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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. True that. In many posts I have seen, they "confiscate" the aftermarket parts and don't return them.
  2. Exactly. You are the owner and are free to install te springer parts, but I would definitely look closely and see if there is a problem. Since SA apparrently installed stock parts without charging you (?) it doesn't sound like they had a motive to lie about it. The gun must have failed a safety test of some kind.
  3. Going down to 2.5 really needs a gunsmith's attention IMHO.
  4. I would check it with calipers. On my 16-40, I found out (the hard way) that the recoil rod and reverse bushing were non standard size for no reason I can fathom.
  5. We got burned by one back when we refinanced our house. You pay the "initial fees" and get a rate lock that's good for 30 days.... and if interest rates are rising, the mortgage company just sits on the paperwork until the 30 day lock expires forcing you to rewrite the loan at the higher interest rate. It's a scam that was burning so many people the California attorney general investigated but nobody did anything about it. We ended up forfeiting our $500 loan fee and going to a different broker.
  6. Exactly. People say they are going to fix all the things then they walk away from the house and leave it as a POJ that they can't sell and they have to eat the loss.
  7. Always cheaper to buy a good used gun than to fit a new top end.
  8. Wonder why the barrel looks like it has acne? Pretty rough looking.
  9. The .40 case diameter won't fit the cutout in the breech face. The extractor would also probably be in the wrong place. You would need a .40 top end (slide and barrel) or to have the 9mm slide machined to the .40 specs but that may not be possible.
  10. Back when I bought my 92 (1995) the D spring was the same spring type as standard but was about 0.35" shorter. So you could make a D by shortening the stock spring. I did on mine (cut the stock spring by 0.35" as I recall). Later, I read they went to a lighter spring type of same length (?) At any rate, the standard is a 20# spring so a 16# spring should be about the same as a D spring. Even with a D spring, the DA pull is going to be heavy. I think it will be in the 8 -9# ballpark even with polishing. Going lighter can cause misfires. If you are going to cut stock springs, you want to reduce by not more than about 20%. You have to know how much the spring compresses from free length including "pre load" of installing. Take the compressed length and reduce the spring length 20% of that.
  11. magazine has to be dragging on the trigger bow. Close inspect and you can probably see where it's rubbing.
  12. I am no expert on Aftec, but for standard extractors the 40/45 are one kind and the 9mm/38S is the other kind. The tip on the 9/38 "reaches in" farther. That said, Aftec shows a different part number for every caliber. Any code stamped on them? http://www.speedshooter.com/product_detail.cfm?id=KD7-Extractor&n=AFTEC-Advanced-Competition-Extractor
  13. The problem is the internet is a garbage dump that never gets cleaned up. People put crap like that up on a page and then leave it and people are always "discovering" it like it was new. That keeps the wave moving. Depends on which conspiracy. No doubt they were hijacked but the actual facts of the case have never been fully disclosed. Some of the doubt about the government's story started when it became known that they helped many Saudi royals (some in Bin Laden's family) flee the country after the attacks. Saudi Arabia was at that time the #1 state sponsor of terrorism in the world (probably still is) and there has been a long tradition of our government covering up that fact for the sake of undisturbed relations with our oil supplier. Some of the conspiracy theories are ridiculous but I think there is no doubt that much of the truth about the incident was covered up.
  14. How did they get the gun onto the approved list? Is this SSE exempt from the list? That's always been the problem. Makers like STI pulled out of Kali because EVERY single gun model has to be submitted for approval (I believe three units) which are destroyed after testing. You pay the state to perform the testing (I thought it was like $50k?) And you have to keep paying every year to "renew" the listing on the approved list. It is so expensive that makers of quality weapons like STI, Wilson etc typically won't waste the money to qualify many (if any) of their models. For a while, STI had no legal guns on the list.
  15. I assume they are soft to prevent cracking (?)
  16. Bending the spring is how I adjust pull weight, I always leave the strain screws unmolested.
  17. Older smiths had alignment pins between the ejector star and cylinder which kept them pretty tight together, but newer guns use a cheaper design. It relies on the brass to hold the star well aligned to the cylinder so carry up tests have to be done with brass in place. I will say this: with fired brass in tubes, I would repeat the test on the questionable cylinder while applying a very slight drag on the front cylinder face with a finger tip and make sure that tube carries up which simulates the greater load the cylinder will have carrying loaded rounds. If not, it might need fixing. I am always suspicious when a new gun shows up with a problem only on one cylinder position.
  18. Hence the reason I don't shave the tips of strain screws to "tune" trigger pulls. You get it just right and later after the tip wears slightly, you have misfires and need a new strain screw.
  19. Obvious guess: not making enough $$$ to justify it's existence. Always been too little "price gap" up to the Trojan which is (or was) a hand fitted gun which is a lot better for the money. Anyway, whenever a product gets dropped it's usually because of sales.
  20. It drives me nuts. Here in the Bay area you spend so much time gridlocked in bumper to bumper traffic, when the road is clear it's a crime against nature to get those morons in the left lane going five miles under the limit, forcing traffic to funnel by on the right. I swear I sometimes wish I could take a tire iron to their windshield. It's really bad on I-5 which is a two lane "freeway" speed limit 70 because the trucks block the right lane continuously and so if you get one nervous nellie in a car they cruise in the left lane going 60 mph and block traffic back for miles. I have always said their should be two different driver's license tests and licenses: one for city streets and one for freeway. Most of these people would fail the latter.
  21. That article makes no logical sense. It throws out a scenario where you use the firearm in self defense and then immediately says: "A lawyer could throw out the idea that, had you maintained the stock trigger pull of 6 lbs, you may have had time to stop yourself from pulling the trigger before it hit it’s break."????? If it's a legal self defense scenario why would you not want the trigger to break? That's kind of the whole purpose of pulling the trigger in the first place? Except that under stress, most people (including LE's) crank off a ton of shots at machine gun rate precisely because of the threat to their life. Understand that this is a liability at a CIVIL trial, not criminal, where proof is preponderance of evidence (50.001%) not beyond reasonable doubt. The lawyer will be whining about "Why did he have to shoot him (insert any number greater than one) times?" The poor boy never had a chance......... With a stock trigger, the result and incident probably would have gone the same way, but having a "hair trigger" gives him a lever to claim that the user wouldn't have fired so many times and the person would still be alive. facts irrelevant. The other issue in civil trials is: Compassion verdicts: where juries basically ignore the facts and say: Let's give the poor plaintiff a couple of million for his suffering, after all it's the insurance company who has to pay so nobody gets hurt. Happens in medical malpractice suits nearly all the time. The other thing is: if the gun is stock, the award would be directed at the gun maker and not you since you have the valid claim you were using the product exactly as designed. But "tamper" with it in a way that makes it more likely to go off and the gun maker is off the hook leaving just you. The lawyer would much rather the gun maker be on the hook because he has deepest pockets. My point is: I have plenty of guns, more than enough to keep three of them stock for defense so I don't have to be dumb enough to give a lawyer something he can hammer me with in court.
  22. Not in a Free State, must be a California thing! That's funny..... a joke about somebody getting a CCW permit in california. Actually there are quite a number of permits in California, considering it is a may issue state, not shall issue. However San Francisco and LA county are pretty much not just may, but have been for a very long time, may not! Standards vary from county to county, same as with PD to PD (the few that issue). Some agencies interview your neighbors and you employer, some not, some want the gun registered to you, some not, some run 'shrink wraps', some not. Qualifications are all over the map. Some list 6 guns, some 3. If you move into another county, it starts all over again. There are tons of rules in CA, but we go by them. I know, I've lived in nor cal for 52 years. There are a few counties in the state who issue, in nor cal it's basically non existent.
  23. Not in a Free State, must be a California thing! That's funny..... a joke about somebody getting a CCW permit in california.
  24. This is a question that comes up and always goes along the same lines: 1) Somebody points out it's generally a dumb idea to modify any duty/defense gun to make the trigger pull lighter becase it opens up the owner to civil liability. 2) The next guy says that the only "legal issue" is whether the shooting was justified (ie, shooter's life threatened) and the trigger doesn't matter. And it generally goes downhill from there. My opinion, which applies to all my defense guns: they are polished and blueprinted, triggers are clean and sharp breaking, but all springs and trigger pull weights are in the factory stock range. The reason is, I have known lawyers, I know how many lawyers are out of work and looking for any frivolous lawsuit to file (watch daytime TV, every third commercial is for a class action lawsuit of some kind). And my philosophy of life is simply: it's tough enough, why make it harder by being stupid? And giving some sheister the chance to scream "HAIR TRIGGER!" in front of twelve dozing morons who know as much about guns as an earthworm knows about brain surgery is definitely dumb. It astonishes me that people sometimes think what happens in court has any bearing on truth, common sense, or even reality. Remember the people judging the case were the twelve people who couldn't come up with an excuse to get out of jury duty. My wife had three county employees who drug her and the county through a ridiculous lawsuit and ended up ringing the cash register after about five years of wasted legal procedures.
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