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Everything posted by slavex

  1. According to the tests taken by Health Canada of the dust in my house at the time it absolutely could have accounted for my lead levels. However most of the blame was indeed placed on the poor ventilation we had at my indoor with the tumbling dust being an additional source.
  2. 1.92 umol/L and the max according to Health Canada is 0.48 umol/L. I was down to 0.79 for awhile but have climbed back to 1.2. Not sure why as I'm been doing less shooting and no longer do dry tumbling, and even moved the wet tumbling to the garage. Doctor thinks it might just be being dumped from my system for some reason, we are doing monthly tests now instead of every 6 months.
  3. yup, my lead levels were so high when I first got tested that it initiated a Health Canada investigation. Slowly coming down
  4. so in the many many threads I've seen on here I've seen many different recipes for wet tumbling. I'd like to start a thread where we focus on that and give reasons for our choices, if anyone else is interested in participating, that would be nice lol. Tumbler- Frankford Arsenal Wet Tumbler Soap- Tide laundry detergent 1/2 to 1 tablespoon Other stuff - 1/4 teaspoon of LemiShine powder or Jet Dry liquid Water - as hot as my tank will make it 5lbs of FA SS pins about 5lbs of water 20 pounds of brass (around 1500 or so I think) I use the laundry detergent because it foams up less and that makes rinsing faster for me. I used Jet Dry before I got Lemishine and found that it worked just as well, but is more expensive. I typically run my tumbler for around 45 minutes and then spend maybe 10 minutes rinsing and shaking in a towel before throwing the brass into the oven to dry (or in front of the fireplace with a fan if it's on). Brass comes out looking better than new
  5. If I was to spend the time looking in my cases for pins and media, I'd only shoot about a hundredth of what I shoot. I've bent two primer punches hitting pins since I got into SS tumbling. I'm fine with that.
  6. The dust is a result of what comes off the cases, not from the media. All the dryer sheets in the world won't stop it from escaping when you pour the tumbler out. If you tumble inside your house, you will have lead dust everywhere. I had to have my entire house cleaned once I went to wet and every time we tested the dust, it came back as positive for lead dust. When we cleaned the air ducts we did the same thing, with the same result. If you tumble outside it's a non issue.
  7. Clean for me is shiny, better than or equal to new.
  8. I think the FCD is the only thing Lee makes that is worth spending the money on. They do, in my opinion, take out imperfections that show up during the other states of loading.
  9. I can do clay pigeons at 100yds with my Shadow once dialed in for offset. Best is a 30 for 30 string. But that's nothing compared to a buddy who did a Base Ruth thing with his Glock 21, 6-8 inch aluminum plate at 325 yds. First shot after doing all the theatrics, hit it with a full bullet hit on the left corner area. Impressively huge crater from the fmj bullet too. 4 of us watching going, "Wow".
  10. I see a number of people talking about running their cases for hours to get them clean, and I don't understand. The absolutely worst stained and filthy cases I can find on my range, buried in mud and sand take no more than 45 minutes to get clean. Rifle or pistol, makes no difference. What I have found is left too long and the case mouths start to get peened and sharp on the edges.
  11. 3.1 sounds awfully low to me. I use that in my Shadow for my Steel Challenge load it's about 120PF
  12. Out of my Stock II I use 3.4grs of TG with 147gr CamPro plated bullets and get 135PF.
  13. 1/4 inch clips aren't they? Usually easy to find in Hardware stores, and cheap. I bought two dozen for a few bucks after the last one broke.
  14. Dillon does sell the pins, but at $1.50 each. I would imagine that over the years there have been a lot of changes and maybe at one time 5/8 is what they used. My press is certainly unique, apparently it has a Super 1050 drive shaft, based on the offset it has compared to other 1050s. Not sure how that happened. I measured the pins in my press and they are still within spec, so the slop I thought worn pins had created is just the normal needed for the press operation I guess. Thankfully the other pins didn't cost a lot, but it was annoying to rip everything apart and discover the difference. But the press is back together and working great, better than after my rip apart I two weeks ago. Not sure what is different, but it's running better. Strangeness.
  15. How would the primer launch the pin? I don't think it puts out enough force to do so in that situation.
  16. So, 5/8 isn't the correct length apparently, measuring the ones from my 1050 gives me 25/32 or 0.7890 or 20.07mm,so the dowel pins my local supplier got are all too short by a long margin. Awesome. Oh, and they were special order too, so no returns.
  17. I think it would be quicker to change a press out on my MK7 then to do a caliber change. I think maybe 10 minutes to swap a machine in, less if I had it already setup with a drive sprocket.
  18. I've got a MK7, love it. Been playing with it for a few days now. Not sure why they didn't just wire the primer sensor directly to a Dillon low primer sensor, same with low powder.
  19. better than the salad spinner is one of the dedicated enclosed media separators, RCBS, Frankford Arsenal all make them.
  20. That's a new one for me, but then again I just spray Hornady One Shot over everything anyhow, so my cases are lubed inside and out...
  21. I use either, bright sun, fireplace and a fan or the oven to dry mine. Just wondering about the Turtle wax though. Why the wax?
  22. I have Pro 2000 RCBS that I still use for 40 and 50AE plus some other stuff. It works great, love the primer strip, I'd say it's a good alternative to a 550. But probably not a 650, and my Pro is a manual index one too.
  23. So I received some bullets to test out of my 308's. Problem is I've never loaded bullets with the canelure groove before. I have no idea what to do honestly. I use Redding Competition dies for my match ammo out of my TRG22. These new bullets are 147gr CamPro. I am used to 155 and 168gr bullets so this all new to me. Any tips? I'm guessing that using my bushing die isn't going to cut it with these bullets?
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