he runs a 12lb spring with major loads in his .45 with no damage .... The experiments continue. Vlad
  8. I get my springs directly from Wolff (gunsprings.com). Looking at their website it seems that not only do they ship to the Philippines, they even have shipping rates listed for your home country, $9.25 for a lb. I've been using the 16lb spring for about 600 rounds now with no problems. Good luck. Vlad
  9. Well said Eric, my 95lb American Bulldog (and not much fat on his bones and muscle) sneaks up on kids in strollers, licks their face and then jumps 4 feet away and wiggles maddly while the kids laugh out loud. He thinks it is funniest thing ever. He likes everyone and everybody. He can play tug with me and pull me over (and I weight about 300lb) but he will play tug with the 6 year old girl next door and not even move her. Show me an aggressive dog and in 95% of the cases I'll show a bad owner. Plus my dog puts up with getting dressed up and acting as a mascot at fund raisers, and girl scout meetings: Vlad
  10. You might well be right, the problem is that I know of no competent smiths around where I live and I have no idea what to do to it myself. Any hints what the said tunning would involve? Vlad
  11. No doubt they can be very dangerous. My point was that any dog can be dangerous, not that all pits where angeles. Sorry if it came across that way. Vlad
  12. LOL. Well I did find them all, and if you are the guy the help me find them I much appreciate it! Hey my emergency surgery did make sure that my gun ran for two more classifiers and worked well too. Heck, I'm a C shooter and I night have shot some a B scores that day so I can't complain. I just loaded a batch of ammo at 1.11 and I took out all the Winchester brass, just making sure that the problem is not related to white box brass. I have a 4 stage practice match tonite, and we'll see. Vlad
  13. Sadly, pitbulls have an image they do not always deserve. Most I have met have been sweet dogs. Most of their vicious reputation comes from the fact that they have been bread to be fighting dogs and they do have a high agressive drive towards other dogs. And morons like those that let their dogs run around loose are only making things worse. I have been bitten three times in my life, by a street mutt, a cocker spaniel, and a black lab. I have picked up abused pits of the street more then once. Maybe I have been lucky. The truth is that any unidentified dog should be treated seriously. Feral dogs are some of the most dangerous critters we humans run into on regular bases. While pitbulls could seriously hurt anyone, a goofy looking yellow lab can kill a child as easy as a pit can. Right now there is a collie running around the woods around my town and it has already bit a couple of people. And no one thinks of Lassie as a killer, do they? But at 75lb most collies outweight most pits. Hey can I thread drift my own hate rant with a new hate rant? Vlad
  14. Rules and registries aside, is there a rule that says a shooter must be accepted at a match, or that the MD can not just say "You can not shoot here"? It seems to me that safety aside (a BIG aside) there might be a long list of reasons for which a club may not wish a shooter to come back. Maybe the shooter is rude and loud, maybe he hits on the opposite sex without stop, maybe he just pees against the berm as opposed to using the facilities, whatever. Is there a rule that says a shooter that shows up at a match MUST be allowed to shoot? Vlad
  15. Here is a question, almost everyone fits 1911's by triming a loop or two, but does anyone trim CZ springs? As far as I can tell the Wolff CZ springs take a set iof about 2 loops shorter and then stay there, which doesn't make much of a difference when it comes to how it fits. Vlad
  16. I hate the a**holes a couple of houses down, who let their pitbull run around the streets, hungry, with no tags, and not registered. I hate that when my wife found him running around the street with open sores and flee bitten and caught him, fed him, and called animal control thinking it was a lost dog, they started yelling at her. I hate that this drunk prick and his drunk son tried to bully my wife (who is 4'11") and they tried to intimidate her into not calling animal control as "The dog would have found his way back home!". I hate that these idiots then started going door to door badmouthing us, though most of the neighbors knows us and like us. I hate that the animal control guy had no intention of pressing charges despite the fact that the animal is clearly neglected, though at least we convinced him to take it to the local sheleter for a vet checkup. I hate that the a**holes walked up and down the street giving bad look to our house. I tell ya though, I do like my Mossy with 7 rounds of buckshot and how it looks by my door. I hope to never have to use it in anger, but it sure looks comforting. Vlad PS: And I even like pitbulls and all bully breeds. My avatar is my American Bulldog. The poor pit was even pretty sweet, just neglected.
  17. Well, I'll try some or all of the ideas listed. The problem is that the gun may run for hundreds of rounds and then fail twice per mag for 6 mags in a row. I'm not sure how many rounds of ammo I need to shoot to call every change "good". Given the possible combinations I would rather first figure out what the problem is and what makes the failure happen. Otherwise I could be swaping parts for a year. One thing I noticed while tinkering tonite is that the empty case can move up the breach face far enough to completly clear the ejector. This would very much result in the jam I'm seeing as the round would be carried back forward and jam up against the barrel hood and the round under it. The questions however then becomes why would the case migrate up. I think I'll try a normal extractor spring and shorter round first. It seems to be less pressure on the case when in the elevated position then in its normal position. I'm guessing that the longer rounds push the empty case which is happy to follow he path of least resistance away from the strong extractor spring. I'll try that first and then if it all fails, I'll go back to stock everything and start the slow painfull process of making one change at the time. Thank you all for all the ideas. Vlad
  18. I could but why do you think thats a problem? Vlad
  19. Roger, the recoil springs is already 2lb lower then stock. I could go even lower I suppose. Rhino, I see what you are saying but the case seems to be perfectly horizontal, and just caught between the barrel hood and breach face. In fact I even wonder if it ever touches the ejector at all, either by never getting there, or maybe it gets pushed higher up the breach face and missing it completly. I have to see if that is possible with an empty and no barrel. Revchuck, you are probably right. I should put in a 14lb recoil spring and see what happens, though I can only imagine it getting worse. Who knows .. Its something I can try. M. Mink, I'm tried various combinations. I'm using Tightgroup with 3.3, 3.2, and 3.1 grains and loads as short as 1.100 and as long as 1.300 all with 147gr FMJ (Zero). However now I'm not sure if I actually did try it with the very sort (1.1) loads. I know I started with that length but now I don't remember if any of the loads I tried while trying to figure it out where of that short vintage. Something I can try. I already have stiff extractor spring and extra power mag springs. I did check teh extractor after the last failure and it was reasonably clean, and I did take it out of that gun to make sure that was no gunk behind it. Thank you all. Keep the ideas comming so I can try various things and see if I can figure it out. I wish there where and FLG's around where I live. Right now there seem to be none, or at least none which anyone would recommend. Vlad
  20. Hi guys, I started a thread in the spings forum earliers thinking that was the issue, however I no longer think so. Here is what happens. My CZ75B 9mm gets some killer jams. The jam is a empty case stuck between the slide and the barrel mostly lined up with the chamber and with a new round moving up the feed ramp and stuck under the empty case and partially still in the mag. This is a harsh one as I have to rip out the mag (which is not easy as the half stuck round at the top wants to hold it in) then rack the slide to allow the case to fall out the ejection port and shake the gun to get the round stuck on the feed ramp to fall out the magwell. This happens with all mags. Now, I first assumed that the slide moves the next round forward when chambering and that the empty case gets bumped of the extractor by the nose of the new round. I replaced the mag springs with Wolff +10% and tightened up the feed lips a bit. This does seem to mostly fix the round moving forward under the slide problem when cycling the gun by hand. After 300 rounds with no problems I thought I fixed it. Then yesterday I shot a local match where my gun worked great for 3 stages and then on the fourth I had 6 jams. After wards took my gun apart and cleaned up the inside if the slide, the extractor, and barrel, and the gun worked great for the last 2 stages. The extractor was replaced recently, and it is in good shape. The extractor spring is a Wolff extra power one and if I slip a case under it it holds it VERY well. A budy suggested that maybe my mag release is forcing the mag to high. That might make sense if it was happening all the time, but I doubt that I am forcing the mags harder in the gun on stage then on all the others. It does however seem that if I clean my gun the problem goes away for a short time. So I took a long hard look last time I cleaned it and I can't tell what makes it jam. Sure there is some soot on the extractor, but no buildup. The feed ramp is dirty but I don't see how that matters. The rest of the gun looks pretty clean. In fact if was spotless when I started the match yestarday and the failures started after about 80 rounds. Then gn was just not that dirty after 80 rounds. I use CLP and SlideGlide to keep my gun going, in case anyone thinks that matters. Lastly my springs are 12lb recoil and 16lb hammer. I have no idea if that is part of the problem or not. The bottom of the slide is beveled where it runs over the next round, so the fix that Ron Ackeny had for a similar problem with his gun, may not apply to mine. Folks, I'm at my wits end. If you have any ideas, suggestions and wild ass guesses I would love to hear them. Vlad
  21. In the meanwhile my problem came back strong. I was shooting one of local matches and they had a 4 classifier plus 2 field courses tyoe of match. After shooting 4 stages with zero problems my next stage was hell, with something like 6 jams. It was a 28rd stage and I took 42 seconds and finished with no mags on my belt and an empty chamber. Argh! I took the gun apart on the range, cleaned up the guts, the extractor, even the mag release after a budy suggested that maybe the mag is forced upward by the release button. I couldn't find anything strange. The next 2 stages worked flawless. Now I am really confused. Vlad
  22. I don't have a trigger scale so I can't help you there. It sure is lighter then with the previous one which was a 18lb but I don't have a good idea what the weight is. The takeup makes it hard for me to estimate it. I'll guess that the SA is about 3.5 but I also have the original untouched hammer/sear and that I am baseing that number of the relative weight compared with my 1911 (4.5lb) but it is a rough thing as they differ greatly in feel. What primers are you using? I'm using Winchester primers with no problems. If you reload, I wonder if you are sitting them deep enough or are you partially sitting them with your firing pin? Vlad
  23. I'm not the esteemed DD, but I also changed my hammer spring to a 16lb this week and I left the firing pin alone, and I had not failures in the last 300 rounds. Vlad
  24. I think the new mag springs fixed it. I just shot about 300 rounds with two powder loads and two different lengths (for a combo of 4 different loads) and I had only one of the failure during the first mag shot. I wonder if the problem is that weak mag springs allow top round to be pushed forward by the bottom of slide. I also tightened up the feed lips a bit. I think the slight change of geometry and the higher upwards pressure are the solution for me. I'll let you know if the problem comes back during this weekend'd match. Vlad
  25. I replaced my mag springs and pressed the mag lips in a bit as they seemed to have loosened up a bit and today I fired 300 rounds with only one failure with the first magazine I shot. I think the problem is cured unless it is heat dependent and it will crop back up every stage as I shoot with a cold gun, while today my gun got quite warm. Vlad
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