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Everything posted by steviesterno

  1. Hey all, so I have a big across the country move I should be thinking about, but I don't want to, so I'm thinking about guns. I'm trying to decide the best bet for a 3 gun pistol. I currently have a 6" 2011 that I love, but it's in 40. I won't be loading for a while since I'll be between apartments and houses, so I'd like to just buy cheap ammo for a year or so (any great sources, btw?) The problem is I'm shooting a bunch of different divisions because I love USPSA, Steel, tactical matches, and I'm doing pretty well with 3 gun. Every one of these sports has a different "Ideal" set up, but I can't afford to rock in all these worlds. So I'm trying to decide the most cost-effective thing here. I know that doesn't always mean cheapest. The 6" is great, really just not ideal for 3 gun. So which of the following makes the most sense? 1) Shut up, find a place to buy minor 40 and just get over the limited ammo capacity and increased recoil of 40 in 3gun 2) Have a 9mm top end built for it, buy a bunch of high capacity mags and run it in 3gun, steel, IDPA, everywhere 40 isn't needed 3) Save my pennies and get a 9mm 2011 4) Sell the 40 limited gun and get a 9mm 2011 5) Buy an M&P L or Pro, add some trigger work and mag extensions and run cheap factory 9 wherever I don't need major PF. as always, your advice is appreciated! Steve
  2. A lot of people seem to not like the TR24, but I honestly love mine. Once you get used to the reticle, it's damn near as fast as an Aimpoint or eotech up close, and really effective at distance. I didn't know about the 100/300, since I have my tip of the triangle set up for 50/200. If I need to make a far shot I dial it in. I'm still learning how to do that well, but the first time I ever shot at a target at 390 yards I pegged the 10" steel on the second shot. Made me really consider writing them a thank you note!
  3. Sign me up for my first Texas Major! I'm moving to Dallas in a few weeks, but I'll get the app and stuff in the mail tomorrow. Any suggestions for a cheap place to stay?
  4. I just slapped a S&A bolt on to mine, and it really helped. Just had to make some rubber base pads to give it some more loading room.
  5. I think your best bet is to part one out. I have a $200 lower with uBR stock, $300 JP barrel, $400 trijicon 1x4, $40 mount, and $50 FFT with a $100 trigger. It took forever to find those deals, but it runs like you wouldn't believe and cost $1100 with a $900 scope ;-)
  6. Sounds like it could be fun. What about a task that requires you to get a heavy weight from the start line to the dump line. Put the drag dummy like 25 yards from the first table. Then gamers could decide to do the whole drag, run back and shoot, or drag, shoot, drag, shoot, etc.
  7. That looks like a pretty solid deal to me, if it's set up how you want. The rail is what, $200? Sights are $150-200, a virgin upper is $75, lower is $100, a BCG is $150 these days, so I think it might be worth it on parts alone.
  8. I think it's up to the shooter to be 100% responsible for what's coming out of their gun and in what direction. I got to see that guy plug a texas star with a slug, and luckily it took the plate off. Dented it a bit, and broke the whole mechanism behind it, slowing down the match and causing us to fix it on the fly. Having a serious penalty (Pay for it, then leave) makes you really think about what you're doing. Although, we also did have an individual decide to use AP rounds for a local rifle match, and ruined about $1000 in targets just by being a jack-hole. Not everyone wants to play by the rules so there should be penalties doled out appropriately.
  9. Hey guys, thanks for the head's up. I heard there are some more dallas clubs opening up. I'm more about multi gun than pure USPSA (gasp!) so from what I understand there should be a good bit. I'm also used to driving an hour or more for local matches. So what else fun is there to do in Dallas? I think I will take the car only idea, and bought a case. I'll get a ton of insurance so God-forbid anything happens I'll be at least covered.
  10. Sousa, it's not the length, it's what you do with it Know your dope and it's very doable in Topton.
  11. I think it's stupid for people not to chip in and help. If I didn't help, and all my buddies, we wouldn't get to shoot except at the stand and plink crappy ranges! I haven't been MD or anything yet, but have gone to every set up as best I can. Even got pulled over for speeding on my way to set up a monthly club match... Whoops. the ONLY time we were ever actually paid was to work the FNH 3 gun match. Shot free (but in one day, so it really hurt our scores) and got food and some hotel money. I took a week off of work for it, since we had to be there early. It was the only match shooters didn't have to lift a finger! I mean we reset steel, pasted, everything. Kept it all standard, and most shooters said it was well worth the price. Granted, we had a few guys who felt so bad not helping they insisted on walking with us to pick steel. Not only that, but we busted our asses, up at 4:30 am and off the range by 8pm so everyone else could have fun. Most people would argue it was one of the better matches they have ever worked or shot. Sponsors spoiled ROs and the helpers for sure, but honestly we spent a Week of our lives doing this. I think it's stupid to not help and set up. What's a better way to game a stage, walk through it once or be there moving the targets a few inches at a time while the designer sets it up? That way you can usually see all the angles, walk it a dozen times, really make it stick. It helps you as a shooter when you understand course design. Plus, I'm already warmed up from carry stupid poppers all morning Ok, rant over.
  12. I just had a blast (literally) at a 225 round, 6 stage rifle only match this weekend. Thats 225 if you hit everything perfectly. Lets just say, I did not...
  13. Hey all, So in about 30 days I will be moving to the Dallas, Texas area from Pennsylvania. As a competitive shooter, I have accumulated a few guns, but nothing crazy. I want to bring what I haven't sold, but I am NOT taking a truck or moving truck or anything of the sort. I am driving down in my car and will be stopping for a night about 8-10 hours from here, again in Nashville, and spending a night in Little Rock. Once I get there, I will be living in a hotel for a few days/week until I find an apartment. I'm wondering the best way to ship or get a few rifles and pistols down there. I was thinking about shipping them to myself, but didn't know how to go that route (and if it's even legal). Is that do-able or not worth the trouble? I also have an SBR lower and 22 can, and I know they are legal there but didn't know what I had to do about getting them there. I will be taking those with me, but wasn't sure if I had to file papers to stop or whatever, since it's all part of the trip. Also, i have my PA LTCF (CCW, CCP) whatever you call it, and was just wondering if there are any crazy rules about carrying between PA and Texas. I know I'm legal in every state but MD, so will lock er up through there. Any help would be appreciated. Steve
  14. Awesome match guys... Couldn't ask for better weather. Just wish it wasn't my last for a while in PA
  15. I only empty my 1911's when the stage calls for it. I just flip the safety up and place it in the bucket. I don't throw it. It takes more than a second generally to clear an open gun while standing still at least it does for me. And matches have been won by a second here and there. Pat Pat I hear you, but to me personally, I can clear my limited gun in under a second. Plus we're usually moving on the way to a dump bucket to do it, so it's not a waste. I would rather spend the time to make sure I haven't wasted the day, time off work, drive, etc. I feel confidant with a shot, drop, rack rack rack then a single safety. But I've also never lost a match by a second. Plus if my fat-ass was faster I could make that time up moving, not manipulating a gun.
  16. well why dont you just built the 5" 10mm/40 and not worry about it? If you have to break out the backup gun, your day has probably already gone to hell, so who cares if you're going minor? Unless you're a top of the pack guy (not sayin you aren't, but I'm sure not) it wouldn't matter, gets you shooting, and keeps you from driving home cranky
  17. Is it too late to sign up for those of us that talked to you but "forgot" to send in a sign up sheet?
  18. I think this whole thing goes with gear selection. Sure, you want the better trigger of a 1911/2011, then spend the second to clear it or risk bumping the safety off on dumping it. You want to just throw the gun in a bucket to save time, get an M&P/Glock, etc. I've personally never lost a match by the time it takes to clear a 2011, what, 3 times in a match on the clock? That time is easily offset by hitting far targets in one shot since I'm comfortable with the gun. I've also never won a match, so take that for what it's worth. IF the gun has a safety/safties, you must use them all, end of story. Going down range of it? Totally empty and pointed into a berm, I don't really want to get shot in the ass for running a timer on a weekend off.
  19. Yeah, I was thinking sell them. I could use a few more, since I like to shoot steel challenge and local 10 round max matches with my limited gun.
  20. wow, saw this thread from a year ago and re-read it. I was going on about how fun it was to shoot a 3 gun match with 10 round mags. Well, the 3 gun bug bit me hard. 10 rounds won't do, so I'm running a 6" limited 40 in 3 gun with great results. still loving that single action trigger, but running and shooting without reloading sure is a hoot
  21. Hey man, I'll be watching this thread as I'm moving to Irving in December. I hear there are a lot of great places to shoot and you can shoot a match about 4 times a week, 52 weeks a year. I'll let you know when I hear about more. Steve
  22. whoa whoa whoa... since when are we buddies? I like my giant "Team Tantric" stickers all over my gear. Makes it all pretty easy to spot in a pinch. Although I did watch a 3g competitor start with a shotgun that wasn't his. He was surprised when the buzzer went off and it went click instead of bang. That's what you get for not paying attention at the pre-loading table.
  23. If it's something that you wanted, you can afford, and makes you happy, I would argue it's a good deal at any price seems fair since RIAs are going for that around here anymore.
  24. I would love to buy a truck, but that probably would add way too much to the moving expense. I thought about a U-haul type thing, but I don't have any furniture or anything else really to bring. Finally upgrading from that college second hand crap, so it's not worth spending the price of a new limited gun on a truck to take my $15 coffee table across the country.
  25. It's tough for sure.... You can't schedule medicine as regularly as you can schedule some other things. I mean, maybe you had to spend an extra 5 minutes explaining to someone how a disease is going to affect them for the rest of their lives. That's certainly not a conversation I'll ever rush. On the other hand, it's important to have staff and procedures for letting patients know what's going on during a wait if it comes up. But the truth is, we do see a lot of patients that come in late, don't show up at all, answer their phones mid exam (clearly their time is more important than mine) and other problems. Those of you that are on time or early, thanks! Tell your friends and we'll all be able to run pretty much on time. Being an hour and a half late from lunch unless you were taking care of a medical or family emergency of your own is B.S. though Dr. Steviesterno
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