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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. File the claim with your insurance carrier and than that forces them to chase the other knothead to get their money and you are out of the loop.
  2. Fascinating. How exactly does that work? When a round is stripped out of the magazine, in order for it to slide up under the extractor hook, doesn't the opposite (left) side of the rim have to ride up the left wall of the breech? A .40 upper would allow a 9mm round to shift to the left until it contacts the breech wall which would put the round off center for feeding and also during extraction wouldn't it? In other words, a .40 round in a .40 gun centers between the breech wall on the left and the extractor on the right, which centers it on the barrel. The bore of the barrel throat actually aligns the round to the breech face in battery so if there is too much clearance around the rim (as is the case with a 9mm round on a 40 slide) that centers it. As it pulls out of battery, you lose that effect and so the case gets loose and can slip the extractor. On guns where this happens, many will still cycle and extract most of the time but not 100%.
  3. You can bend the extractor so it applies enough tension with the gun in battery because that "force centers" the round on the breech face. However, as the slide pulls out of battery, the tapered 9mm case allows it to become free and twist so you lose extractor tension. As stated previously, in guns where the extractor pivots under a spring load, the extractor can clamp the rim against the breech face as it pulls out and hold some tension but a stock 1911 extractor can't move far enough to do it.
  4. In general: 40 to 9mm conversion barrels can be dropped into SOME guns with relatively good reliability, but they are ones with pivoting extractors that have enough range of motion to accomodate the fact the 40 breech face will be about .020" larger than it should be for a 9mm. A 1911 has an extractor that is basically fixed position so it can't accomodate it with good extraction reliability.
  5. Wait until you get tens of thousands of charges for that vacation in Japan... you have never even been to.
  6. Welcome to the world of the single stack 9mm. The man who ever truly solves this problem will have found the holy grail.
  7. No doubt that higher pressure round would have more effect, question is how significant is the effect? Would be really easy to measure with a ransom rest type device which pivots and has a calibrated spring load so muzzle flip can be accurately measured. You would think companies who sell people this would offer that. If I buy an aftermarket exhaust system for my bike or car, I want to see dyno plots of it versus stock not a bunch of glowing anecdotal reviews about how much better it feels..... There is a huge difference in how a compensator works and ports alone. Felt recoil is reduced by generating a forward going force along the muzzle axis which offsets part of the recoil force. Period, it's that simple. In a compensator, the gas driving the round goes into the expansion chamber inside the compensator and slams into the front wall causing a forward force. The bullet is passing out at that time which blocks most of the hole at the front so the gas is restricted there. In ports, the only place that generates a forward going force is the leading edge of the port which the gas hits against as it is directed upwards. If you shoot a ported barrel, the dirt and garbage accumulates there. Point is, that effect is significantly less effective than the compensator. The "jet gas" effect pushing down on the muzzle to reduce muzzle flip? There is some, but again is hardly anything in the 9mm or 40 barrels I tested. In super high pressure rounds maybe, still doubt it is much. Would be easy to test if they want to do it. Gas pressure just isn't much compared to recoil pressure. Semis that fire blanks have to use gas restrictors with a small orifice to generate enough back pressure to cycle the action. Shoot some blanks out a revolver and compare the recoil to live ammo and see what "jet power" does.
  8. Seen the same. The older Mec Gars had followers that were stamped steel so I could tweak the follower "foot" as needed to engage the SS tab. However, the new mags had MIM followers that shatter if you try to bend them. The problem has to be either the follower foot or the slide stop tab. Make sure you have a 9mm slide stop, the .45 one has a smaller tab on it.
  9. I hear you. And my wife just built her "dream retirement home" in Louisiana. It's her money, so I guess that's her way of saying she's leaving me.
  10. I just figured their spyware tracked what you looked at and bought based on your IP address.
  11. Had to laugh. I was looking for a pencil drawer to put on my desk and (as always) I went to Amazon to use their search to find things I want before going elsewhere to buy it. THE JOKE: Amazon has the "Free Shipping on $35 or More" thing and guess what the price of the item was? $34.99 I'm sure that was a COINCIDENCE..... Just for laughs I put it into the cart and when I looked at cart contents, Amazon is putting up messages that I can get the free shipping if I buy another "eligible item"......
  12. You're probably right on that. My main warning was about how Amazon loudly announces some "SUPER SALE" and then jacks prices up on everything assuming people are too dumb to realize they are being had. Truth is you will get the best prices during "quiet" times and stay away from holiday or "sales" events.
  13. Nice.. thanks I think the sales tax thing is going beyond companies with just a presence in that state now.. You are correct. And it's illegal for state's to "regulate" interstate commerce which is why I boycott Amazon. I have not tracked what (if any) court cases have upheld or have not, just pointing out that sales tax is a state incarnation and state's have no jurisdiction to try to tax interstate sales. But some do and I boycott them. If the federal government imposes a tax on interstate sales I will shut up and pay it but they have not. The states are just stealing money that isn't theirs and they can affix their lips to my skinny Irish backside because I'm not paying it.. As for why I say this tax is illegal: Many "affiliates"? It has warehouses that they keep stuff in to reduce the cost of shipping across the country and shorten response times.
  14. The much ballyhooed Prime Day landed with a thud. http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/garage-sale-disappointed-amazon-shoppers-slam-prime-day-n392476 Besides all that, there are a few things I learned the hard way. 1) Amazon dumps spyware into your computer to track what you are looking at. Go there and look at stuff and then watch as it shows up on all the sites you visit afterwards. Why it matters? Amazon also does "regional pricing" which is a fancy name for tracking what you look at and jacking the prices up on it and related items. I remember looking at a watch that started at $68 and after checking the price a few times, I noticed it kept going up..... on my computer. Check the price on my sister's computer and it's still the "base" price on hers. Watch out for that. 2) Sales? Scamazon loves people who don't comparison shop or have no memory. Still looking at watches, was tracking one that based at about $70. I figure I'll be smart and buy it on their big "Black Friday" sale.... by which time it was up to $90. So I'll wait until the big after Christmas sale..... where the "SALE PRICE" was $110. A few months later I bought it for $60. Their "sales" are where they discount a few things they want to dump and jack up everything else. 3) Amazon Prime was a total rip off for me. Free shipping? Well, no.... I look at a two pack of bulbs for my garage light and there are four sources: the two that DON'T have the "free shipping" price it at $6 and the two that have "Free Shipping" price it at $14. Wait a minute....... you don't suppose they are putting the shipping in the price? And the point is the "prime" is just an upgrade to faster shipping on items that EVERYBODY gets free shipping on anyway. For $100 a year? No thanks. 4) SALES TAX. My personal favorite and the reason I permanently boycott Amazon. If you live in california (and possibly some other states) Amazon takes part in an illegal extortion racket where they collect sales tax from you on an inter-state transaction.... and that's 9.5% here. That is not to say Amazon is useless: I always use them to search for products then go anyplace else and buy them even including paying more like I did on the subwoofer I just bought.
  15. For the record, I grabbed one of the images from the video showing the "difference" in the case of a SW 357 revolver that is magnaported. First, notice he holds the "non port" gun higher to begin with to make it look like it flips more. I froze the image at the top then put in two parallel lines. The lower one goes through the center of the crane tube at the front of the cylinder and the other just touches the top of the front sight. If that's a 35% reduction in muzzle rise, I have a bridge I want to sell you. Maybe 10%, but such a small difference could be from grip or wrist pre load etc.
  16. Jerry Mikulek claims a 35% reduction in muzzle rise with magnaported barrels, does not make claim on recoil. I have personally never seen any significant effect with any of my ported barrels, but they are not magnaported (just ported) if there is any difference, I don't know. Some opinions from people who don't speak for the company: http://smith-wessonforum.com/s-w-smithing/206243-mag-na-port-recoil-reducing-porting.html http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=487482 http://www.californiapredatorsclub.com/index.php?showtopic=14051
  17. With all the mass made brands, most of them are OK but some of them have built in problems. Nothing inherently wrong with Kimber that I know of, but all mass made guns hammer them together and quality is spotty. That's the reason I own one Para (mass made) and two STI Trojans (fitted) 1911's. The Para was my learning curve. The STI's will run about $300 - $400 more than a Kimber, Colt, Para, SA and the rest, but you get a lot more than that in improved quality IMHO.
  18. Does sound like the DA sear isn't fitted right. That is a fitted part. The Kuhnhausen manual has a good write up on how to fit it.
  19. I use a hardwood dowel for a squib stick. Less chance of gouging the barrel. Kroil will probably help. I open the cylinder and grap the top strap and hold the stick in the barrel end then smack the whole thing straight down onto a concrete floor.
  20. Looks like might be some kind of flame erosion if the gas is somehow blowing by the primer seal? I have never seen that either.
  21. SW caved in and got scared that the government was going to start "regulating" guns so they started putting in lawyer proofing features before they were required.
  22. That's actually why I tend to not watch any new shows..... you know they are going to get dumped and so why bother.
  23. I wasn't knocking springer parts: I have their trigger rod and sear in my XD Tactical, performance is excellent. But, I do recall the trigger rod initially had a problem where it could cause the sear to bind if pulled too hard and it took some fitting.
  24. Do I need to bend it bankwards or away from the sear? seriously, have a gunsmith perform a trigger job. leafspring tension is to fine tune the trigger job and you can easily go on full auto mode if you are not careful. He speaks the truth. Screwing with the sear spring force without knowing how to set up a trigger can cause the gun to multiple fire. As for drop in trigger kits: if the pins in the frame are tight to tolerance, they can work well. If not, you need a gunsmith to cut the sear angles correctly.
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