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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. Thanks for taking her in. Dumping dogs is a national pastime.... I still recall the time I stopped on my motorcycle on an expressway because a dog was running along the side. I dismounted and the dog ran to me and put her head in my lap. A while later, a nice lady who worked at a dog groomer shop stopped and took the dog (she knew I couldn't haul her on my bike). It was a female dog, maybe five years old, who had just had a litter and was dumped for it. She still had her collar on and the tags which were there on the collar had been clipped with diagonal pliers to prevent identifying her owner... the lazy SOB didn't take her collar off, just clipped the tags and left the metal hooks attached to the collar then dumped her onto the road. I like to hope there's a special front row seat on the express bus to hell for such people.
  2. You are also grinding on the edges of the ejector star. Be careful not to shear the tiny pins that project into the cylinder (on the old ones).... I assume you must secure the star well before maching the chamfer.
  3. The hippies before they were called hippies were beatniks..... and the adults who were offended by them basically classified a beatnik as a "bum with sunglasses". Every generation had it's non conformists.... at least the hippies had some fun while they were at it.
  4. Free love. Now that same love will cost you about $300.
  5. Nickel metal hydride batteries don't have the toxic stuff in them that other batteries do (like Nickel cadmium or the standrad lead-acid batteries in ever regular car). Given the life theya re getting out of the battery packs, it looks like the "toxic footprint" of the hybrid batterries will be less than the standard lead acid battery a car eats about every 40k miles.
  6. I used to be a hippie.... it was a great way to meet cute girls who never wore underwear or bras...... There will never be times like those again. As for hybrids: they promise much and deliver little, but are a step in the right direction. I'm a former hippy too, after I reformed and started bathing and experimenting with sobriety, I found a much better class of cuties out there! Those days are gone for sure! But hell I barely remember them anyway. Robin Sober women are a lot harder to fool...
  7. Actually, hybrid sales are negligible. car makers are putting a "green" image out for PR, but look at what they are producing (and what people are buying) and it's still gas hogs that dominate. Toyota, the leader in hybrids, sold a whopping 23k in a year. With maybe 100 million drivers in the US, that doesn't exactly make much of a splash....
  8. The toyota battery packs have been using nickel-metal hydride batteries unless they recently changed over. I wasn't aware anybody was using Lithium-Ion or Lithium polymer (yet) because of the many tchnological problems using them. I am amazed at the durability Toyota seems to be getting out of their batteries, as they are the same basic technology as the throw away junk put into cell phones and laptops that usually crash after about 12 to 18 months. BTW: I worked with one of the companies developing Lithium polymer technology for high density battery applications like powering autos. The battery chemistry is such that they are horrifically sensitive to overcharge, overdischarge, and they are time bombs: they have enough energy to get hot and explode if they develop internal shorts. That company stonewalled against the unsolvable tech problems of the chemistry and went bankrupt. I have my doubts about Li suitability for use in cars, but maybe someday....
  9. I used to be a hippie.... it was a great way to meet cute girls who never wore underwear or bras...... There will never be times like those again. As for hybrids: they promise much and deliver little, but are a step in the right direction.
  10. And how amazing and rare it is these days to find people concerned with others and willing to do something about it. If only we had a word full of such people.
  11. Because it hasn't reached $100 yet. That will be a bell weather...
  12. I think it's quiet because we should have all realized by now that it doesn't matter whether oil is $90 barrel or $.09 a barrel, gas oline is never going back below around $2.50. Big Oil gave us a test run: they hiked the price of gas above $3 and NOBODY cut back on their consumption...... and $3 is where it has been ever since, regardless of crude price. get used to it.
  13. Ah.... "Simon Cowell" syndrome.
  14. That's awful..... pancreatic cancer and lung cancer are the worst. maybe he will be one of the ones who beats it.
  15. An exact remake of the original. That's the problem. They needed to give it something new to sell it. I would have made the bionic limbs technology found in a crashed space ship, and after implanting them she starts seeing images of landscape from a foreign planet in her mind..... and she starts acting randomly evil because the alien was a space warrior programmed to kill the enemy in it's DNA coding. They pay people millions to come up with ideas: how come this show doesn't have any?
  16. Are you watching the same show I am? Yep. BTW, that was my wife's comment but I agree. IMHO, her face is pretty skanky compared to what we expect to see in such programs. Look at the show "Charmed" (eye candy for guys) and the show "Supernatural" (eye candy for women). The leads have to be smoking hot, it's a fantasy show. remeber "Mutant X" show? The babes on that were totally smoking.
  17. Bullseye. Way too much going on, nobody could believe it was possible.... too much back story.
  18. +1 I think it'll be like Dark Angel kinda fun but quickly tedious At the risk of sounding like a guy..... jessica Alba is way hot. She was smoking on that show dark Angel. The babe on Bionic Woman looks like the girl in high school who drank too much because she wasn't very pretty and got mean when she drank. I suppose being a guy, I like my superhero babes to be fanatsy-hot, not working-at-Starbucks mediocre.
  19. I thought the new bionic woman would be a cool show.... but it just doesn't do it for me. The woman who plays the lead is really not very impressive on any level, and the story was convoluted and dumb. her acting is totally robotic..... method acting? What's worse... as my wife observed: "She's really not very attractive." The show seems to confused with the evil subplot crap, and built around finding excuses for her to beat people up. Too bad..... I was kind of hoping NBC had a cool new show. Just not feeling it.
  20. The first time I looked at the design of my G35 striker, my mechanical engineering degree screamed: "WRONG!" The way that thin edge hangs out there on the tip is a real design flaw. They could do much better.
  21. There is an optimum FR sight width for each person depending on barrel length and your personal preferences. Most people will shoot better with a front blade in the 0.100" to 0.110" range. YMMV Most stock front sights are too wide. I recall the SIGs are about .145 and I think the SW revo front sights are around .125 - .130. I have narrowed most of my F sights including the revos.
  22. You are right. There is so much momentum in the forward direction it will drive the car right over the tread of the tires (including if the brakes are on).
  23. So true. I've ridden a motorcycle in kali so long that whenever I am stopped waiting to turn left, I just stare into the rear view mirror watching for cars coming up. On more than a few occasions I have seen cars coming on at speeds I knew they could not stop from, and I just burned rubber and drove off (straight) down the road.
  24. And taller and better looking!
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