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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. At night when you are watching TV. FYI, Tom Brokaw is pretty easy to hit but Katie Couric is shifty...... Put a target on the wall and shoot at it.
  2. That will save you a lot of headaches in the long run. Even changing ammo will make the point of impact go up and down. Adjustable sights are the way to go.
  3. If it only does it on one position of the clip, that pretty much proves the problem is associated with the clip or something that is happening to it.
  4. I generally do a "mandrel bend" (using a curved tube to bend against) on the upper 1/2 of the spring. I believe the Mikulek aftermarket springs use this method as well. I bend by feel and know what my ammo needs to light off. Bending does reduce the spring force (obviously) that's why you get a lighter DA pull. Changing hammers may require more spring force (or less) depending on mass and velocity to get the same striking energy.
  5. That's a song I hear over and over. Para's are like most production 1911's: some are decent, some are dogs. The piece parts are pretty much junk. I have a 1640 and the frame, slide and barrel are pretty solid. The list if things I had to fix on mine to get it to run would go off the page. Bottom line STI Trojan runs about $925 at dawson Precision. For what you get, nothing else even comes close.
  6. Last time I checked. TGO never shot anybody who was running a little too good.......
  7. That is my biggest issue. This company hired me and took the chance while the others wouldnt. Now that they know I am good the others want in. You should cash in on whatever you have to sell. Never confuse business acquantances with friends. Your company may have taken a gamble hiring you, but they would have dumped you in a trash bin if you had not produced quickly. never lie or be dishonest, but never be dumb enough to think they would hesitate to drop you like a hot rock if they needed to or had a more advantageous opportunity. Take it from an old goat who's been working 30 years. In the end, you trade your life for a small pile of cash. Don't ever fall in love with your employer, because I can absolutely guarantee they will never love you back.
  8. Most premium engine oils have various additives including viscosity enhancers. An oil labeled "10 -40" is actually 10W oil with viscosity enhancers that make it as thick as 40W oil at high temp. All additives break down eventually. Oil also gets acidic and fills up with various dirt and contaminants. The best conventional oil in existence is castrol GTX (learned that from MC racing which destroys oil quickly). However, any full synthetic oil is superior to conventional oil. If you use full syn and change your oil every 3000 - 4000 miles, you will never need any oil additive and your engine will outlive your car.
  9. Natchez Shooters Supply has the best prices I've seen.
  10. With all due respect to Mr Tiger, I don't think he is in the class of any of the great champions above. rather, he is gifted with great physical ability and cursed with a very poor attitude and mental game. He does not focus well and "mentally checks out" of a round when he blows a few shots. He will never be a consistent winning force the way Jack Nicklaus was in golf or Rob Leatham is in shooting. Champions don't whine or make excuses. I'd say TGO is more the Arnold Palmer of shooting because of his popularity among fans and competitors and his demeanor and attitude towards the game.
  11. Well, that part I agree with.... and if you lived in kalifornia, you would get a dose up close and personal. Out here, anybody who uses a gun in self defense (even in their own home) is going to be charged with a crime. That's a fact of life. Even though the charges probably will be eventually dropped, getting cuffed and booked and spending time wearing county orange is no fun for somebody who did nothing wrong. The fact that DA's (who all harbor fantasies of becoming governor) use their positions to push a political agenda pisses me off mopre than anything else. And as long as the majority of people here don't like guns, they will keep getting re-elected.
  12. On most forums there is a "report this post" button that gets them closed immediately. If that solution isn't attractive, the other option is to just set up one place for political discussion and tell the forum members to enter at your own risk..... anybody who doesn't want to hear it just passes it by.
  13. If you look at the half cock notch on some hammers, there is intentionally a "lip" at the front edge to help capture the tip of the sear. But even with that, it may still be possible to pull the trigger hard enough to get the sear to go by it and let the hammer fall. BTW, don't do it because you are dragging the sear face across that ridged edge which is not good for it. On some, there is no lip so the sear will pull easily by as you press the trigger. The half cock notch is simply required to catch the hammer as it falls, either due to a person "thumbing it down" carelessly or if the hammer sets on the full cock notch and gets "jarred loose" when the slide hits the frame going into battery (which can happen if the trigger job is screwed up). The latter is called hammer follow and is quite common. Without the half cock notch, it would cause full auto fire. Sounds like your gun is working OK.
  14. We'd love to hear the solution if you have one. "Nuke 'em all and let God sort them out" is not really a productive suggestion..... however, it is the exact mindest that the Islamic terrorists operate under with regards to others who believe differently from themselves. Now, there is something we agree on completely.
  15. I was going to say buy anything BUT Toshiba..... sounds like you already know that.
  16. I have replaced the struts on two cars. You need a long breaker bar and some very sturdy sockets to free up the bolts that hold them in the front assembly. I broke a socket cranking on one. You also have to be very careful about the handling of the hub assembly as you can easily damage the brake hoses. You will have to buy the clamp assemblies used to compress the springs to allow strut replacement.The front end will absolutely need to be re-aligned professionally after the struts are replaced because this alters the wheel alignment. Overall, considering how dangerous it is and how difficult it is, I would never try it again in a home garage. I was a lot younger and dumber 20 years ago...... PEP Boys has done good brake work for us, they are probably OK for struts. Check prices on struts and see if they will do a "carry in" or if you have to buy them there.
  17. I hear you. I bought a Chevy cavalier with an "unconditional" 3 year/36,000 mile BUMPER-TO-BUMPER warranty...... And the worthless Goodyear tires wore bald at 18,000 miles. Check on the internet revealed the goodyear Eagle SA's are not worth a crap, and everybody says the same. Go back to the dealer to find out the tires are not covered under the "bumper to bumper"warranty.... stupid me, thinking the wheels were located somewhere between the bumpers? Good old American quality..... ensuring that Toyota's expanding market share will accelerate at the expense of US-made cars.
  18. I take a pragmatic and (I hope) compassionate viewpoint: If the Bush admin wants to safeguard the Discount Slave Labor Force for the benefit of big business, I am actually OK with it: AS LONG AS THEY DON'T CONTINUE TO DUMP THE COST ON THE BORDER STATES. Out here in kali, we pay for the Medical, Bilingual education, AFDC, and all the other goodies they enjoy. I would say let them stay as long as the FED would re-imburse for those expenses out of general tax revenue which meant the cost was at least partially shared among other states. But there are those who claim they will do the jobs Americans won't do.... and that is a half-truth: the complete sentence is, "They will do the jobs Americans won't do FOR $3 AN HOUR." There are also those who claim having this slave labor force "invigorates" the economy and actually results in a net benefit to it in tax revenue..... and they can claim this lie with a straight face because there is no way to accurately measure the cost of these workers to the local systems because they are (by definition) undocumented and not accurately measured. Bottom line, I say register them as guest workers and then make the Fed start picking up their tab for services. We would instantly see the true cost of this blessing to Wal-Mart and the Roofing Industry..... and then the debate would be based on facts, not blathering rhetoric laced with accusations of racism.
  19. Polish the hell out of the front face of the "foot" on the striker that engages the trigger bar. The trigger bar lip drags across that as the trigger is pulled to release the striker. Problem is, I'm not sure titanium can be polished as smooth as steel (?) Also, polish the edge on the trigger bar that engages this foot. The top edge of the trigger bar that rides against the lip on the disconnector needs polishing, as well as the faces of the disconnector that rub against the trigger bar (an the corresponding faces of the trigger bar). Might be something I missed from memory, those are the main spots.
  20. Exactly. Remember, even Christ fell short being in the flesh. When He prayed in the garden the night before He was to be taken to die, He asked God to "Let this cup pass away from me." In other words, He asked to be taken off the hook because his flesh body was afraid of the suffering it was about to go through. When He returned and saw the disciples sleeping, He said: "The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak." a comment that applied to both the disciples and to Himself. It applies to all of us. Same here. Now I just refer to them as christians with a lower case "c" to differentiate them from actual Christians. Christ warned: "Many will come in my name and will deceive many." He was right, not everybody who calls themselves a Christian actually is one.
  21. They scare me, because they are being pretty successful both here and in Europe at getting idiots to buy into their white supremacy crap. I don't know what the solution is, I recall I read that one of the countries over their (Austria or Germany?) actually passed a law making it illegal for them to hold rallies. I'm a big believer in freedom of speech, but these guys and the KKK always make me wish I had a MUTE button...... Yes, they are a disgrace to all true Christians. One of the pack of lies they try to sell is that all the "infererior" (in their minds) races are the descendants of Cain (the guy who killed his brother Abel), and so are cursed by God.The only defense against these guys is to call them for what they are and keep shining the light on them. Cockroaches breed fastest in dark places..... Nazism (both the original and new form) was certainly hate-based, but was not at all about self-loathing. It was about focusing blame for all of germany's problems onto a specific ethnic group who were generally hated to begin with. Scape goating is a time tested method for getting the sheeple to support a specific group or party. The new nazi's run on the same fuel: blame all of the world's problems on "inferior" groups who are dragging down society.... it's the same song, just a new chorus. The most powerful statement is to organize a counter march with a lot more people than they could muster. The Nazis get media coverage, and so will you. Standing quietly by does nothing, peaceful protest sends a clear message that they are in the minority and always will be. For the record, the reason neo-nazis bug me so much is not their rallies, but the widespread support they have among mainstream individuals. Do a net search and find out what Mel Gibson's (yes, THAT Mel Gibson) father had to say about the Nazis and the holocaust. Nazis are everywhere, and people who admire them are everywhere.... you can also do a net search and find out wht Arnold Schwarzenegger has said in the past about the nazis. The only thing evil requires to win is that good people remain silent.
  22. I don't know...... history teaches us that putting names on a list is the first step towards rounding them all up! I cracked up at the comedian on jay Leno who said the reason Dick Cheney's approval rating is so low is because he had a loaded gun and a clear shot at a lawyer but couldn't get him....... Just kidding. Actually, I'd like to see a reference to a compilation of the various state's gun laws..... would be useful in selecting a new home when I leave the Empire of Nazifornia.
  23. Always comforting to see the wizards re-enforcing something I stumbled on to by accident a while back.... thumbs off the gun, scores go up. Feels wierd, looks funny..... but the scores still go up.
  24. pardon me for being skeptical, but who are you and do have a web site.plus no one answered my question. Sellier and Belott makes pretty good (and cheap) new 180-gr FMJ .40 ammo. I shot it by the ton, try Natchez Shooter's Supply for good prices. The cost of ammo has been spiking in the last couple of months because of fuel gouging, so I don't know the exact price. I used to be able to get it for about $150 - $160/1000, but it's probably higher now.American eagle and Blazer are pretty decent cheap ammo, I hve shot UMC and it was OK but really loaded up my barrel with filth. As for making major, I have read that Wnchester 180 gr makes it but you would need to verify that in your gun. That's a GREAT deal. With fuel costs spiking, shipping charges on ammo have been going up as well. You will probably pay at least $25 - $30 shipping for a case of .40 ammo from most web places, so that means the true cost is $160. I don't know anybody beating that these days.
  25. I point my thunbs forward but about 10 degrees off axis to make sure they stay off the frame. The first time I tried it, the grip felt wierd and "wobbly" but very quickly I was shooting better groups because it forces me to grip with the fingers as we need to do. If the thumbs apply pressure on the left side of the frame, the right hand has to apply a counter force typically with the base knuckle of the trigger finger. As you pull the trigger, that pressure varies and the gun shifts position. That's why you should keep the thumbs off the frame. Actually, Brian Enos is one of many who have said the thumbs need to be off the frame. The original posetr said: He isn't happy with it.
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